
  1. 马克斯·韦伯的统治合法性问题论析

    Discussion and Analysis of Marx Weber 's Dominant Legitimacy

  2. 摩洛哥阿拉维君主制统治合法性分析

    An Analysis of the Legitimacy of Moroccan Alaouite Monarchy

  3. 政治统治合法性建构说之比较&《政府论》和《大学》的对比分析

    On the Construction of the Legitimacy of Political Systems & A Comparative Study of Government and Great Learning

  4. 这种统治合法性有三种纯粹的类型:传统型统治、法理型统治、魅力型统治。

    Here are three pure dominant types : the rational domination . the traditional domination and the charming domination .

  5. 另一方面,科学技术作为一种意识形态已成为资本主义统治合法性的重要凭据。

    On the other hand , science and technology had got to the significant proof of the legitimacy of the capitalist government .

  6. 清末自治思潮兴起于中国思想界诉求建立现代民族国家的大背景下,体现了知识分子对清王朝统治合法性的否定。

    Self-government ideological trend sprang up under a great background , in which the China Ideology Circle requested to establish a contemporary national country .

  7. 国际上巴黎和会是一场帝国主义列强重新瓜分世界,确立帝国主义统治合法性的媾和会议。

    International Paris and will be an imperialist powers to carve up the world , establish the rule of imperialism " legitimacy " of the peace conference .

  8. 从实践形态来说,儒家通过刑德尤其是德来建构了统治合法性并贯穿于整个中国古代社会。

    From the perspective of practice , the construction of the legality of ruling by using " morality " has a long history throughout the whole ancient society of China .

  9. 每个政权的建立都要解释自身统治的合法性问题,在本文中明王朝的统治者在王朝的建立过程中也面临着这个问题。

    Every regime will explain the establishment of the legality of their rule .

  10. 政府公信力对于政治统治的合法性具有十分重要的意义。

    The credibility of government has powerful meaning to the legitimacy of political governance .

  11. 政治统治的合法性是任何一个政治系统都必须面对的一个重大政治问题。

    The political rule valid question is a significant political issue which any political system all must face .

  12. 合法性的基础,即合法性资源,是指一种政治统治取得合法性的依据。

    The base of legitimacy ( also called resource of legitimacy ) is the ground that a political power can get legal reign .

  13. 卡扎菲已失去民心和统治的合法性,利比亚人民的愿望必定能够实现。

    Moammar Qaddafi has lost the confidence of his people and the legitimacy to rule , and the aspirations of the Libyan people must be realized .

  14. 这样既可以整顿社会秩序,同时也可以得到以汉族人民为主大多数的承认,为其取得统治的合法性。

    This will help rectify the social order , but also can be oriented to the majority Han people recognized the legitimacy of its rule of progress .

  15. 但这些剧变至少为倡导一项新的区域原则创造了机会:领导者如果威胁本国人民,就有可能失去统治的合法性。

    But the upheavals have at least created the opportunity to advance a new regional principle : that a leader who threatens his own people risks losing the legitimacy to govern .

  16. 他们认为,在发达工业社会中,大众媒介已成为意识形态,成为维护国家统治的合法性的基础;

    Focusing on the understanding of the media domination , the Frankfurt School holds that mass media in a developed industrial society has become an ideology that functions as a legal foundation for the state sovereignty .

  17. 尤其是当帝王取得政权的手段并不正当,但若其在位期间注重德行,施行仁政,其统治的合法性依然会得到民众的认可。

    Especially , if a king paid attention to his morality , and adopted the policy of benevolence , although his means of coming into power was not legitimate , the legality of coming into power still could be recognized by the people .

  18. 特别是,根据政治统治的合法性基础理论,提出党的执政基础主要由意识形态基础、绩效基础和法理基础三大要素构成。

    Especially , according to the theory of the validity basis of the political ruling , the writer puts forward the viewpoint that the ruling basis of the party is made up of the ideological basis , the performance basis and the juristic basis .

  19. 主要表现为,(1)为政府政治统治奠定了合法性基础;

    It furnishes a legal basis for the government to govern the society ;

  20. 对于任何政治统治而言,合法性都是有效执政的基本资源。

    For any political rule , the legitimacy is basic resource for the effective rule .

  21. 民本是传统统治思想中的一个重要组成部分,是专制统治维护其政治合法性的政治符号。

    The thought of giving priority to the people was an important part of Chinese traditional ruling thoughts . In fact , it absolutely was the political sign that the feudal system ruled the country .