
  • 网络tissue necrosis;tissue death
  1. 肝组织坏死和凋亡MRI鉴别诊断的实验研究

    Experimental MRI Study on Differentiation of Necrosis and Apoptosis of Hepatic Tissue

  2. 对虾皮下及造血组织坏死杆状病毒单克隆抗体的ELISA快速检测

    ELISA quick testing for monoclonal antibodies of hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis baculovirus of shrimp

  3. 多重PCR检测对虾白斑综合症病毒和传染性皮下组织坏死病毒

    Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus and Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus of Shrimps by Mutiplex PCR

  4. B组局部组织坏死及挫伤范围均较其它两组明显,并有心、肺、脑等脏器的损伤。

    Group C was the most gentle . In group B , more severe contusion and necrosis of local tissue were histologically observed , and combined injuries of lungs and brains were found .

  5. 结果:MRI显示22个病灶形态不规则或有毛刺征,9个病灶存在癌组织坏死;

    Esults : Dynamic MR findings of 26 lesions included : irregular shape or speculated margin in 22 lesions , necrosis in tumor central parts in 9 lesions ;

  6. 用于PCR检测对虾皮下及造血组织坏死杆状病毒(HHNBV)的一种快速提取DNA方法

    The comparision of different methods of DNA extracting applied in PCR detection of hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis baculovirus

  7. 结果胶体32P内照射可使肿瘤组织坏死、纤维化。

    Results Intratumoral injection of colloidal32P resulted in necrosis and fibrosis of the tumor cells .

  8. 脑梗塞(cerebralinfarction,CI)是指脑部血液供应障碍,缺血、缺氧引起脑组织坏死、软化,出现相应的神经系统症状,常出现偏瘫、失语等。

    Cerebral infarction ( CI ) refers to a disease of ischemia that causes the brain tissue necrosis , soften and the patients often appear corresponding nervous system symptoms such as hemiplegia and aphasia .

  9. Gd-DTPA增强后,感染病灶内环状强化是提示脓肿形成或组织坏死液化。

    Rim enhancement in inflammatory lesions is suggestive of liquefaction of necrotic tissues or abscess formation after administration of Gadolinium-DTPA .

  10. 对虾传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(IHHNV)PCR检测方法的建立

    Development of a polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) for the detection of infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus

  11. 此外,肝脏的部分组织坏死形成局灶性的坏死灶,该病变是PRV感染的一个重要的示病病变。

    In addition , part of liver occurred necrosis and formed the focal cellular necrosis focus . The pathological change was an important directive change of PRV infection .

  12. 结果显示,与乙醇相比,乙酸注射局部组织坏死较完全且范围较大,周围组织修复较早且AlT的峰值较低。

    The results showed that necrosis was more complete , necrotic area was larger , repair of the surrounding hepatic tissue was earlier and peak of AlT was lower in the PAI group than in the PEI group .

  13. 提示TXB2含量变化与微循环障碍有关,是引起血管收缩和血栓形成进行性组织坏死的原因。

    The result suggested that TXB 2 was correlated to the microcirculation disturbance in the cases of burns and might develop into the vascular constriction , thrombosis and progressive tissue necrosis .

  14. 方法:对5例早产儿应用多巴胺静脉注射时药物渗漏,导致皮肤组织坏死,其坏死创面应用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)外涂包扎治疗。

    Method : 5 cases of premature infant with skin necrosis caused by leakage of Dopamine were applied with MEBO in association of bandage . Results : All the cases were regenerated with new skin .

  15. 加碘化油TAE治疗肝癌组织坏死区碘元素含量最高,残留癌组织区其次,癌周肝组织最低。

    The iodine TAE group had shown that there was the highest iodine content in the necrotic tissues and secondary in the residual tumor tissues and the lowest in the liver tissues around the tumor .

  16. 结果:局限性脑组织坏死为BCNU的血管毒性和神经毒性造成,与给药途径有关。

    Results : The focal cerebral necrosis resulted from the BCNU toxicity of the blood vessels and cerebral nerves , and it is related to the way of infusion and drug quantities .

  17. 结果:1mA,210s的损伤电流,可在脊髓后索造成神经组织坏死,形成空腔,使双侧皮质脊髓束纤维受损;

    Results : Current of 1 mA , 210 s could cause necrosis and cavitation in the dorsal funiculus , resulting in bilateral corticospinal tract injury ;

  18. 依据107个样品的切片分析,证实对虾暴发性流行病的病原为皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(Hypodermalandhematopoieticnecrosisbaculovirus,HHNBV)。

    The observation of 107 sample slices confirmed that the pathogen of 1993-1994 EEDS was hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis baculovirus ( HHNBV ) .

  19. 结果伤后24h内骨折端病理改变以组织坏死和炎症反应为主要变化,72h~3wk出现极为活跃的修复细胞增生,8wk基本达到骨性愈合。

    RESULTS The chief pathological changes were the necrosis of histocyte and inflammation reaction within 24 h after fracture , the repairing cells showed active proliferation during 72 h to 3 wk , and normal osseous tissue was formed after 8 wk at the fracture sites .

  20. 锯缘青蟹肌肉组织坏死的病理研究

    Pathology Study on Muscle Tissue Necrosis of Mud Crab Scylla serrata

  21. 高强度聚焦超声所致组织坏死形式实验研究

    Experimental Research of Tissue Necrosis by High Intensity Focused Ultrasound

  22. rGH+CLS减少电损伤组织坏死的研究

    Study of Reducing Tissue Necrosis in Electrical Injuries with rGH & CLS

  23. 湿润烧伤膏治愈利凡诺所致组织坏死一例

    Moist burn ointment for treating a case of tissue necrosis caused by rivanol

  24. 淋巴器官(胸腺、法氏囊和脾脏)的淋巴组织坏死。

    Lymph tissue neerosis ( thymus , bursa of Fabricius and spleen ) .

  25. 静脉注射表阿霉素致局部组织坏死1例报告

    Case report of tissue necrosis by injection of epirubicin

  26. 组织坏死是由于血管里的血液凝结。

    Tissue death due to clots in the bloodstream .

  27. 大鼠急性肝损伤中NO的变化及肝组织坏死面积的图像分析

    Changes of NO and hepatic tissue necrosis area in acute liver injury of rats

  28. 北京及周边地区毒蛇咬伤局部组织坏死原因分析

    Clinical Analysis of the Local Tissue Damage Bited by Poisonous Snake Around Beijing Area

  29. HE染色观察肿瘤组织坏死情况及重要脏器有无病理改变。

    Tissue necrosis was observed by HE-staining .

  30. 观察比较2组局部组织坏死率和临床疗效。

    Compare the clinic efficacy and the necrosis rates of local tissue between 2 groups .