
xì nì
  • exquisite;fine and smooth;be careful;minute
细腻 [xì nì]
  • (1) [fine and smooth]∶细致滑润,精细,细密深入

  • (2) [minute]∶细致准确的

  • 一段细腻的描述

  • (3) [be careful] 〈方〉∶仔细,小心

  • 细腻点,别又把碗给打破了

细腻[xì nì]
  1. 假如您有机会听到CSP专业音箱,您一定会被CSP细腻的表现手法、超级力度、超级震撼所吃惊!

    If you have a change to hear the sounds of CSP products , you will be Shocked by listening the Fine and Smooth rendition of the products ! Super Dynamics and Earthshaking !

  2. 烷基糖苷(简称APG)是一种新型的非离子表面活性剂,它不仅表面张力低,泡沫稳定而丰富细腻,去污优良,而且配伍性能极佳。

    Alkyl Polyglycoside ( APG ) is a new non-ionic surfactant . APG is surface tension low , foam stability abound fine and smooth , decontamination choiceness , best compatibility performance .

  3. 他总是在自己的电影中运用细腻刻画和淡化手法。

    He always goes for subtlety and understatement in his movies .

  4. 他文笔细腻。

    He writes sensitively .

  5. 她肤色苍白,肤质细腻如蜡。

    Her skin is pale , the texture of fine wax .

  6. 基本说来,女人喜欢他是因为他细腻的情感和迷人的文弱气质。

    Fundamentally , women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability

  7. 非洲舞蹈强劲奔放,但又处处透着细腻。

    African dance is vigorous , but full of subtlety .

  8. 把糖掺入黄油然后搅拌至滑软细腻。

    Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy

  9. 把混合物搅拌至均匀细腻。

    Whisk the mixture until it is smooth and creamy .

  10. 她细腻光滑、美丽白皙的脖子上戴着一条精致的链子。

    She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck .

  11. 一直搅拌,直至混合物变得均匀细腻。

    Continue whisking until the mixture looks smooth and creamy

  12. 嫩菜豆口感细腻,味道清香、淡雅。

    Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate , subtle flavour

  13. 格雷以富于戏剧性和令人着迷的细腻笔触描写了这5位女性的生活。

    Gray describes in dramatic and spellbinding detail the lives of these five ladies .

  14. 这是对两个11岁小男孩之间的友谊所作的细腻而不乏风趣的描述。

    This is a sensitive and often funny portrayal of a friendship between two 11-year-old boys .

  15. 演员的表情细腻入微。

    The actor performed with great delicacy and sensibility .

  16. 这里“暗香型女性”,是指以细腻和典雅的气质取胜的女性,她们看似低调实则高明,在职场中比花枝招展型更能赢得同事的好感和上司的信赖。

    Some female office workers are popular with colleagues , earning their superiors ' trust more easily because they keep a low profile though they are professionally sophisticated and tastefully polished , in sharp contrast to their flamboyant peers .

  17. 但不管怎样,运动探测毕竟是一个非常细腻的功能,还是丰富了Protect的整体使用体验。

    At any rate , motion detection is a very subtle feature that helps round out the overall Protect experience .

  18. 导演保罗•格林格拉斯(PaulGreengrass)可能会忍不住增加爆炸场面,同时减少展示伯恩更为平凡和细腻的技能——他再度导演这部影片,并和达蒙一起担任制片人。

    The temptation to soup up the explosions and dial down the more mundane details of his expertise may have been too great for director Paul Greengrass , who returns to direct and produce the film with Damon .

  19. 结果表明,纳米复合镀层的表面形貌比较细腻,镀层中n-Al2O3分布均匀,与基质金属结合紧密。

    As the results , n-Al2O3 uniformly distributed in the coating and adhered to the Ni compactly .

  20. GFO(广义模糊算子)作为一个全新的边缘检测算子,以其精确的定位、绝对的一对一性能、细腻的边缘等优良特性引起了图像研究人员的注意。

    Generalized Fuzzy Operator ( GFO ) has attracted more and more researchers who are studying edge-detection operator characterized by its fine detection . accurate location and unique responses .

  21. 一碗toripaitansoba(880日元)会为你揭开长队的秘密——光滑细腻的鸡汤打底,热气腾腾的拉面配有鸡肉和时令蔬菜。

    Join them to sample the revelatory tori paitan soba ( 880 yen ) , a steaming bowl of chicken , seasonal vegetables and noodles in a creamy chicken-based broth .

  22. 英国政府首席科学顾问马克?沃尔波特(MarkWalport)警告称,在医学和法律等涉及细腻人类判断的领域不假思索地使用人工智能,可能带来破坏性结果,并侵蚀公众对这项技术的信任。

    Sir Mark Walport , the British government 's chief scientific adviser , warned that the unthinking use of AI in areas such as the medicine and the law , involving nuanced human judgment , could produce damaging results and erode public trust in the technology .

  23. 朋友是秋天的雨,细腻又满怀诗意;

    Friends is autumn rain , delicate and full of poetry ;

  24. 这是一部感人肺腑,表演细腻,发人深省的电影。

    This is a moving , delicately performed , thought-provoking film .

  25. 我是那种很直接,不是细腻的人。

    I am the type of person who is very direct .

  26. 国际题材在这里处理得非常细腻。

    The ' international theme'is handled here with the greatest subtlety .

  27. 我常用面霜来保持脸部皮肤的细腻。

    I use face cream regularly to keep my face soft .

  28. 华亭肉牛肉质细嫩,营养丰富,皮质细腻弹性好。

    Huating succulent beef tender , nutrient-rich , delicate elastic cortex .

  29. 她皮肤雪白,细腻,光滑,充满活力。

    Her skin is subtle , white , silken , animate .

  30. 主人公的性格刻画得非常细腻。

    The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety .