
  • 网络Website Operation;Web site operators
  1. 我写的这篇文章我把它归类在栏目网站运营而不是广告研究。

    This article that I write I am in its classify column website operation is not advertisement research .

  2. 本文从我国高校就业网站的发展现状出发,强调高校就业网站运营的重要性,并对高校就业网站的发展趋势做出了预测和展望。

    From our countrys university employment this paper discusses website development present situation , emphasizes the university employment website operation the importance , and has made the forecast and the forecast to the university employment website development tendency .

  3. Web使用挖掘是通过对Web站点的访问信息进行分析来掌握用户的喜好和行为特征等,这对于网站运营管理、开展电子商务和吸引用户等都有深远的意义。

    Web Usage Mining is a useful method to find user preference and behavior character from Web navigation information . It is important for Web site to operate , manage , carry on e-commerce and attract user .

  4. 据易观国际,位列第四名的门户网站运营商新浪(Sina)的市场份额为8.89%,仅落后于谷歌0.01个百分点。

    Internet portal operator Sina , in fourth place , had an 8.89 % share that put it 0.01 percentage points behind Google , according to Analysys .

  5. 而为了保证足够的赢利空间,校园SNS网站运营商可以采用以下几种盈利模式:精准化广告、网络游戏服务、软文营销与口碑推广、积极开发网络增值服务、与其他运营商合作。

    In order to ensure adequate profit space , the campus SNS website operators can use the following profit model : accuracy of advertising , online gaming services , software text marketing and word of mouth promotion , and actively develop value-added services network with other operators .

  6. 然而,霍尔登表示,俄罗斯与韩国的占比还在下降,因为BANT的崛起很大程度上取代了历史更悠久的互联网公司的份额,例如韩国最大的互联网门户网站运营商Naver,以及俄罗斯亿万富翁阿利舍尔乌斯马诺夫(AlisherUsmanov)控制的互联网集团。

    However , the latter are on the slide , with the rise of Bants largely supplanting ownership of more established internet names such as Naver , South Korea 's biggest internet portal operator , and , the internet group controlled by Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov , Mr Holden says .

  7. 健康传播网站运营需要政府支持。

    The operation of the Health Communication Website needs support from government .

  8. 网站运营一段时间下来,效果良好。

    After some time of operation , the site has received a good effect .

  9. 但是,目前威客模式仍有不足,尤其是威客网站运营问题。

    However , the model of Witkey still has some problems , such as operation .

  10. 如何突破烧钱困局,成为当今视频网站运营商关注的重点。

    The video websites operators have focused on how to get rid of huge costs .

  11. 专业的网站运营维护人员,保证平台稳定安全,确保会员在线交易。

    Professional web-site operators ensure stable and safe running of the platform and make smooth on-line trading possible .

  12. 安徒生说他没有收任何公司的资助,完全是自己支撑网站运营,也没有做广告。

    Andersen says he takes no money from any company , funding the site himself . There are no ads.

  13. 而随着网络技能交易的正式化,其工作流程成了威客网站运营商的一个大难题。

    With the network technology trade official , its work flow the Witkey website operators of a big problem .

  14. 相关网站运营商也可能会因网站展示被禁信息或和链接到相关信息的发布网站而被追究责任。

    The website operator may also be held liable for such censored information displayed on or linked to the website .

  15. 本文对国内分类信息网站运营企业、行业新进入者以及网络广告相关业者具有一定的参考价值。

    The paper provides reference for operation firms , entrants and related persons in classified advertisements and information field of Internet Industry .

  16. 并可以为客户提供网站运营建议以及网络推广、宣传品设计等服务。

    In the meantime we can provide customers with suggestions about operating the website , promoting network , designing the publicity materials and etc.

  17. 报告分析认为,盗版漫画的译制、上传及网站运营如今在很多国家都呈现“组织化”和“商业化”迹象。

    Report analysis , dubbed pirated comics , upload and website operators in many countries are now showing " organization " and " commercialization " of evidence .

  18. 但他们也表示,他们不能过多透露谷歌搜索引擎的内部运行方式,以免被不道德的网站运营商利用。

    But they also say they cannot disclose too much of the inner workings of the search engine for fear of helping unscrupulous operators exploit the system .

  19. 中国大型网站运营商都在花样翻新来满足汽车厂商的需求,有数家公司还提供网络游戏或其他功能,意在鼓励网站访问者点击汽车相关广告。

    China 's biggest Web-site operators are jockeying to meet the demand , with several offering online games or other features designed to encourage visitors to click on auto-related ads.

  20. 网站运营需要传统的信息技术的支撑,信息质量、系统质量影响着消费者的购物意愿;其次,具有传统零售业的性质。

    Information quality and system quality affect consumer purchase intention . Secondly , with the nature of traditional retail trade industry , its main business revenue comes from product sales .

  21. 如果网站运营成功,可以考虑并购其他同行网站,加快扩大网站整体规模。

    If the website can operate successfully , merging other websites of the same trade can be put into consideration thus quickening the expansion of the overall scale of the website .

  22. 针对网站运营过程中所需要的数据支持特点,论文搭建了实时的数据传输平台和数据分析平台,以满足网站中各类实时应用的需求。

    In allusion to this feature , this thesis set up a real-time data transmission platform and a data analysis platform to satisfy the requirement of different real-time application in the website .

  23. 网站运营商们,例如综合门户网站、社交网站、电子商务网站、购物网站、多媒体网站等都将目光转移到网络用户行为的分析上。

    The website operators , such as the comprehensive portal , social networks , e-commerce websites , shopping websites , multimedia websites , pay more and more attention to web user behavior analysis .

  24. 亚马逊在加拿大、中国、日本、英国、德国和法国有网站运营,还向从其他国家提交订单的顾客提供以当地货币支付的功能。

    Amazon operates websites in Canada , China , Japan , the UK , Germany and France , and offers customers ordering from other countries the ability to pay for purchases in their own currencies .

  25. 但是,由于对前景盲目乐观和缺乏房产网站运营经验,在互联网泡沫破灭时,众多房产网站纷纷倒闭,2002年只剩150来家。

    However , due to the blind optimism of prospects and the lack of websites operating experience , many real estate websites were shut down in the after Internet bubble economy , in 2002 , only 150 real estate websites survived in China .

  26. 由网站运营公司技术部门以网站运营日志为最初数据源,基于公司高层业务需求,将数据经过层层数据清洗、转换和抽取,建立数据仓库,基于数据仓库进行数据分析和挖掘工作。

    The technical department of the site uses operation logs as the initial data source , then builds the data warehouse and does data analysis and mining work based on it , after data cleaning , conversing and extracting according to high-level business requirements .

  27. 此外,工信部发布了规定,对于网站运营商网站上发布的内容以及用户和其他人使用其系统所从事的活动,网站运营商可能被追究责任,这些活动包括违反相关法律规定、传播被认为不利于社会稳定的内容。

    In addition , the MIIT has published regulations that subject website operators to potential liability for content displayed on their websites and for the actions of users and others using their systems , including liability for violations of PRC laws prohibiting the dissemination of content deemed to be socially destabilizing .

  28. 于是以美国YouTube网站的运营模式为代表的视频分享网站在短短几年间遍地开花。

    As a result , video-sharing websites represented by American YouTube have blossomed everywhere in shortly several years .

  29. 洛伦佐:网站本身运营的人是可以访问的。

    Lorenzo : Well , the people who run the website itself have access .

  30. 网站的运营过程中,需要及时了解自身运营状况,结合运营状况调整营销策略和战略方针。

    During the operation of a website , people need to keep abreast of their operating conditions for marketing strategy .