
  • 网络Public Library
  1. 它奠定了美国公共图书馆事业的基础。

    It laid the foundation of the American public library .

  2. 美国公共图书馆是社区的信息,文化和艺术中心。

    Public library is the community 's informational , cultural and arts center .

  3. 树立良好形象,吸引民众利用图书馆&访美国公共图书馆印象

    Forming Good Public Image to Attract Patrons to Use Libraries

  4. 美国公共图书馆社区信息服务的发展及其启示

    The Development of Community Information Services in American Public Libraries and Their Implications

  5. 近年来美国公共图书馆经费不足问题及其对策

    Issue of Inadequate Fund in the Public Libraries of the US and Its Countermeasures

  6. 有趣的是,事实上,在美国公共图书馆多于麦当劳。

    Interestingly , there are actually more public libraries in the US than McDonald 's.

  7. 第三,互联网将替代人们对公共图书馆的需要,美国公共图书馆将进入一个衰退期,进而消亡。

    Thirdly , the Internet will replace American library and American library will go into a declining period and further wither away .

  8. 美国公共图书馆标准概况及启示&以《威斯康星公共图书馆标准》为例

    The General Situation of Public Library Standards in America and Its Inspiration & Taking " Wisconsin Public Library Standards " for Example

  9. 美国公共图书馆的经费多少,很大程度上是由纳税民众来决定的,因此,其定位首先是要为纳税人服好务。

    Budgets of American public libraries are determined by taxpayers to a large extent . So , their objective is to provide good service to the public .

  10. 论文对美国公共图书馆的收费状况进行了分析,目的是为我国公共图书馆收费提供一些有益的参考。

    The analysis to the charging state of public libraries in U.S.A.has been undertaken by this paper , which aim is to offer some beneficial information and reference to public libraries in China .

  11. 《美国公共科学图书馆-综合》(PLOSOne)杂志刊载的一项研究结果显示,苹果连皮吃能帮助减肥,使机体远离肥胖相关的疾病。

    Eating unpeeled apples may keep extra pounds and obesity-related diseases at bay , a study in PLoS ONE suggests .

  12. 美国州立公共图书馆网站用户隐私政策探微

    A study of user 's privacy policy of the state public libraries in the USA

  13. 她引进了美国的公共图书馆精神,开启了中国图书馆学的大门,开创了中国图书馆学教育之先河,并促成了中国图书馆学的产生和发展。

    She also introduced the spirit of public library in U.S.and laid the foundation for the education of Chinese library science , making the birth and development of library science in China become possible .

  14. 美国、加拿大公共图书馆印象&兼谈对我国图书馆事业的启示

    Impressions about the Libraries in USA and Canada & Concurrently Discuss about the Enlightenment to Our Library

  15. 在一项发表在美国《公共科学图书馆》期刊上的研究中,博士后学者雅戈尔说:疼痛感的减轻与大脑皮质上层有关。

    In a study published in the US journal Public Library of Science , the post-doctoral scholar said : ' The reduction of pain is associated with higher , cortical parts of the brain .

  16. 美国的《公共科学图书馆》(PLoS)杂志启动了PLos趋势网站,这是一个迅速传播研究成果和主意的网站,而首个得到仔细研究的话题是流感。

    The US Public Library of Science ( PLoS ) has launched PLoS Currents a rapid communication website of research results and ideas and the first topic to come under scrutiny is influenza .

  17. 我去的图书馆是美国排名第一的公共图书馆。

    The library where I frequent is considered the America 's Number One Public Library .

  18. 相同的甲流病毒在2009年在人类身上首次出现,而这是首次在海洋哺乳动物身上发现甲流病毒,美国加州大学戴维斯分校的研究人员当天在美国《科学公共图书馆综合卷》上报告说。

    The H1N1 strain is the same one that emerged in humans in 2009 and it 's the first report of that flu strain in any marine mammal , researchers at the University of California , Davis reported in the journal PLOS ONE .

  19. 通过调查分析,美国图书馆界存在以下3种可能性:第一,在利用互联网的每4人中就有3人在利用美国公共图书馆,美国公共图书馆将继续存在;

    Through investigation and analysis , people think that there are three possibilities for American library : Firstly , among every four people utilizing the Internet utilize American library and American library will exist continuously .