
  • 网络all's well that ends well;Alls Well That Ends Well;togayther
  1. 《终成眷属》的表层存在爱情与偏见的冲突。

    There is conflict between love and prejudice in All 's Well That Ends Well .

  2. 他们交友多年,有情人终成眷属。

    Their marriage culminated their long friendship .

  3. 愿天下有情人终成眷属。

    May all lovers unite in marriage !

  4. 如果你喜欢某个人,但是不知道怎样采取进一步行动,让VideoJug帮助你走出第一步,有情人终成眷属。

    If you like someone , but don 't know how to take it further , let VideoJug help you make the first move and get that kiss .

  5. 但在接受CNN采访时,古德曼说:“我只想说我和她永远都是心灵相通的。正因为这点,我们的关系才会亲密无间,无论发生什么,不管我们是否终成眷属,都是如此。”

    But in an interview with CNN , Goodman said : " I will say that I feel forever linked to her . I have this kinship with her because of it , regardless of what happened or if we 're together or we 're not . "

  6. 电影结束时,这对情侣终成眷属。

    The lovers are united at the conclusion of the movie .

  7. 如果有情人终成眷属那就好了。

    It would be great if the lovers got married .

  8. 我祝贺你们有情人终成眷属。

    I congratulate you for your making a loving pair .

  9. 祝天下有情人终成眷属!幸福快乐!

    Happy New Year and happy Valentine 's Day !

  10. 是的,有情人终成眷属。

    Yes , the lover should get married .

  11. 祝你好运,小子。祝你们终成眷属。

    Edward : Good luck , boy . I wish you will be lovers .

  12. 约会六年后,黄晓明和杨颖终成眷属。

    After dating for six years , Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy finally get married !

  13. 于是乎,周末的时候,萨丽和克林终成眷属。

    So over the weekend , Sally and Colin finally became man and wife .

  14. 她和白马王子会终成眷属

    She and Prince Charming will be together .

  15. 愿有情人终成眷属

    May you lovers eventually become spouses !

  16. 祝愿天下有情人终成眷属!

    Happy Valentine 's Day to you !

  17. 两人经过十年的分分合合,有情人终成眷属。瑞秋:这绝对不是我想要的我们之间的结局。

    Rachel : That is so not how I wanted things to end with us .

  18. 愿你有情人终成眷属

    May you lovers eventually become spouse !

  19. 有钱人终成眷属。

    Rich people get married .

  20. 新新人类婚介网:愿天下有情人终成眷属!

    The new New appointee marriage lies a net : Wish a world love will find a way !

  21. 在塔特的版本里,李尔王在退休后得以安享天年,而考狄利娅则和埃德加终成眷属。

    In Tate 's version Lear lives out his last years in retirement , while Cordelia gets hitched to Edgar .

  22. 最后,祝有情人终成眷属!也预祝大家七夕情人节快乐!

    Last , I wish lovers become family dependants ! Also wish you all have a happy valentine 's day !

  23. 这就像电影中俊男靓女终成眷属,他们从此幸福地生活在一起。

    It was just like the movies where the nice guy gets the beautiful girl and they live happily ever after .

  24. 经历了一段爱情长跑后,这对奇特的恋人终成眷属,日前他们刚从印度旅游胜地果阿度蜜月归来。

    After a long courtship , the oddly matched couple have just returned from their honeymoon in the Indian resort of Goa .

  25. “这真是一见钟情又终成眷属啊,”布鲁克·伯根说,他俩就是在伯根的婚礼上认识的。

    " It was love at first sight and love at last call ," said Brooke Borgen , at whose wedding the couple met .

  26. 电影与现实生活之间的主要差别是,在电影里,一对男女历经苦难后终成眷属。

    The chief difference between the movies and real life is that in the movies they are married at the end of their difficulty .

  27. 同时,为了弥补现实中的缺憾,他的作品中具有愿有情人终成眷属、功业理想化、追求大团圆结局的理想色彩。

    Meanwhile , in order to make up for the imperfection in reality , he gave happy endings to the stories in his plays .

  28. 简的爱情刚开始进行得顺利得多,虽然遭到彬利的妹妹卡罗琳,那个不讨人喜欢的姑娘的蓄意破坏,最终还是有情人终成眷属。

    Jane 's relationship starts off much more smoothly , and survives the efforts of Bingley 's unpleasant sister , Caroline , to break it up .

  29. 据悉,欧阳正爱大哥和王玉京女士经过有缘的相碰,已经撞出火花终成眷属了!

    It is reported that Ouyang is love Big Brother and Miss Wang Yujing been destined to collide , sparks have been knocked out to get married !

  30. 这位48岁的英国畅销书作者透露,她其实希望哈利·波特和赫敏能在最后终成眷属。

    The British best-selling author , 48 , has revealed that she wishes that Harry Potter and Hermione had got together at the end of the book series .