
  1. 绩效结果的运用中提出了物质激励和非物质激励相结合的多元化的激励机制的建立。

    The utilizing of performance results presented multi-incentive mechanism which is the combination of material incentives and non-material incentive .

  2. 由于XX公司在薪酬、培训、晋升等方面的制度不是非常的完善,因此在实施过程当中,对绩效考核结果的运用有较大的影响。

    Because XX company in aspect and so on salary , training , promotion systems is not the unusual consummation , therefore in the middle of the implementation process , has the tremendous influence to the achievement inspection result utilization .

  3. 四是绩效评价得出的结果运用不够充分。

    Fourth , the results of performance evaluation of the use of inadequate .

  4. 通过对建设银行D分行员工绩效考评结果的综合运用,建立激励机制。并对新的员工绩效考评体系进行对比评价,并就今后的运作与管理提出对策建议。

    The forth part discusses the integrated use of staff performance appraisal results in Construction Bank Branch D and establishes a incentive mechanism ; it also proposes a new staff performance appraisal comparison evaluation management and gives some advice for the future operation .

  5. 同时设计了包含绩效考核体系流程运行系统、绩效考核结果运用系统和绩效考核手册等重要内容,形成了可操作、简约、符合实际并符合企业文化的绩效管理体系。

    At the same time , in this paper a performance management system is designed including performance appraisal system process operating system , performance appraisal result application system , performance appraisal handbook and so on . It is operable , simple , practical and suitable for the enterprise culture .

  6. 对X支行绩效管理体系评价,包括对目标制定、绩效沟通、绩效考评、结果运用方面的评价。关键词:银行支行;

    The evaluation is on goal setting , performance communication , performance evaluation , and result application .

  7. 但是其绩效管理目标体系不科学、绩效管理系统有待完善、绩效考核体系不健全、绩效结果运用不得当、绩效沟通反馈不畅通等问题,很难对于工作人员的工作产生激励作用。

    But its performance management target system from science , performance management system to be perfect , performance appraisal system , the bad performance results using not when , performance communication obstructed feedback , it is difficult to work for staff produce stimulation .

  8. 同时,为了确保该绩效考核方案落到实处,本文还就实施绩效考核方案所需具备的条件,以及绩效考核结果的运用进行了分析。

    This paper has simultaneously analyzed the necessary conditions for carrying out the performance appraisal scheme and the application of performance appraisal result , too , in order to ensure the fulfillment of this scheme .

  9. 然后,对XH公司绩效管理体系进行了改进研究,在绩效考核方面着重对考核指标及权重的确定,在整个绩效管理体系上加强了绩效反馈、绩效考核结果的运用的环节。

    Then , this paper re-designed the performance management system of XH corporate , focused on determining the weights of the entire performance management system , strengthen the performance feedback and performance evaluation results .