
wǎnɡ luò hào
  • network number
  1. 子网掩码主要用于确定IP地址中的网络号和主机号以及将一个大的IP网络划分为若干个小的子网络。

    Subnet mask is mainly used to define the network number , host number of IP address and divide one heavy IP network into several subnets .

  2. 无效网络号。请输入一个有效的8位十六进制数字。

    Invalid Network Number . Please input a valid 8 digit hex number .

  3. 给所有的计算机分配相同的网络号

    Assign same network number to all computers

  4. 筛选器规格无效。(网络号不能比掩码更确定)

    The filter specification is not valid . ( The network number cannot be more specific than the mask )

  5. 可用的网络驱动器号不足!请释放两个驱动器号,再试一次。

    Insufficient network drive letters available ! Please free two drive letters and try again .

  6. 查询下一个可用的网络视图ID号并分配它(保留)。

    Query for the next available network view ID number and allocate it ( reserve ) .

  7. 上周,美国发动了代号为网络风暴3号的演习。模拟了一个全面发动的网络攻击,以检验美国是否能应对这种打击,进而在计算机系统和基础设施上做好准备。

    Last week , the US launched an exercise called Cyber Storm III. It was designed to simulate an all-out cyber attack in order to determine the readiness of US systems and infrastructure .

  8. 本文讨论了BP神经网络在谏壁7号机更换线棒主绝缘击穿电压预测中的应用。

    In this paper , we discussed a BP neural network that was used to predict the breakdown voltage of the large generator ground wall insulation of rewind bars of the Jianbi Power Plant No. 7 generator .

  9. 演化级联神经网络对脑电信号分类的研究

    Research on EEG Classification with Evolving Cascade Neural Networks

  10. 这是网络内的群集号。

    This is the cluster number within the network .

  11. 基于神经网络的轮胎胎号字符识别

    Tire Number Code Identification Based on Neural Network

  12. 本文提出了基于回声状态网络的脑电信号特征提取方法。

    This paper proposes a new EEG feature extraction based on echo state network ( FE-ESN ) .

  13. 利用人工神经网络建立植物电信号与环境因子(光、温度、湿度)的关系,表明对植物电信号与环境因子定量研究是可能的;

    A model to describe the quantitative relationship between plant physiological signal and environment by using artificial neural network was developed .

  14. 介绍了一个在微机网络上运行的号线管理信息系统的系统结构及系统功能。

    This paper gives an account of the structure and functions of the management information system of number lines operation on the microcomputer network .

  15. 当流量异常检测子模块发现流量异常时,流量异常分析子模块根据其记录的网络地址和端口号,在一段时间内记录下数据包,利用关联模式算法挖掘其频繁序列。

    When the traffic anomaly is detected in the previous module , the analyzing module will record all the data packages in a specified time according to the subnet address and port , and mine frequency sequences by the use of association pattern algorithm .

  16. 如果系统用尽了网络地址,系统管理员检查,增加网络的端口号来使用。

    If the system is out of network addresses , check with the system administrator to increase the number of addresses to use .