
  1. 他们提出来只要我供出同伙就给我钱。

    They offered me money if I would betray my associates

  2. 丈夫给我钱来持家,但这些钱一毫一厘都不属于我。

    My husband gave me cash to manage the household , but none of it was ever my own .

  3. 7.scoopn.勺子格雷斯:妈妈,可以给我钱买冰淇淋吗?

    Grace : Mommy , can I have money for ice cream ?

  4. 伯纳德,琼说你还要给我钱呢。

    Bernard , Joan says you have a check for me .

  5. 他们必须给我钱来酬劳我的辛苦。

    They make a point of paying me for my trouble .

  6. 他总是给我钱,他爱我。

    He always gave money to me ; he loved me .

  7. 还有多快你能给我钱。

    And let me know how fast you can give it .

  8. 我不管你们谁给我钱。

    I don 't care who gives it to me .

  9. 你可以给我钱,我需要喝一杯。

    You could pay me . I need a drink .

  10. 先给我钱!快点!

    You give me my money first ! Come on !

  11. 他给我钱拍他自己。

    He gave me the money to bid on him .

  12. 我叔叔会给我钱!那是不可能的事!

    My uncle give me money ! Pigs might fly !

  13. 你把我的电话弄丢了&给我钱买新的。

    You lost my phone-give me some dough for a new one .

  14. 没有人会给我钱。

    And I can 't get anyone to give me the cash .

  15. 他没有给我钱而是给了我一些很有价值的建议。

    He gave me some valuable advice rather than money .

  16. 我想你多找给我钱了。

    I think you 've given me too much change .

  17. 如果有人给我钱的话,我明天就去买辆车。

    If someone me money , I a car tomorrow .

  18. 说著给我钱我想买些奢持品

    Say give me a buck , need that gushy stuff

  19. 他又想输给我钱了吗?

    Does he want to lose more money to me ?

  20. 想让我留下,多给我钱。

    If you want me to stay , I need more money .

  21. 就算你给我钱我也不去那个派对

    I wouldn 't go to that party if you paid me .

  22. 但爸爸不会给我钱的。

    But Dad wouldn 't give me the money .

  23. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。

    He gave me money as well as advice .

  24. 捡起来就给我钱。

    Pick it up and give me my money .

  25. 作为一名小说家,我讲故事,人们给我钱。

    As a novelist , I tell stories and people give me money .

  26. 刚才那瓶你还没给我钱。

    You haven 't paid me for that one .

  27. 让你自己更容易,今年只是给我钱。

    Make it easy on yourself , this year just bring me money .

  28. 你给我钱,我也不干。

    I won 't accept any money for that .

  29. 胡安妮塔:给我钱买冰淇淋。

    Juanita : I need money for ice cream .

  30. 我可以玩音乐而让人家给我钱吗?

    Am I allowed to play music and let people give me money ?