
jīnɡ jì yī tǐ huà
  • economic integration
  1. 唐伟康表示,他预期地区经济一体化将是今年apec议程的核心内容。

    Tong said he expects regional economic integration to be at the core of the APEC agenda this year .

  2. 目的是进一步促进经济一体化。

    The aim is to promote closer economic integration .

  3. 高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。

    Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity .

  4. 在推动亚太自贸区建设方面,中国希望切实发挥APEC在推进区域经济一体化方面的协调和领导作用,完成亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自贸区路线图的制定。

    In promoting the FTAAP , China hopes APEC can guide and coordinate regional economic integration . China also hopes APEC can chart a roadmap for the FTAAP .

  5. 如何在后国际金融危机时期谋求新的增长动力?如何解决互联互通建设面临的融资瓶颈?我们应该深入推进区域经济一体化,打造有利于长远发展的开放格局。

    We should strive for deeper regional economic integration , and create an open structure that is beneficial for long-term development .

  6. 我们要推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,深化区域经济一体化,巩固供应链、产业链、数据链、人才链,构建开放型世界经济。

    We need to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation , deepen regional economic integration , and enhance supply , industrial , data and human resources chains , with a view to building an open world economy .

  7. 他强调,要深化亚太命运共同体意识,持续推进区域经济一体化,加快创新发展步伐,促进区域互联互通,实现包容和可持续发展。

    In the keynote speech delivered at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Dialogues via video link in Beijing , he said the region need to accelerate innovation-driven growth , enhance regional connectivity , and realize inclusive and sustainable development .

  8. 随着世界经济一体化和金融全球化的发展,全球银行业之间的竞争越来越激烈,特别是中国加入WTO后,外资银行的强势登陆给中国银行业带来更为持续、直接的压力。

    With the world economic integration and financial globalization , the competition among global banking become more and more intense .

  9. 随着中国正式加入WTO,中国企业面临着全球经济一体化的冲击,而且这种冲击越来越明显。

    With the entry into the WTO , the enterprises in China are more and more impinged with the integrated global economy .

  10. 从WTO和EU法律制度谈全球经济一体化与区域经济一体化的关系

    Study on the Relationship between the Global Economic Integration and the Regional Economic Integration from the Legal System of WTO and EU

  11. 伴随着世界经济一体化,市场竞争全球化的大趋势,尤其是我国加入WTO以后,企业间的竞争越来越激烈,企业竞争力己成为一个迫切需要研究的课题。

    With the integration of the world economy and the globalization of the market competition , especially after Chinese WTO entry , the competition becomes more and more vigorous .

  12. 伴随世界经济一体化和贸易自由化进程的日益加快,我国作为WTO成员国,猪肉产品生产将直接面对来自世界市场的激烈竞争。

    With economic globalization and accelerating the process of trade liberalization , China as a WTO member , pork production will directly face fierce competition from the world market .

  13. 随着我国企业融入全球经济一体化的激烈竞争格局,以及加入WTO对企业产生的深远影响.在这种情况下,研究如何搞好企业的国际市场营销工作,是关系到企业生存和发展的重大问题。

    With the development of our national enterprises enter into the competitive globe market , and the deep influence to the enterprises arised by China enter into the WTO .

  14. 中国加入WTO及全球经济一体化的趋势,为我国设计咨询业的成长提供了契机,同时也带来挑战。

    The fact that China joint WTO and the world economy turns to be integrative has provided both opportunity and challenge for design consultation service to grow stronger in China .

  15. CAFTA是中国顺应区域经济一体化这一潮流正式加入的第一个区域经济一体化组织。

    CAFTA is the first regional economy integrative organization that China joined formally .

  16. 并通过分析全球经济一体化所导致的国际立法一体化对我国竞争立法产生的影响,指出我国在加入WTO后应尽快完善竞争立法,以更好地应对形势需要。

    How the economic integration and the legislation integration will affect our competition law legislation is studied . And what we should do to perfect the competition law is put forward .

  17. 进入WTO和全球经济一体化的冲击,中国需接受或接近以市场为价值取向的国际惯例和工程管理经验。工程造价管理如何面对当前的形式和实际的需要,如何应对?

    With entrance into WTO and the impact of incorporated global economy , China will accept or close with the international traditions and experience of project management , which values by market .

  18. 协同电子商务是在全球经济一体化的背景下,利用以Internet等为特征的新兴技术为实现手段,来改变企业业务活动模式,并在企业群的各业务单元间进行信息共享和知识创新。

    Under the environment of global economic integration , Collaborative E-commerce makes use of Internet-featured technology as the implement measure to change the operation mode of enterprise , and achieves in information sharing and knowledge innovation among each department of an enterprise .

  19. WTO对区域经济一体化(含自由贸易区)持肯定的态度并有关于货物贸易、服务贸易、发展中国家的优惠待遇等相对完善的规范。

    WTO holds a positive attitude towards regional integration including free trade area , and is framework consists of relatively perfect rules of trade in goods or services and preferential treatment on the members that belong to developing nations .

  20. 国际经济一体化和区域经济集团化是当前世界经济的重要发展趋势之一,尤其以区域贸易安排(RTA)引人注目,其数量迅速增长。

    International economy unification and regional economy collectivization are the important development trend of current world economy . Especially RTA is conspicuous .

  21. 为发展中国家参与区域经济一体化和FTA伙伴的选择提供了理论支持,也为从总体上设计中国的区域经济一体化战略提供一定的理论支持。

    The thesis has provided correlation theories supporting to participate in the region economic integration and choose the FTA partner for the developing nation , also provided certain theory .

  22. 当前中国,正处于城市化加速发展时期,在加入WTO之后更加融入全球经济一体化的浪潮中,并且市场化改革的领域进一步拓宽,这些都是城市经营理念在中国迅速传播的时代背景。

    China is experiencing the accelerating urbanization and China further melts into the tide of globalization after joining WTO , accordingly China is widening the field of market-oriented reformation , and these factors are the background of urban management spread in China .

  23. 为适应世界性区域经济一体化的浪潮,日本制定了FTA战略,确定优先与东盟建立自由贸易区的目标。

    With the trend of regional economic integration in the world range , Japan has made the FTA strategy with the priority to establish free trade area ( FTA ) with the ASEAN .

  24. 对外直接投资(FDI)和国际贸易是全球经济一体化,特别是国际生产一体化下的两种最重要的国际经济交往形式,两者的互动关系正日益加深。

    As the two most important aspects of the operation of international economy , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and international trade become more and more interacted , under the background of economic globalization , and especially the integrated globe production .

  25. 我国的利率市场化改革必须立足于世界经济一体化和金融自由化的现实环境之中,特别是加入WTO对我国经济产生了深远的影响:一方面,我国与国际金融的接轨进一步强化;

    The reform of the interest rate rule in China is undergoing at the background of globalization and liberalization . China 's entry into the WTO has a deep influence on our economy : on one hand , we will further merge into the international financial market ;

  26. 第三部分主要论述我国在亚太经济一体化中的战略选择,它分别论述了中国参与APEC以及参与东亚“10+3”合作的战略选择问题。

    The third part mainly discusses the strategic choices of China in Asia-pacific economic integration . It expounds the problems of strategic of China to join in APEC and East Asia 10 + 3 cooperation organization .

  27. 产业科技、经济一体化的R-D-P系统模型

    R-D-P Integration System Model of Science , Technology and Economy in Industry

  28. 开展文化经济一体化大讨论;

    To launch a debate on " cultural and economic integration ";

  29. 中澳自贸协定是亚太经济一体化进程中迈出的重要一步。

    China-Australia FTA is a major step towards Asia-Pacific economic integration .

  30. 全球经济一体化使得中国的经济得到了迅速的发展。

    With the economic globalization , China has gained trade boom .