
  1. 事实表明,公众面对海量的信息无所适从的时候,一些网络精英和意见领袖的看法、观点很容易左右公众的思想态度。

    The fact indicated that some network outstanding persons ' viewpoints can easily affect public when they are at a loss with facing the magnanimous information .

  2. 在此机制基础上利用Gossip算法思想,提出了P2P网络中精英节点更新的算法。

    In this mechanism Gossip algorithm based on the use of ideas put forward in the elite P2P network node update algorithm .

  3. 这种会议网络效应在精英大学里要好得多。

    The conference networking scene is much better at the elite universities .

  4. 在网络分析中精英的中心位置、处于控制地位的桥位置以及派系核心等结构位置都是整体网中信息、权力与资源获取的最佳位置。

    In the analysis of the whole network , the centre position 、 the " bridge " position and the core position of the cliques are the best position to access to information 、 resources and power .

  5. 石村的社区权力结构可以被概括为多核心的权力网络结构,社区精英只是网络中一个个较为突出的节点。

    The community power structure can be summarized as the structure of multi-core power network .

  6. 第三章主要分析网络政治参与的主体结构,包括个体和团体。其中网络政治参与个体又可分为网络政治精英、积极参与者、普通参与者,网络政治参与团体主要指网络社团。

    Chapter three studies the subjective structure which can be divided into individuals and organisations . The former is formed with network political elites , activists and common participants ; the later is the network society .