
lǜ kǎ
  • green card
  1. 没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。

    Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned .

  2. 尼科莉特同哈里结婚以便拿到绿卡。

    Nicollette married Harry so she could get a green card .

  3. 在照搬自热门电影《绿卡》的情节中,比利为了留在这个国家和他的学生结了婚。

    In a rip-off of the hit movie Green Card , Billy marries one of his students so he can stay in the country .

  4. 基于BEATUXEDO的邮政绿卡系统的开发

    Development of the Post Bank Card System based on BEA TUXEDO

  5. 周一在微博上晒出中国绿卡之后,前NBA球星史蒂芬·马布里已经正式成为中华人民共和国永久居民。

    Former NBA star Stephon Marbury has become a permanent Chinese resident as he showed his " green card " on his Weibo account on Monday .

  6. 2009年,47岁的林毅(LinYi,音译)在上海担任一家媒体的执行官,他开始考虑通过这个方案来申请绿卡。

    In 2009 , Yi Lin , 47 , was working as a media executive in Shanghai when he began thinking of applying for a green card through the program .

  7. 结合健康、安全与环境(HSE)管理体系的实施,提出了HSE绿卡管理模式。

    In order to operate the health , safety and environment ( HSE ) management system , a green-card model for the HSE management is proposed .

  8. 绿卡申请严重积压,意味着许多外籍工人被迫转而申请h-1b签证。

    A severe backlog has meant that many foreign-born workers are forced to apply for H-1B visas instead .

  9. 实际验证结果表明:HSE绿卡管理模式是实施HSE管理体系的有效措施,它为成功地实施健康、安全与环境管理体系提供了充足的人力资源基础,从而实现以人为本的现代管理体制。

    In this way , the abnormal safety factors resulted from the personal operation may be avoided . The actual application shows that HSE green card is the effective measure for carrying out the HSE management system .

  10. H-1B签证需求的上升,一定程度上是由于绿卡的供应量有限。绿卡授予持卡人以永久居留权。

    Demand for H-1B visas has surged , in part , because of the limited supply of green cards , which confer on recipients a right of permanent residence .

  11. 邮政绿卡系统是联机交易处理系统,采用三层的C/S体系结构,利用BEATUXEDO交易中间件以确保交易完整性和支持大规模并发处理。

    The post bank card system is an OLAP system . The system adopts a three-layer C / S architecture and makes use of BEA TUXEDO middleware to ensure transaction integrity and support burst concurrent accesses .

  12. 根据美国国土安全部(DHS)的数据,过去10年有60多万印度公民获得了美国绿卡,可以无限期地在美国生活和工作,且不会失去他们的印度公民身份。

    According to the US Department of Homeland Security , more than 600000 Indian citizens in the past decade received green cards , which allow them to live and work in the US indefinitely , without forfeiting their Indian citizenship .

  13. 他的努力最终得到了北京这座城市的认可。在北京三夺中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)总冠军之后,他将会于本月底在万事达获得中国“绿卡”,即永久居留许可。

    His efforts are being rewarded by the city of Beijing who is expected to grant the three-time Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) champion with a Chinese " green card , " or permanent residence permit , at the MasterCard Center later this month .

  14. 土耳其长期怀疑居伦是美国特工。曾派驻伊斯坦布尔的前中央情报局(CIA)官员格雷厄姆·E·富勒(GrahamE.Fuller)写信支持居伦申请绿卡这件事,让阴谋论愈演愈烈。

    Turks have long suspected that Mr. Gulen was an American agent , and inflaming the conspiracy theories is the fact that Graham E. Fuller , a former C.I.A. official who was once stationed in Istanbul , wrote a letter to support Mr. Gulen 's application for a green card .

  15. 中国投资商只要在美国任意地方&不论是郊区还是繁华都市出资50万美元并雇佣10名员工便能享受EB-5型的投资移民通行证,这便为最终获得绿卡奠定了道路。

    Chinese who invest as little as $ 500,000 and employ 10 people in a rural or struggling part of the US can secure EB-5 investor visa , which can lead to green cards .

  16. 中国投资商只要在美国任意地方——不论是郊区还是繁华都市出资50万美元并雇佣10名员工便能享受EB-5型的投资移民通行证,这便为最终获得绿卡奠定了道路。

    Chinese who invest as little as $ 500000 and employ 10 people in a rural or struggling part of the US can secure EB-5 investor visa , which can lead to green cards .

  17. 渴望拿到绿卡的外国人(其中80%来自中国)通过这项被称为EB-5的联邦签证方案,已经在美国投入了数以十亿计的美元,建造酒店、公寓、办公楼和其他公共/私人建筑。

    Through a federal visa program known as EB-5 , foreigners , more than 80 percent of them from China , are investing billions of dollars in hotels , condominiums , office towers and public / private works in the hope it will result in green cards .

  18. 你要是能拿到绿卡,申请难度会降低很多。

    Resident 's tuition is much cheaper than the other students .

  19. 邀请人绿卡,医疗保险卡,社会安全卡的复印件。

    B-10.Photocopies of Permanent Resident Card , Medicare insurance card and .

  20. 绿卡工程本地网的组网与实现

    The Establishing and Realizing LAN of the Green Card Project

  21. 让移民通过在线方式跟踪绿卡和入籍进度。

    For immigrants to track the green card and naturalization process online .

  22. 风流韵事花天酒地绿卡问题这事那事

    Affair , alcohol , Green card problems , affair ...

  23. 集邮网络管理系统使用绿卡线路的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Philately Networks Management System Used Green Card Lines

  24. 但是你要自己去查证携带绿卡可否返回美国。

    S. , you must bring your permanent resident card with you .

  25. 他在五年前拿到绿卡。

    He was granted American citizenship five years ago .

  26. 那辆绿卡车在直路上超过了我。

    The green car caught me on the straightaway .

  27. 我不知道我为甚么要拿绿卡?

    I don ´ t know why I am getting a Green Card ?

  28. 为什么我们不谈论通往一张绿卡的途径?

    Why don 't we talk about a pathway to a green card ?

  29. 他明天要去你的绿卡野餐。

    He 's going to your green-card picnic tomorrow .

  30. 他惊奇地发现绿卡不再绿了。

    He was surprised to discover that green cards are no longer green .