
  1. 美国玛氏全球因其甜点而闻名于世,拥有自己的宠物食品品牌,如宝路和伟嘉。

    The U.S. firm renowned for its confectionery owns pet food brands including Pedigree and Whiskas 。

  2. 一位德国顾客上月在士力架巧克力棒中发现了一片红色塑料之后,美国巧克力巨头玛氏公司上周二下令在全球范围内大规模召回其荷兰工厂出产的巧克力产品。

    US chocolate giant Mars Tuesday ordered a massive international recall of Mars and Snickers bars made at its Dutch factory after a customer in Germany found a piece of red plastic in his Snickers bar last month .