
  • 网络Economic geography;Journal of Economic Geography
  1. 本文评述了80年代以来著名经济学家P.克鲁格曼的主要经济地理观点。

    This paper reviews the main concepts on economic geography developed by Paul Krugman since the 1980s .

  2. 然而这一结论缺乏论证。Hammond先生说高速铁路是重塑国家经济地理“十年一遇”的机会。

    Mr Hammond says high-speed rail is a " once-in-a-generation " opportunity to reshape the country 's economic geography .

  3. 该模型对FDI区位影响因素的概括具有综合性,除了传统的区位因素,将新经济地理因素集聚经济也纳入FDI区位的影响因素系统来整体考虑。

    This model generalizes comprehensively affected factors of FDI location ; In addition to traditional location factors , it brings the NEG factor agglomerative economy into the influence factors system of FDI location to consider wholly .

  4. 本文首次提出并界定了区域经济地理信息系统(REGIS)的概念,阐述了它的结构、功能以及构建区域经济地理信息系统的意义。

    This paper , for the first time , proposes the concept of REGIS and expounds its structure function the significance of REGIS construction .

  5. 通过实证分析,本文发现,无论是传统经济地理因素、新经济地理因素还是经济政策因素,都对FDI的分布具有一定程度的影响,但在不同阶段的表现不尽相同。

    Through empirical analysis , this article found that all factors has affected the distribution of FDI to a certain extent , including traditional economic geography factors , new economic geography factors and economic policy factors . The numerical value of different factors varies in different stages .

  6. 克鲁格曼新经济地理模型评析

    A review of the new economic geographic models launched by Krugman

  7. 宁波港口城市发展的经济地理分析

    A Survey of the Economic Geography of the Port City Ningbo

  8. 世界经济地理教学中地理思维的培养

    Cultivating a Geography-oriented Approach among Students in Teaching World Economic Geography

  9. 新形势下黑龙江省对俄边境贸易的经济地理透视

    Analysis for Border-trade between Heilongjiang and Russia under New Situation

  10. 我国中学人文&经济地理教育的演变

    The Evolution of Human-Economic Geography Education in China 's Middle School 's

  11. 区域经济地理的结构演进与思维特征

    The Structure Evolution and Thinking Features of Regional Economic Geography

  12. 我国的区域经济地理研究与区域经济地理学

    Regional economic geography study and the regional economic geography science in China

  13. 对中国经济地理教材体系改革的设想

    Some Ideas on the Textbook System of China Economic Geography

  14. 《中国经济地理》课程建设的改革与创新

    Reform and Innovation of the Course of China Economic Geography

  15. 经济地理要研究我国新问题开拓新领域

    Economic geography on new problems and new fields in China

  16. 《世界经济地理》教材建设初探

    A preliminary study on construction of the textbook on World Economic Geography

  17. 《世界经济地理》教材编写体系研究

    A study of the compiling system in the textbook world economic geography

  18. 对高师中国经济地理教学现代化的思考

    On the Teaching Modernization of Economic Geography of China

  19. 高等教育经济地理:理念与实践

    Economic Geography of Higher Education : Idea and Practice

  20. 最大地面风速的预测研究经济地理信息系统

    Prediction for Maximum Ground Wind Speed Research on the Economic Geographical Information System

  21. 徐霞客的《楚游日记》,经济地理内容丰富。

    There are many contents about economic geography in Xu Xiake 's journaling .

  22. 中国的地区工业集聚:经济地理、新经济地理与经济政策

    Industry Agglomeration in China : Economic Geography , New Economic Geography and Policy

  23. 对《中国经济地理》教材中人口迁移部份的商榷

    Some revised opinions on migration in the textbook & economic geography in China

  24. 基于组件技术的楼宇经济地理信息系统

    Building Economy Geographic Information System Based on component technology

  25. 从经济地理角度评价中国的经济特区

    An economic-geographic appraisal of the Chinese special economic zones

  26. 基于新经济地理模型的地区资本集聚效应分析

    Analysis on Regional Capital Agglomeration Effect Based on a New Economic Geography Model

  27. 中国近代经济地理格局形成的机制与表现

    Formation and Characteristics of Chinese Modern Economic Geographic Configuration

  28. 汉代南阳盆地经济地理初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Economic Geography of Nanyang Basin in Han Dynasties

  29. 21世纪高师中国经济地理课程教材建设探讨

    Development of reform of text book of Chinese economic geography in the 21 century

  30. 研究结果表明,一个区域的市场潜能、人口密度等经济地理因素对其非农劳动生产率都存在显著为正的影响。

    The results show that market potential and people density are positive and significant .