
  1. 目前,半导体主流技术已经步入纳米时代,而CMOS逻辑工艺流程也遇到越来越大的挑战。

    Today , Semiconductor Industry is stepping into the Nanometer Era . CMOS process flow is facing more and more challenges than before .

  2. 随着集成电路设计进入纳米时代,工艺的进步对嵌入式SRAM的设计提出了新的挑战。

    With the development of integrated circuit design goes into nanometer era , the progress of process brings new challenges to the design of embedded SRAM .

  3. 体硅CMOS技术始终是硅微电子技术的主流,随着CMOS技术进入深亚微米乃至纳米时代,如何利用微米工艺实现纳米器件,成为Si工艺技术的研究热点。

    Bulk silicon CMOS technology has always been the mainstream silicon microelectronics technology . With the CMOS technology into the deep sub-micron and even nano-era , how to make use of micron technology to achieve nanoscale CMOS devices , has become a hot spot in Si technology research .

  4. 2005年全球电子工业将进入纳米时代

    The Global electonicS industry will enter nanometer era in 2005

  5. 纳米时代竞技体育面临的机遇和挑战

    Opportunity and Challenge of Competitive Sports in Nanometer Era

  6. 伴随纳米时代的来临,纳米技术对人类的生产生活将产生深远的影响。

    With nanometer era 's advent , nano-technology will deeply affect human 's manufacture and life .

  7. 同时,纳米时代竞技体育也面临影响运动员身心健康、体育异化发展的严峻挑战。

    Meanwhile , competitive sports is confronted with austerity challenges such as athlete health damage and sports dissimilation .

  8. 人类将步入纳米时代,表面化学展现的是一个崭新世界。

    Humanity will go into the age of nanometer and surface chemistry is bound to present a completely new world .

  9. 无网络粒子方法正是离散粒子模型发展的产物,它在纳米时代显示出具大的发展潜能。

    With the development of the latter , meshless method is produced and it reveals great potential in the nanometer era .

  10. 当集成电路技术进入90纳米时代以来,传统单纯降低栅氧化层厚度的方法遇到了前所未有的挑战。

    But when IC technology go to 90 nm node , the most thin thickness of gate oxide met with the challenges .

  11. 在集成电路进入深亚微米和纳米时代后,用于测试的测试结构也随之变得更加复杂,种类繁多,用途也各不相同。

    Then the sub-micron and nano-Age is coming , test structures are becoming more complex , a wide range of uses are varied .

  12. 随着集成电路生产工艺进入纳米时代,可制造性和成品率问题日益严重,成为集成电路设计和制造的关键。

    As VLSI technology advances into the nanometer regime , the manufacturability and the yield of chip have become key issues for IC design and fabrication .

  13. 目前,集成电路制造工艺进入纳米时代,软错误问题已经成为影响集成电路可靠性的主要因素。

    At present , the integrated circuits manufacturing process has entered nanometer era ; soft error problem has become the major factor affecting the reliability of integrated circuits .

  14. 随着集成电路纳米时代的到来,制造工艺复杂度的爆炸式增长使得成品率预测和面向成品率的设计成为研究热点。

    With VLSI entering the nanometer-scale era , the complexity of the manufacturing process grows explosively . The yield predicting technique and design-for-yield have become the research hot spots of VLSI industry .

  15. 现代半导体工业技术飞速发展,晶体管的特征尺寸根据摩尔定律持续地缩小,集成电路芯片的性能飞速的发展,半导体工业已经进入纳米时代。

    Along with the rapid development of the modern semiconductor technologies , the scaling down of transistors according to moore ' law has resulted in great achievements in chip performance , semiconductor technology enters the nanometer regime .

  16. 近年来随着机械制造,计量科学,材料科学等学科的迅猛发展,作为精密机械与精密仪器的关键技术之一&精密定位技术,目前已经进入了纳米时代。

    In recent years , with the development of the machine-manufacturing , measurement science and material science , the precise positioning technology , as one of the key technology of precision engineering and precision apparatus , has already entered " nanometer " era .

  17. 随着纳米技术时代的到来,测量已经进入了纳米、埃米量级。

    With the improvement of nano-technology , measurement has entered the scale of nanometer , even angstrom order .

  18. 21世纪是纳米科技的时代,全球各国都将纳米研究作为国家发展战略,纳米技术将带来社会和经济的巨大发展。

    The 21st century is the era of nanotechnology , every country over the world has been arranged the nano research as a national development strategy , which will bring enormous social and economic developments .

  19. 压电陶瓷致动器是目前微位移技术中比较理想的驱动元件,它的出现开创了精度进入纳米级的新时代。

    At present , piezoelectric ceramic actuator is relatively perfect driving element in micro-displacement technology . Its appearance inaugurates new times of precision of nanometer .

  20. 对纳米科技的实质涵义进行了分析,并对纳米时代何时到来进行了详尽的讨论。

    This article offers an analysis of the real implications of nano science and technology , and discusses in detail when the nano era will come .

  21. 本文从纳米计算机、纳米信息存储材料、纳米网络、纳米图书馆的特征阐述纳米时代的图书馆。

    Nanometer network and the features of nanometer library .