
  • 网络Statistical yearbook;the annals of statistics
  1. 运用马尔萨斯人口模型、Logistic增长模型和线性回归分析方法,利用《江苏统计年鉴》人口数据对江苏省2005~2020年的人口发展规模做出预测。

    The paper dealt with Malthusian models 、 Logistic models and linear regression and used the data of Jiangsu Statistical Yearbook to predict gross population in Jiangsu Province in 2005 ~ 2020.Results show that three models fit well .

  2. 在第三章中选择2008年中国统计年鉴的有关数据,通过传统的GM(1,1)模型对我国城镇居民收入进行了预测与分析,并对该模型的误差以及精度进行了分析和讨论。

    Chapter 3 chooses relevant data in 2008 China Statistical Yearbook , makes prediction and analysis to the income of urban residents by traditional GM ( 1,1 ) and does research to the model error and precision .

  3. 资料来源:IMF《国际收支统计年鉴》,2003年。

    Sources : IMF " Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook ", 2003 .

  4. 沙特阿拉伯是全球常规石油储量最大的国家,根据《英国石油公司世界能源统计年鉴》(BPStatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)的数据,去年底该国已探明石油储量是2660亿桶。

    Saudi Arabia 's proven oil reserves , the world 's largest conventional ones , were 266bn barrels at the end of last year , according to the BP Statistical Review .

  5. 英国石油公司(BP)最新的《世界能源统计年鉴》(StatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)显示,虽然能源效率有所提高,但全球对商业能源的需求仍在继续增长,主要受新兴国家增长的驱动。

    BP 's latest Statistical Review of World Energy shows that global demand for commercial energy continues to grow , largely driven by growth of emerging countries , despite improvements in energy efficiency .

  6. 英国石油公司(BP)最新一版《世界能源统计年鉴》(StatisticalReviewofWorldEnergy)显示,去年,可再生能源及核能在世界能源结构中的占比上升至13.7%的新高。

    The share of renewables and nuclear power in the world 's energy mix rose to a new high of 13.7 per cent last year , according to the latest BP Statistical Review of World Energy .

  7. 在戴德立发表上述言论之际,BP公布了其最新的统计年鉴,该报告被视为能源业的圣经,其中包含每个国家在油气生产、消费和储备方面的数据。

    His remarks came as the company published its latest annual statistical review , regarded as an energy industry bible , which contains country-by-country data on oil and gas production , consumption and reserves .

  8. 方法利用1983~2000年国家有关统计年鉴数据拟合传递函数模型,同时采用求和自回归移动平均模型(ARIMA)进行预测,并比较两者的拟合结果。

    Transfer function-noise model and ARIMA model were used to fit the official data released and compare the prediction results .

  9. 本文资料来源于福建统计年鉴、福建经济年鉴及与茶叶经济、WTO农业条款有关的著作、期刊。

    The references cited by the article stem from Statistical Almanac of Fujian Province , Economic Almanac of Fujian Province and other periodicals and books related with tea economic and clauses on agriculture of the World Trade Organization .

  10. 在实证方面,通过用SPSS软件进行主成分分析,通过我国高新技术产业统计年鉴选取2003&2009年电子信息产业的相关数据,建立模型对FDI的溢出效应进行实证分析。

    Positive aspects of the software by using principal components analysis SPSS , high-tech industries in China Statistical Yearbook by selecting the electronic information industry in 2003-2008 data , modeling of the spillover effect of FDI for empirical analysis .

  11. 选择统计年鉴数据,构建模型,分析得出:一是2002年大连市各市县Z值变动较大,区域差异明显。

    By selecting Statistical Yearbook datas , and building models , it is analyzed and obtained : First , it changes in the larger Z values in all cities and counties in Dalian in 2002 , regional differences are significant .

  12. 主要解决如何实现在无现状调查OD的情况下,充分利用已知信息,特别是《统计年鉴》中的统计数据,预测路段交通量。

    In this paper , how to forecast the traffic flow oft he road by using the known information especially the statistical data in the Statistical Yearbook when OD survey is impossible is introduced .

  13. 根据某城市统计年鉴中近20a的用水量,建立一步转移概率矩阵,通过马尔可夫链的计算机仿真,预测了今后5a的用水量。

    According to nearly 20 years ' water consumption in a city 's statistic yearbook , the paper sets up one step transfer probability matrix and the computer simulation model of Markov chain .

  14. 基于生态足迹理论和计算方法,采用联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganization,fao)及《陕西省统计年鉴》等自然资源生产与消费、人口、土地等数据,分析了1993-2004年陕西省生态足迹变化情况。

    The ecological footprint of Shaanxi Province during the period from1993to2004is calculated based on the theory and calculation method of the ecological footprint , with the data of resources production and consumption , population , and land use from FAO Database and Shaanxi statistical yearbook .

  15. 本文数据来源于1986年、2000年的《中国统计年鉴》,笔者所用数据为1952年~1999年中国年GNP及中国的进出口总值。

    This study depends on the publication data from China Statistical Yearbook issues 1986 and 2000 . The researcher used the annual data series from 1952 to 1999 for China 's Gross National Product , China 's Total exports and China 's Total Imports .

  16. 从统计年鉴看江苏省公共图书馆事业发展

    Public Library Development of Jiangsu Province in Terms of Statistical Yearbook

  17. 对改进《中国统计年鉴》中商业地产统计的探讨

    Research on Improving the Statistics of Real Estate in China Statistical Yearbook

  18. 文章的原始数据均来自统计年鉴及政府环境公告。

    The original data come from the statistical yearbook and government environmental notice .

  19. 资料来源:联合国《能源统计年鉴》2000年。

    Source : United Nations Energy Statistics Yearbook 2000 .

  20. 资料来源:联合国工发组织《国际工业统计年鉴》2003年。

    Source : United Nations Industrial Development Organization International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2003 .

  21. 中国城市统计年鉴,1985~2009。北京:中国统计出版社。

    ChinaCity Statistical Yearbook , 1985 ~ 2009 . Beijing : China Statistics Press .

  22. 中国教育统计年鉴。

    Source : Education Statistical Yearbook in china .

  23. 年世界卫生统计年鉴

    World Health Statistics Annual , 1983 1983

  24. 中国房地产统计年鉴。

    China real estate statistics yearbook .

  25. 另外,由于统计年鉴某些数据的年份的缺失,使得本文在研究分析中稍有折中处理。

    Furthermore , for the data missing in statistical yearbook , the research meets half way .

  26. 国际海运贸易统计年鉴

    International Seaborn Trade Statistics Yearbook

  27. 粮农组织渔业统计年鉴

    FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics

  28. 劳工组织劳工统计年鉴

    ILO Yearbook on Labour Statistics

  29. 收集统计年鉴、库区经济发展等社会经济资料。

    Social data ( statistic yearbook , etc ) and policy data of development of TGR were collected .

  30. 联合国人口统计年鉴

    United Nations Demographic Yearbook