
  • 网络beautiful lake
  1. 由花园往前走,你会发现一个宽阔美丽的湖。

    From the garden you walk down to discover a large and beautiful lake

  2. 我看见了这个美丽的湖清晰,李尔水。

    I saw the beautiful lake with clean and lear water .

  3. 如瀑布般流下的河水,森林,参差不齐的山峰,还有美丽的湖。

    Cascading rivers , forests , jagged peaks , beautiful lakes .

  4. 我爱上了这个美丽的湖。

    I 've fallen in love with the beautiful lake .

  5. 上周我们游览了杭州,那儿有一个美丽的湖。

    Last week we visited Hangzhou , where there is a beautiful lake .

  6. 这个夏天我想去杭州,那里有个美丽的湖。

    This summer I want to go to Hangzhou , where there is a beautiful lake .

  7. 这个无比美丽的湖,天蓝色的湖水简直让我无法呼吸;

    My breath was literally taken away by the unsurpassed beauty with the sky blue waters of the Lake ;

  8. 交通混乱,空气轻度污染,肺有些受不了,但我们还是成功地骑到了滇池,就是昆明城南那座风光美丽的湖。

    Chaotic traffic and a little pollution in our lungs , but we made it to Dianchi Lake , the wonderful lake south of kunming .

  9. 除了仰光,在美丽的茵莱湖(InleLake)附近,娘乌镇(NyaungShwe)的大集市上亦有极好的鱼板面,但这个集市五天才有一次。

    Far from Yangon , there is outstanding mohinga at the main market in Nyaung Shwe , near beautiful Inle Lake - but only every five days ;

  10. 美丽的万佛湖就是镶嵌在舒城大地上的一块翡翠。

    Poke beautiful Shuchen Lake is set in a beautiful land .

  11. 此外,您还能观赏到美丽的人工湖和两座中国式的亭子。

    You will also enjoy the beauty of the lovely man-made lake and the two Chinese pavilions .

  12. 四体会公开水域游泳比赛23号在美丽的天鹅湖开赛。

    The open water swimming competition of the4th All-China Games started in the beautiful Swan Lake on May23 .

  13. 日内瓦是欧洲最具有世界性的城市,它与阿尔卑斯和美丽的日内瓦湖相毗邻。

    Geneva is one of europe 's most cosmopolitan cities , bordered by the Alps and stunning Lake geneva .

  14. 我和大牛跋山涉水终于来到了美丽的喀纳斯湖。

    After crossing over mountains and wading through rivers , Daniel and I have finally arrived at the beautiful Kanas Lake .

  15. 我们喜悦地大笑,并打电话给我们的亲朋好友(在美丽的沃希托湖周围浪漫的浮动码头上)。

    We proceeded to laugh in delight and call our friends and family from the romantic floating docks surrounded by the beautiful Lake Ouachita .

  16. 突然,眼前出现一条狭长的水带,继续前行,水面慢慢开阔,充盈视野,这就是圣洁美丽的青海湖,被誉为高原的璀璨明珠。

    Suddenly , into a narrow zone , walk on the water slowly open , the filling of vision , this is the Holy , the beautiful Lake , known as plateau of agriculture .

  17. 途中,你可以欣赏到别样的风景:美丽的青海湖、壮观的昆仑山脉、神秘的扬子江源头、广袤的羌塘草原以及羊八井风景区。

    On the way , you can view different landscapes : the beautiful Qinghai Lake , the grand Kunlun Mountains , the mysterious source of the Yangtze River , the vast Qiangtang grasslands , and the Yangpachen landscape .

  18. 我从未见过这么美丽而平静的湖。

    I 've never seen such a beautiful and tranquil lake .

  19. 后来,一些村民提到了关于这个村子如何建立的传说。古老的传说中,这个美丽的村子依湖而建。

    Some residents later talked about the village 's founding myth , an old fable about how the beautiful village was founded in ancient times with a small lake in its center .