
  • 网络job;Ayyub
  1. 接下来的九个月,约伯处于持续精神错乱的状态。

    For the next nine months , Job was in constant delirium .

  2. 这又一次提醒人们,中国股票的投资者,需要有不止一点点的坚忍,就像《圣经》中的约伯(Job)。

    Yet another reminder that investors in Chinese stocks , like Job , need more than a bit of stoicism .

  3. 约伯对他说他应该感到害臊。

    Job told him he ought to be ashamed of himself .

  4. 约伯自言没有犯那些罪恶?

    What kinds of sin had Job denied to have committed ?

  5. 约伯在神的创造中发现自己是如何?

    What situation did Job find himself in God 's creation ?

  6. 只有少数人通过考验成为胜利的约伯。

    Only a minority pass the tests , becoming triumphant Jobs .

  7. 这样,约伯年纪老迈,日子满足而死。

    So Job died , being old and full of days .

  8. 你对约伯与比勒达的对话有何感想?

    What is your feeling about Job 's dialogue with Bildad ?

  9. 此后,约伯开口咒诅自己的生日,说。

    After this opened Job his mouth , and cursed his day .

  10. 约伯在这一切悲惨遭遇之后对上帝有何看法?

    What was Job 's understanding of God after all his miseries ?

  11. 你必须保证约伯也在交易现场。

    Your personal assurance * That job will be at the exchange .

  12. 约伯在联络消息里不喜欢引用圣经。

    Job is not given to quoting scripture * In his communications .

  13. 旧约人物但以理和约伯,有许多共同之处。

    The Old Testament characters Job and Daniel had much in common .

  14. 当约伯从神的眼里看见自己,他说。

    When Job saw himself from God 's eyes , he said .

  15. 上帝则坚信约伯顶得住,真心敬畏上帝。

    God knew Job would stay firm , and truly feared Him .

  16. 约伯经历试炼,并不是因为神要惩罚他的罪;

    These trials were not God 's punishment of Job .

  17. 直至如今,我们可以从约伯的经历中学到甚麽功课呢?

    But till now what can we learn from Job 's story ?

  18. 但这是大卫、约伯或是哈巴谷做过的吗?

    Is that what David , Job or Habakkuk did ?

  19. 有时我觉得我就像圣经里的约伯

    Sometimes I feel like job , from the bible ,

  20. 约伯拥有一切,直到有一天上帝拿走了他拥有的所有东西。

    This man had everything & until the Lord took it all away .

  21. 谁像约伯,喝讥诮如同喝水呢?

    What man is like Job , who drinketh up scorning like water ?

  22. 你们听到过约伯的忍耐。

    You have heard of the patience of job .

  23. 你当然可以找约伯帮忙。

    Surely you can turn to Jacob for help .

  24. 穿着启斯东警察制服的约伯?

    How about job in a keystone Kops uniform ?

  25. 约伯在受难的初期坚守对上帝的信仰。

    In the beginning of suffering , Job holds fast to his belief .

  26. 约伯举起了蜡烛,从容地审视她。

    Job legh took the candle up , and began a leisurely inspection .

  27. 答案总是像约伯所言:「但愿我从没有出生做人。」

    As Job said " I wish I 'd never been born " .

  28. 神似乎没有理会以利户,到最后他也训斥约伯的三个朋友;

    Later He reprimanded the three friends but now He speaks to Job .

  29. 可是威尔逊还没来呢,约伯失望地说。

    ' But Wilson has not come , ' said Job , in dismay .

  30. 祂并没有解释约伯为何受苦。

    He did not explain Job 's sufferings .