
  • 网络retarded acid
  1. 新型砂岩缓速酸的研制

    Developing a New Retarded Acid for Sandstone Reservoir

  2. 缓速酸的岩心流动模拟实验研究

    Study on core flow simulation test of retarded acid

  3. 其中主体酸为多元酸的混合物,在地层条件下可进行一级、二级电离(pka<6)。室内试验表明:RA缓速酸体系具有较强的溶蚀能力和缓速性能,其腐蚀性低;

    The indoor testing shows that retarded acid RA has good retardation , lower corrosion to steel , and good corrasion ability .

  4. 与常规土酸相比,H2SiF6、HBF4、有机缓速酸均有一定的延缓反应速度的作用,具有解除深部堵塞的功能;

    Secondly , Compared with conventional mud acid , All of H_2SiF_6 、 HBF_4 and organic retardant can retard reaction velocity and remove in-depth plugging .

  5. 有机酸-土酸缓速酸体系在塔里木砂岩储层酸化中的应用

    Application of retarded organic acid / mud acid in Tarim sandstone reservoir

  6. 砂岩缓速酸室内研究

    The Study of Slow Acid Treatment on Arenaceous Rock

  7. 储层选用高温缓速酸配方。

    Select high temperature retarder acid formula to reservoir .

  8. 缓速酸用缓蚀剂的研究

    Study of New Corrosion Inhibitor for Retarded Acid

  9. 表明缓速酸对地层深部酸化效果较好。

    It showed that these retarded acids had better effectiveness in deep acidifying of reservoirs .

  10. 高效螯合有机复合缓速酸解除岩心伤害的效果最好,盐酸和胶束酸略有效果,土酸有反效果;

    To use strongly chelating combinational organic acidizing fluids to remove reservoir damage while hydrochloric and micellar acids are only slightly effective and negative effect obtained with mud acid ;

  11. 针对大庆外围东部中、低渗透油藏地层伤害问题严重,以往酸化效果不理想的问题,研究了新型有机缓速酸液及配套的施工工艺。

    Aiming at the problem of formation injury of medium to low permeable reservoirs in eastern peripheral area in Daqing , where previous acidizing has not good effect , this paper studies a new type of organic retarded acid and adaptable operation technique .

  12. 通过室内研究,优选出一种高性能的缓速酸,该酸液具有溶蚀率高、缓速性能好、能有效防止铁离子二次沉淀、与地层水配伍性好等特点。

    Aimed at these problems , a kind of high quality slow-reacting acid was selected that had distinguishing feature as : high solvent compatibility with formation , effective slow-reacting function , ability to prevent secondary precipitation of iron ion effectively and fine compatibility with formation water etc.

  13. 介绍了国内外自生酸、泡沫酸、稠化酸、乳化酸、化学缓速酸、胶凝酸和降滤失酸的发展现状,对其性能、作用机理以及使用范围和效果做了概述。

    This paper introduces the developing actualities of self-generating acid , foamed acid , viscous acid , emulsified acid , retarded acid , gelling acid and leaking control acid at home and abroad , and summarizes the performance , action mechanism and application range and effect .

  14. 缓速酸在酸化处理过程中能减缓H+扩散速度,延缓酸岩反应,降低酸液滤失,增加酸液的有效作用距离,提高酸化效果。

    The retarded acid can slow down the propagation rate of H + in the acidification treating processes , delay the sour crag to respond , reduce the acid liquor to filter loses , increase the useful effect distance of the acid liquor , enhance the effect of acidified .

  15. 文中主要介绍有机缓速土酸在轮南油田注水井重复酸化中的应用。

    Application of organic retarded mud acid to reacidizing in injection wells in Lunnan Oilfield is described in this paper .

  16. 通过对注水井储层分析,注水井损害因素分析,岩心流动试验以及酸化现场实施效果分析,证明有机缓速土酸能够较好地解除轮南注水井堵塞,有效地提高注水能力。

    Analysis of reservoir characteristics , damage mechanism , core flow experiments and treatment results indicate that organic retarded mud acid treatments can remove plugging problems in injection wells , improve injectivity .

  17. 介绍了一种用于砂岩酸化的缓速低伤害酸液体系&以磷酸/氢氟酸为主体的酸液体系,即A-924酸液;

    A new acid fluid of H3PO4 / HF for acidization of sandstone is presented .