
jié hūn tiáo jiàn
  • conditions of marriage
  1. 对我国现行的结婚条件及其立法进行分析,提出了完善我国结婚条件的立法建议:以禁止性规定的方式来要求结婚的必备要件;

    The paper , based on an analysis of the current conditions of marriage as well as its legislation in China , offers suggestions on improvement of the legislation under discussion .

  2. 关于我国结婚条件构成的法律思考

    Legal Thought on the Formation of Marriage Condition in Our Country

  3. 关于结婚条件的几点立法思考

    Tentative Thoughts on Legislation of Marriage Conditions

  4. 无效婚姻,是指男女两性的结合违反了法律所规定的结婚条件而不具备法律效力的一种婚姻形式,其实质是欠缺婚姻成立的法定条件。

    Invalid marriage can be defined as an illegal form of marriage which breaks the marriage terms stipulated by the law .

  5. 到20世纪中叶,各个州政府开始不再决定哪对夫妇符合结婚条件。

    In the mid-20th century , governments began to get out of the business of deciding which couples were " fit " to marry .

  6. 我国《婚姻法》规定的结婚禁止条件质疑

    Analysis About Impediments To Marriage In China Marriage Law

  7. 她虽然并没拿他再回法国的京城作结婚的条件,而她只要结了婚,这便是她心里憧憬的事。

    Though she made no conditions as to his return to the French capital , this was what she secretly longed for in the event of marriage .

  8. 而本次调查还显示,各个地区的多数女性都认为,男人结婚的前提条件是要有一处房子。

    The survey showed that most of the women , hailing from many regions , think it necessary for a man to have an apartment as a prerequisite for marriage .

  9. 一般认为,男女双方相爱是结婚的先决条件。

    Love between the couples is generally believed to be a prerequisite to marriage .

  10. 去年,百合网针对32676名20-60岁年龄之间的人群做了另一项调查,发现约71%的女性认为结婚的先决条件是男方要拥有一套房子,而只有48%的男性持相同观点。

    Another survey by Baihe , conducted last year among 32,676 people ages 20 to 60 , found that about 71 percent of women consider possession of a house a prerequisite for a man to get married , while only 48 percent of men have the same point of view .