
  • 网络librarianship in the United States of America
  1. 关于美国图书馆事业研究文献综述

    Review of Research on the Librarianship in the United States

  2. 知识自由之哲学理念在图书馆的实践&托马斯·杰斐逊对美国图书馆事业的贡献

    The Philosophical Concept of Knowledge Freedom in Library Administration & on Thomas Jefferson 's Contribution to Library Undertaking in America

  3. 它奠定了美国公共图书馆事业的基础。

    It laid the foundation of the American public library .

  4. 简论美国东亚图书馆事业的发展

    Development of East Asian Library in America

  5. 美国图书馆法对图书馆事业的发展起了很大作用。

    The library laws play a very important role in American librarianship .