
zuì zhèng
  • Criminal evidence;evidence of a crime;evidence of guilt;proof of a crime;proof of one's guilt
罪证 [zuì zhèng]
  • [evidence of a crime;evidence of guilt;proof of a crime] 犯罪的证据

罪证[zuì zhèng]
  1. 杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。

    After the killing , he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence .

  2. 罪证俱在。

    All the evidence of the crime is available .

  3. 罪证俱在,他张口结舌,无言以对。

    Brought before the evidence of his crimes , he was awe-struck and could say nothing in his defence .

  4. 警方对在押犯掌握了确凿的罪证。

    The police have a clear case against the prisoner .

  5. 这宗丑闻是该政府蔑视民主的不可逃避的罪证。

    The scandal is damning evidence of the government 's contempt for democracy .

  6. 我们找到一些牵连他们两人罪证确凿的证据。

    We found some damning evidence that implicated both of them .

  7. 因为你的委托人正试图销毁罪证

    because your clients were in the process of destroying evidence .

  8. 我刚黑进了罪证鉴定室并且摧毁了样本

    I just hacked the crime lab and ordered the sample destroyed .

  9. 他听斯密里把所有罪证确凿的情况重新叙述了一遍。

    He listened to Smillie 's recounting of all the incriminating circumstances .

  10. 也谈罪证不足不起诉的刑事赔偿

    On the Criminal Compensation for Non-prosecution Due to Insufficient Evidence

  11. 血迹斑斑的手套就是匪徒的罪证。

    The blood-stained glove told of the bandit 's crime .

  12. 被告被传来面对他确凿的罪证。

    The defendant was confronted with incontrovertible evidence of guilt .

  13. 可是这些数字真的是欧文的“罪证”吗?

    But are those numbers really an indictment of him ?

  14. 也许他就是用这个掩盖罪证。

    Maybe that 's what he was counting on to cover his tracks .

  15. 你有足够的罪证来逮捕他吗?

    Have you enough evidence ( of his guilt ) to arrest him ?

  16. 该案罪证凿凿,结果不容置疑。

    On such damning evidence the outcome of the case is beyond doubt .

  17. 他们查不出什么罪证,面有不悦。

    They seemed dissatisfied when they could find nothing .

  18. 事实上,你只是没有被找到罪证而已。

    Actually , you just weren 't found guilty .

  19. 这罪证恰巧是她最不想让外界知道的。

    Guilt about something that she does not want anyone to know anything about .

  20. 那个罪魁集团掌握了州长的确凿罪证并且正在敲诈他。

    The crime syndicate has the goods on the governor and are blackmailing him .

  21. 过去,确有罪证的杀人凶手将被判处死刑。

    In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death .

  22. 警察到的时候他已经把他的罪证销毁了。

    When the police arrived , he had already destroyed the evidence of his guilt .

  23. 其目的条件之一的“毁灭罪证”不包括灭掉证人。

    One of the conditions of aims-destruction of evidence-does not include the destruction of the witness .

  24. 你见到我这封信时便是见到你害我的最直接的罪证了。

    You see my this letter would be to see you harm my most direct of offense certificate .

  25. 他在港期间,没有再犯事的罪证或嫌疑。

    There was no complaint and no evidence or suspicion of any wrongdoing during his time in Hong kong .

  26. 实施暴力与暴力威胁行为是为了窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕或者毁灭罪证之目的。

    Third is the aim of violence is to shelter the spoils , counter the arrest or destroy the evidence .

  27. 除非在下周的搜查中发现了确凿的罪证,否则默里只会被控过失杀人。

    Unless a " smoking gun " is found in next week 's search , Murray will be charged with manslaughter .

  28. 这阴谋没有得逞,因为安德烈被美军捕获,在他袜子搜出可作安诺德罪证的文件。

    His plans were thwarted when Andre was captured by the Americans with the documents that incriminated Arnold in his sock .

  29. 放任这些罪魁祸首悄然掩盖自己的罪证只会导致更大的政策失误和灾难。

    To let the very culprits hide their tracks behind closed doors is a recipe for even worse policies and disaster .

  30. 这次会面,他说,他要让我们看看尤赖亚·希普的恶劣行径的罪证。

    At this meeting , he said , he would show to all of us the proof of Uriah Heep 's wickedness .