
  1. 你的美的创造上蒙着泪雾。

    Over your creations of beauty there is the mist of tears .

  2. 地域文化与城市美的创造&兼论当代中国城市美学问题

    Regional Culture and Creation of City Beauty & Contemporary Urban Aesthetics of China

  3. 所以,美的创造和欣赏从根本上说来是人的自我欣赏。

    So , basically , the creation and enjoyment is man 's self enjoyment .

  4. 试论体育器材与体育美的创造

    On Sports Equipment and Creation of Sports Aesthetics

  5. 谈二胡音色美的创造

    On Creation of Exquisite Timbre in Playing Erhu

  6. 通常把美的创造表述为审美意识的物化。

    The creation of beauty is usually stated as the materialization of aesthetic consciousness .

  7. 论城市特色美的创造

    Creation of the characteristic beauty of urban

  8. 语文教材中的文学作品,本身就是美的创造与结晶。它们用美的语言塑造出美的形象,创造出美的境界。

    Language teaching in the literature itself is the creation of the beauty and crystallization .

  9. 生命意识与美的创造&谈张竞生的生命美学思想

    Consciousness of Life and Creation of Beauty

  10. 这种形式美的创造及获得,是以功能美的缺失为代价的。

    This creation and acquisition of formal beauty is at the expense of functional beauty .

  11. 第二,美的创造和欣赏是一种趋功利的活动。

    The creation and enjoyment of beauty is a kind of tending towards utility action .

  12. 试论意境美的创造规律

    Artistic Conception Beauty : Creative Law

  13. 陶艺中缺陷美的创造

    Creating Imperfect Beauty in Pottery Art

  14. 在教育美学的视野里,教育自身的美的创造和表现是无处不在的。

    From the perspective of educational aesthetics , the creation and representation of educational beauty is everywhere .

  15. 形式美的创造则应遵循变化统一与化繁为简的基本法则。

    The creation of formal beauty should follow the basic law of variety , unity and simplification .

  16. 教学美的创造过程虽然复杂,但并非不可认识。

    The creative process of the Aesthetics of Teaching and Learning is complex , but not unknowable .

  17. 美的创造过程就是审美实践意象的观念建构和物化过程。

    The creative process of beauty is that of conceptual construction and that of materialization of the aesthetic practical image .

  18. 对舞蹈艺术来说,意境美的创造是其审美追求的一种境界,是舞蹈的灵魂。

    For dancing art , the creation of beauty of artistic conception is the aesthetic goal and the soul of dancing .

  19. 美的创造是实施美育的前提,还要通过建设、保存和研究三个层次实施美育。

    The creation of beauty is the prerequisite of implementing aesthetic education from three levels , construction , preservation and research .

  20. 演讲是语言的艺术,演讲语言运用的过程是一种美的创造过程。

    Speech is the art of a language , and the process of applying the language of speech is a process of creating beauty .

  21. 本文通过对诗人醉酒现象的分析,认为诗人醉酒有助于诗歌作品模糊美的创造,而具有模糊美品质的诗歌总是张力十足、引力无限的。

    This paper analyzes this phenomenon and finds that intoxication contributes to the creation of fuzzy beauty and the infinite interest of the poetry .

  22. 深刻认识城市艺术在于新旧整体和谐,探索新建筑和谐美的创造。

    To deeply recognize urban art lies in the harmony of old and new and create the beauty brought by the harmony of ancient and new buildings .

  23. 广告美的创造和接受普遍是以文化的样式出现并发生作用的,广告因此成了审美文化的重要组成部分。

    The creativity and popular acceptance of the advertisement beauty appear and have the effect in the format of format . Therefore , advertisement is the important part of aesthetic culture .

  24. 科学与文化凝聚了人的合目的性和合规律性以及自由的美的创造,是蕴涵真善美的统一,它们的每一步的发展和创新,都离不开怀疑和批判的环节。

    Science and culture are the unity of the true , the good and the beautiful . Their progress and innovation have never departed from the tache of doubt and animadvert .

  25. 长期与山水自然为伍以及山水艺术美的创造活动又会使山水画家的人格特征得到进一步强化。

    In addition , with a long-term companionship of mountains and rivers , the professional personality characteristics of landscape painters are strengthened in their creation of the art beauty of mountains and rivers .

  26. 第二,文学创作本身作为一种美的创造为的是人&文学的崇高使命就是为了减轻人类的精神痛苦。

    Secondly , the literature creation itself , as the creation of beauty , is for the human beings & the lofty mission of literature is to reduce thye spiritual sufferings of human beings ;

  27. 第二是从应用生理学的角度研究人的生理状况与美的创造之间的关系,以及美和艺术所引起的人的生理反应,并以这种反应为评判艺术与美的标准。

    A study of the relationship between human physiology and creation of beauty from the angle of applied physiology and human physiological response to beauty and art , so as to make this response the standards to evaluate art and beauty .

  28. 因此,致力于美的创造与享受,可说是严肃的事并不见得是逃避现实的手段,有时反倒是抓住现实的手段,在一切都分解为

    To devote yourself to the creation and enjoyment of beauty , then , can be a serious business-not always necessarily a means of escaping reality , but sometimes a means of holding on to the real when everything else is flaking away into

  29. 审美实践意象是一种涉及意志、指向审美创造实践的形成于创造主体观念中的“内心图象”,它规定着美的创造方向、方式和实际成果。

    The aesthetic practical image is an " inner icon " involving will and directing to aesthetic creative practice , which forms in the sense of creative subject ; it stipulates the orientation , the way and the actual achievement in the creation of beauty .

  30. 在音乐的世界里,声乐可以说是人类社会最早诞生的艺术,千百年来人们不仅发展了声乐艺术美的创造,也为声乐艺术美的欣赏提供了广阔的天地。

    In the world of music , vocal can be said that the earliest human society , the birth of art for thousands of years people developed a vocal only the creation of artistic beauty , but also appreciate the vocal beauty of art provides a vast world .