
  • 网络Integrated control system;comprehensive control system;CACS;ITCC
  1. 基于PLC的模糊控制在变电站综合控制系统中的应用

    Fuzzy Control Based On PLC Apply in Substation Comprehensive Control System

  2. 长庆气田地面建设配套工程中,引进一套由SCADA系统和DCS系统组成的综合控制系统,在气田开发生产过程中得到较好应用。

    A comprehensive control system imported , combining SCADA system and DCS system , has operated very well during the development of gasfield in surface auxiliary facility of Changqing gasfield .

  3. 基于PLC的异步电动机综合控制系统设计

    Design of the Integrated Control System of Asynchronous Motors Based on PLC

  4. 基于PLC的船舶电站综合控制系统的应用研究

    Research and Application of Control System of Marine Electric Power Plant Based on PLC

  5. 基于LMI的H∞飞行/推力综合控制系统设计

    Design of Flight / Thrust Integrated Control System Using LMI-Based H_ ∞ Synthesis

  6. 基于WSN的智能建筑综合控制系统研究

    Research on Integrated-Control-System of Intelligent-Building Based on WSN

  7. 远程终端(RT)是先进飞机电气系统的重要组成部分,是实现航空电气综合控制系统的关键组成部分之一。

    Remote Terminal ( RT ) is an important part of advanced aircraft power system .

  8. 纸张定量、水份STD总线微机综合控制系统

    A basis weight and moisture of paper control system based on a STD 8 & bit Microcomputer

  9. MTBE装置综合控制系统的应用研究

    MTBE Unit Integrated Control System Applied Research

  10. 目前在ICF实验中,我国的软件系统建设方面与国外相比还存在很大的差距,直到现在还没有建立起一个自动化、智能化、功能完善的实验综合控制系统。

    Comparing with other countries , our ICF facility lacks of an automatic and intellectualized control system .

  11. 一类综合控制系统的MLD建模与仿真研究

    Research on MLD Modeling and Simulation of a Class of Integrated Control Systems

  12. 本文将H∞控制理论应用于柴油发电机组综合控制系统的设计,将系统的性能要求转化为标准H∞控制问题。

    In this paper a diesel-generator set synthetic control system is designed by means of H ∞ control theory , which transforms the requirements on specifications of system into a standard H ∞ control problem .

  13. IPC型变电站电压无功综合控制系统的研究

    Development of an Integrated VQC System for Substation Based on Industrial PC ; Reactive Power and Voltage Optimized Composite Control for Power Substation

  14. 设计了一套由无源LC滤波器、有源电力滤波器构成的电能质量综合控制系统。

    An integrated control system of power quality is designed . It was made up of passive filter ( LC ) and active power filter ( APF ) .

  15. 结合城建库房监控的需要,把传感器技术、单片机技术、网络通信技术、数据库技术和web技术的应用,与库房综合控制系统的设计与研制,开发了智能实时监控系统。

    The government of HuaiNan City wants to monitor the Municipal warehouse automatically ; we use the sensor technology , Single Chip Microcomputer technology , network communication technology , database technology and web technology to design and develop an intelligent integrated control system .

  16. 该控制系统由模拟电子调速控制器和基于ARM的监控、管理系统构成,能够对柴油机的转速实现稳定有效的调节,是一个全功能的综合控制系统。

    The governor consists of the analog electrical speed controller and the ARM-based monitoring and data management system , which can realize the stable and effective adjust of the speed and make the system a comprehensive control system .

  17. 本文首先就多媒体综合控制系统的原理做了较为详细的论述,然后着重阐述了以Motorola单片机为核心的系统集成的关键技术。

    The article pays much attention to the theory of multimedia center control , and then emphasizes on key technique witch take the Motorola SCM as core .

  18. 建立了具有双变量闭环回路控制的综合控制系统,设计出模糊控制器和PID控制器,最后通过仿真比较了两种控制方法对综合控制效果的影响。

    The synthesized control system with the feedback of the engine throttle and CVT ratio is built . Fuzzy controller and PID controller are designed . The synthesized control effecting of the two control method are compared in simulation .

  19. 针对矢量喷管和发动机综合控制系统,本文采用了PID控制算法和基于单神经元自适应控制,有效的减小矢量喷管偏转对发动机工作状态的影响。

    Both the PID control and the single neutral cell based self-adaptive control algorithm are adopted in the integrated control system . These two control methods are satisfied to minimize the effects on engine 's working conditions as the nozzle is deflexed .

  20. DCS系统是70年代中期在PLC基础上随着现代大型工业生产自动化的不断兴起而发展起来的新型控制系统,是为满足日益复杂的控制需求应运而生的综合控制系统。

    As a new type of control system based on PLC and developed with the continuous rise of modern large-scale industrial production automation in the mid-1970s , DCS is an integrated control system designed to meet the increasingly complex control requirements .

  21. 机组综合控制系统TS3000的应用探讨

    The Application of Compressor Set Control System TS 3000

  22. 本电站综合控制系统由两个主站(其中一个是备用站)和三个子站组成,每个子站由一台SiemensS7&300PLC构成,独立控制一台发电机组。

    The automation is composed of two operating station computers ( one is a backup computer ) and three slave computers . Every slave computer , which is cored by Siemens S7 & 300 PLC , controls a generator independently .

  23. 详细论述了系统中数字式电子调速环节和EGR控制环节的原理,得出相关的实验结果,证明了综合控制系统的可行性,并基本能够满足车用柴油机的调速和排放要求。

    The principles of the digital electronical speed-control section and EGR-control section have been discussed in detail . The results of the experiments have proved that the synthetical control system could fill the requirements of speed-control and emissions of vehicle diesel engine .

  24. 飞行/推进综合控制系统设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation for the Integrated Flight and Propulsion Control System

  25. 基于转矩控制的离心式压缩机综合控制系统的研究

    Design of Unified Control System of Centrifugal Compressor Based on Torque Control

  26. 飞机供电综合控制系统的仿真研究

    Simulation Research of an Integrated Aircraft Electrical Power Control System

  27. 基于PLC/SCADA结构的计算机综合控制系统

    A computer integrated control system based on PLC and SCADA

  28. 综合控制系统的设计有两种策略,即集中设计策略以及递阶设计策略。

    Two design strategies were analyzed : centralized design and hierarchical design .

  29. 智能火-飞-推综合控制系统的知识元

    Elementary knowledge of intelligent firing flight engine integrated control systems

  30. 船舶安全综合控制系统的研究

    Study on the Integrative Control System of Ship 's Safety