
  • 网络Network University;virtual university;Cyber University
  1. 论地方大学建设网络大学城的必要性、可行性和操作性

    On Necessity and Operation of Rural University Building Network University City

  2. 完全开放型网络大学教育模式研究

    A Study on the Educational Mode of Completely Open Network University

  3. 随着远程教学、网络大学的发展,高校计算机网络(校园网)与互联网Internet的接触越来越密切。

    With the development of long distance teaching and network universities , the campus networks and Internet are more and more interconnected .

  4. 最后,提出了实现基于P2P网络大学城可持续发展面临的问题。

    Finally , the relative issues to achieve the sustainable development of a P2P based virtual university town are discussed .

  5. 我国建立网络大学有关问题的探讨

    Discussion on problems of setting up network college in China

  6. 语言输出假设在基于网络大学英语自主学习环境下的运作模式

    Web-Based Model of Language Output Hypothesis in Autonomous Learning Context

  7. 网络大学多元复合型教学结构实践模型初探

    Exploration on the Compound Teaching Model of the Network University

  8. 动态联盟网络大学在江苏的实践

    Practice of Dynamic League University Based on Networks in Jiangsu

  9. 基于这种组织形态上的网络大学管理理念理应是怎样的?

    Which idea should be the networking university based-on this organization pattern ?

  10. 马来西亚为这所网络大学的启动提供了5000万美元的资金。

    Malaysia is providing US $ 50 million to launch the e-university .

  11. 网络大学的组织形态及管理理念

    The Organization Pattern of Network University and Administrative Idea

  12. 凤凰城网络大学的办学特色及启示

    Features of University of Phoenix Online in running school and their enlightenment Electric City

  13. 这所网络大学定于2007年开学,最初将招收4100名学生。

    The e-university is set to open in2007 with an initial intake of4,100 students .

  14. 苏州网络大学园载入中。

    Suzhou e-learning college now loading .

  15. 发展网络大学:缓解我国高等教育供求矛盾的新思路

    Develop Network Universities : a New Solution to the Imbalance between Demand and Supply of Higher Education

  16. 信息时代的网络大学

    Network Universities in Information Age

  17. 从结构形态上,美国营利性高校可以分为三种类型:公司学院、超级系统及网络大学。

    The for-profits can be classified with three patterns : corporate university , super systems and internet colleges and universities .

  18. 这所中国的网络大学提供许多不同的趣味教学课程,降低了传授知识的门槛。

    The online college in China offers a wide range of interesting teaching programs that convey knowledge in an accessible way .

  19. 我听说,许多公司和大学在过去的几年里,已经向网络大学至少投资3亿美元的风险资金。

    I heard companies and colleges have invested at least US $ 300 million in the last few years on the Internet College gamble .

  20. 来自亚洲和中东地区的外交部长们上周同意支持一项建立一所“网络大学”以服务该地区的提议。

    Foreign ministers from countries in Asia and the Middle East agreed last week to back a proposal to create an'electronic university'serving their regions .

  21. 开放性网络大学教育是一种在网络中实施的时间、地域、年龄和学历层次完全开放的教育模式。

    The open web college education is a new teaching pattern free of the limitation of time , space , age and educational level .

  22. 通过网络大学,高考失利的落榜生有了进优秀高校深造的机会;

    Through network university the university entrance exam suffer a setback lose out to give birth have got the opportunity of taking advanced courses into excellent college ;

  23. 相反,它将是一所网络大学,这可能无法吸引到最好的教授和学生来,并可能最终只是重复现有大学的作为。

    Instead , it will be a networked university , which may not attract the best professors and students and may replicate the work of existing universities .

  24. 通过问卷调查和成绩分析,说明在建构主义指导下的多媒体网络大学英语教学有利于培养学生的英语能力。

    By a questionnaire and examination results survey , it shows that web-based college English teaching based upon constructivism theory will improve the English ability of students .

  25. 介绍了网络大学的优点、发展模式,分析了网络大学在发展过程中存在的问题,并且针对这些问题提出了一些对策。

    The paper presents strongpoint and growing pattern of network university , analyzes the existing problems in the developing process and puts forward some countermeasure to those problems .

  26. 网络大学的发展,不仅取决于现代媒体信息技术的进步及其在高等教育领域中的应用情况,还取决于现实高等教育资源和教育组织的支持状况;

    Its expansion depends not only on the modern MIT progress and its application in higher education , but also on the support conditions of practical higher educational resource management .

  27. 之后从网络大学技术的革新、网络大学文化的滋长与数字时代学习网络的构建三个方面对网络大学的发展略作展望;

    Thereafter is a prospect of Internet College 's future development ; the technical innovation of Internet College , its culture development and the structure of a learning net in a digital time ;

  28. 同时,就现实性而言,本文也在很大程度上沿用着传统教育立场对问题的分析框架,如对网络大学概念的理解。

    Simultaneously , in terms of reality , this paper to some extent also applies a traditional education analysis frame , for instance , the comprehension of Internet College concept is a just case .

  29. 本文讨论的网络大学,是指通过网络信息技术手段,具有远程开放教育与虚拟学校的特征,实现一系列高等教育功能的一种高等教育形式。

    Internet College discussed in this paper refers to a higher education form , which possesses the features of long-distance open education and virtual school , which fulfill the function of higher education by the Internet information technology .

  30. 针对我国高等教育的实际情况,综合论述了建立网络大学的必要性,从理论和实践两方面探讨了高校建立网络大学所需的技术环境和资金筹集模式。

    The necessity of setting up network college is discussed according to the practical situation in China . The necessary technological environment and the model of fund-raising of the setting up network college are discussed theoretically and practically .