
  • 网络Structured Developing Method;structured method
  1. 面向对象的方法的最主要的特点就是利用特定的软件工具直接完成从对象客体的描述到软件结构之间的转换,解决了结构化开发方法中客观世界描述工具与软件结构不一致的问题。

    The main character of object oriented method is achieving the exchange directly using special software tool from description of object to software structure . It solves the problem that the description tool of objective world differs from software structure in structured developing method .

  2. 一种基于结构化开发方法SA的快速原型构造方法

    SA & based Rapid Prototyping Method

  3. 结构化开发方法和面向对象开发方法的研究

    Study on Structured and Object-Oriented Software Development Methods

  4. 包括软件工程、结构化开发方法、数据库、管理信息系统和军休(工)安置管理概述。

    Including software engineering , structured development method , database , management information system and military retired ( military workers ) resettlement management overview .

  5. 山东鲁商物业服务有限公司物业管理系统采用结构化开发方法,完成了系统的分析、设计和开发。

    The Property Management System of Shandong Property Services Co. , Ltd used structured development methodologies to complete the system analysis , design and develop .

  6. 面向对象开发方法与结构化系统开发方法的继承发展关系

    Discussion on the Successive and Developmental Relation between Object-oriented Development Methodology and Structured System Development Methodology

  7. 采用结构化软件开发方法可以在很大程度上提高系统软件的开发质量。

    The quality'of a software system can be improved to a large extent by following these principles .

  8. 本文简要介绍了信息系统的开发方法、信息系统的体系结构,通过比较,明确了本系统将采用结构化的开发方法和浏览器/服务器(B/S)的体系结构。

    The system will be used structured development methods and browser / server ( B / S ) architecture .

  9. 整个开发实现过程中,采用的都是比较成熟的方法和先进的技术,利用结构化系统开发方法来进行。

    During the whole development process , we adopted the mature methods and advanced technology , and used the structuring system development methods .

  10. 对三种主要的管理信息系统的开发方法&结构化系统开发方法、原型化系统开发方法、面向对象开发方法进行了简单探讨。

    Three major MIS developing approaches & structural systematic developing approaches , prototype systematic developing approaches and O-O systematic developing approaches , are brief discussion .

  11. 设计采用了结构化的开发方法,分为需求分析,系统分析,系统设计,系统实施和系统测评五个步骤进行。

    System adopts structured development methods , including requirement analysis , structured analysis , structured design , system accomplishment and system measure , five steps .

  12. 在系统分析中详细阐述了采用一种以结构化系统开发方法为技术框架,融入面向对象方法的以对象为主体的思想;

    The writer , absorbed from thoughts of object oriented and object in main body ways , analyzes , devises and make technical frame by the way of structural system development come true .

  13. 主要工作包括以下几点:首先,采用结构化系统开发方法,对离散制造型企业的业务流程进行了调查与分析,设计了系统的功能结构,确立了系统规划原则。

    The main work includes the following : Firstly , through structured system development methodology , the business process of Discrete Mechanical Plant is investigated and analyzed , and subsequently the overall functional structure of the system is presented , and the planning principles are established .

  14. 重庆电子科技职业学院教务管理信息系统在总体规划、分析及模块的设计上采用结构化生命周期开发方法,同时在具体设计和开发过程中结合了计算机辅助软件工程方法。

    Structured Analysis & Developing Method was adopted in total layout design and module development of the Management Information System of Chongqing Electronic Job Technology Institute 's educational administration .

  15. 本文用结构化的软件开发方法详细描述了物料平衡计算系统的开发,分为下列步骤:需求分析、体系结构设计及详细设计、编码。

    It represents how to develop the mass balance calculation system with the structured software developing method , which consists of requirements analysis , architecture design , detailed design and coding .

  16. 一种基于面向对象思想和结构化技术的软件开发方法

    Software development method based on object oriented idea and structured Technology

  17. 对企业信息系统的基本理论以及结构化和原型法开发方法做了深入的探讨;

    The basic theory of enterprise information system is deeply discussed .

  18. 在开发方法上,本系统利用了软件工程化的思想和设计方法,总体上采用软件结构化生命周期的开发方法,具体模块实施采用了原型法及面向对象的系统开发方法。

    In this system , the development method using the software engineering and design methods of thought , in general , is used in the software development life cycle method of structural concrete modules , and implementation of the prototype using object-oriented method for system development .