
wǎnɡ luò qū dònɡ qì
  • network drive
  1. 利用netuse命令连接到网络驱动器。

    Connect to the network drive using the net use command .

  2. 由网络驱动器上的安装镜像以静默方式安装基于Eclipse的Rational软件开发平台产品的一般步骤是

    The general steps to silently install an Eclipse-based Rational Software Development Platform product from an installation image on a network drive are

  3. 使用合适的认证手段,将VSS储存库映射到网络驱动器上。

    Map the VSS repository to a network drive , using proper authentication .

  4. B/S架构下基于WMI实现映射网络驱动器

    The Realization of Mapping Network Drive Based on B / S and WMI

  5. Steve专注于Rational工具扩展以满足客户需求和驱动销售,或者编写嵌入式Ada网络驱动器,扩展RationalRose,或者编写定制Eclipse插件。

    Steve specializes in the extension of Rational tools to meet customer requirements , whether it 's writing embedded Ada network drivers , extending Rational Rose , or writing custom Eclipse plugins .

  6. 本文向您说明了如何在网络驱动器上创建产品的安装镜像,以及如何在您本地的服务器上生成产品的IBM更新网站的副本。

    This article shows you how to create an installation image for the product on a network drive , and how to create a copy of the product 's IBM update site on your local server .

  7. IBMJRE是网络驱动器上提取JRE的目录。

    IBMJRE is the directory on the network drive where the JRE was extracted .

  8. 介绍解决NetWare工作站安装时出现的无网络驱动器字符、通信协议不一致及DOS版本不符导致工作站不能登录的故障方法。

    This paper introduces the solution for the fault in which NetWare workstation can not be registered when mounted , which is caused by lack of net-driving character , in consistency of communication protocol and inconsistency of DOS version .

  9. 其他(例如,可移动或网络驱动器)

    Other ( for example , a removable or network drive )

  10. 不能将网络驱动器指定成安装位置。

    A network drive cannot be specified as an install location .

  11. 没有口令,网络驱动器无法访问。

    The network drive cannot be accessed without a password .

  12. 本地或网络驱动器加载或保存文件

    Loading / saving files on the local / network drives

  13. “删除映射网络驱动器和断开网络驱动器”

    " Remove " Map Network Drive " and " Disconnect Network Drive ""

  14. 在网络驱动器上创建安装镜像

    Creating the installation image on a network drive

  15. 由于已打开了部分文件,因此文件管理器不能从这个网络驱动器中断。

    File Manager cannot disconnect from this network drive because there are files open .

  16. 网络驱动器无法连接,因为没有可用的驱动器名。

    The network drive cannot be connected because there are no free drive letters .

  17. 目前没有连接到任何网络驱动器。

    There are no network drives currently connected .

  18. 不能将安装程序安装到网络驱动器。

    Setup cannot install to a network drive .

  19. 无法将网络驱动器映射到未映射的驱动器或本地驱动器上。

    You cannot map a network drive to an unmapped drive or a local drive .

  20. 可用的网络驱动器号不足!请释放两个驱动器号,再试一次。

    Insufficient network drive letters available ! Please free two drive letters and try again .

  21. 必须从显示的选项中选择第一个网络驱动器的盘符。

    You must select a letter for the First Network Drive from the options shown .

  22. 在工具栏上显示映射(网络驱动器)按钮

    Show Map Network Drive button in toolbar

  23. 选择要中断哪些网络驱动器的连接,然后单击确定。

    Select the network drive ( s ) you want to disconnect , then click OK .

  24. 我的电脑中有各类本地驱动器、映射网络驱动器及图像设备。

    My Computer contains your various local drives , mapped network drives , and imaging devices .

  25. 由于在网络驱动器上,无法在该应用程序上永久设置兼容模式。

    Compatibility modes cannot be set permanently on this application because it is on a network drive .

  26. 文件''%1!''位于网络驱动器上,这是不允许的。

    File ' % . ls ' is on a network drive , which is not allowed .

  27. 不能访问该驱动器。如果这是一个网络驱动器,请检查网络连接。

    Can 't access this drive . If this is a network drive , check your network connection .

  28. 查找并删除所有本地和网络驱动器暂时的,缓存,历史记录和备份文件。

    Find and remove temporary , cache , history and backup files on all your local and network drives .

  29. 驱动器%1是网络驱动器。磁盘空间管理中无可用的压缩属性。

    Drive % 1 is a network drive . There are no compression properties available for it within DriveSpace .

  30. 许多团队成员都习惯于与其本地系统或共享网络驱动器相似的一个文件夹结构。

    Many team members are accustomed to a folder structure like the one on their local systems or on a shared network drive .