
  • 网络the medici family;House of Medici
  1. 他目前正在演Netflix的《美第奇家族》,而与他演对手戏的是《权游》的前演员理查德·麦顿(史塔克家的大哥)。

    He is currently shooting Netflix 's Medici , opposite Game of Thrones grad Richard Madden .

  2. 他们的地位越来越逼近14世纪开始统治佛罗伦萨的美第奇家族(houseofmedici)。

    They are increasingly the equivalent of the house of Medici , the family that came to dominate Florence from the 14th century .

  3. 多亏了美第奇家族(Medicis)这类资助者的资助,过去佛罗伦萨的艺术家层出不穷。

    Florentine artists thrived thanks to patrons such as the Medicis .

  4. 这处宅邸从璞琪家族15世纪担任美第奇家族(Medicis)的政治顾问起就为其所有,拥有波提切利(Botticelli)及其他绘画大师的珍贵画作,也是一座画室、精品店以及公司总部的所在地。

    Owned by the family since they were political advisers to the Medicis in the 1400s , the palace boasts precious paintings by Botticelli and other Old Masters , as well as an atelier , boutique and company headquarters .

  5. 论美第奇家族对意大利文艺复兴的贡献

    On the Contribution of the Medici Family to the Italian Renaissance

  6. 论文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨城的美第奇家族

    Analysis for Florence Medici Family during the Renaissance

  7. 本文基于这样一个观点来探讨文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的美第奇家族。

    Based on such a point of view to analysis the Florence Medici family during the Renaissance .

  8. 确实,正如蒂姆帕克斯所写的那样:“美第奇家族在银行实务方面什么也没发明。”

    Indeed , as Tim parks has written : " the Medici invented nothing in banking practice . "

  9. 在中国儒家视域下解读罗尔斯顿环境伦理学论文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨城的美第奇家族

    An Interpretation on Rolston from the Perspective of Traditional Confucianism ; Analysis for Florence Medici Family during the Renaissance

  10. 美第奇家族成员不只是聪明、有钱、冷酷、势力强大,而且是个功能严重紊乱的家族。

    The Medici were not just brilliant , wealthy , ruthless and powerful ; they were a seriously dysfunctional family .

  11. 诸如美第奇家族这样的富商、银行家利用其资金确保了精美艺术品的创作。

    Merchants and bankers , such as the Medicis , used their money to ensure the creation of the finest artefacts .

  12. 美第奇家族银行始建于1397年,甚至比圣乔治银行的创立还要早,1494年倒闭。

    The Medici family bank was founded even before the Banco di San Giorgio , in 1397 , and it collapsed in 1494 .

  13. 因此我们可以说,没有佛罗伦萨就没有美第奇家族的成就;没有美第奇家族,佛罗伦萨不会如此光辉。

    Consequently , the Medici family could not gain such achievement without Florence ; meanwhile Florence could not be so splendid without the Medici family .

  14. 当然,费罗尼错误地认为,在盎格鲁-撒克逊世界,人们普遍认为美第奇家族是意大利银行和金融业的顶峰。

    The Medici are generally regarded , certainly and , Felloni argues , mistakenly in the Anglo-Saxon world , as the summit of Italian achievement in banking and finance .

  15. 美第奇银行鼎盛了将近一个世纪,直到1494年美第奇家族被从执政权位上赶了下来之后才垮台。

    The Medici bank was supreme for almost a century , till its collapse in 1494 when the family was ousted from political power .