• purple;violet
  • 在可见光中波长最短,红与蓝合成的颜色:~红。~铜。~外线。~药水。

  • 道教和某些朝代的统治者所崇尚的色彩,因而常在其宫室、服饰、用物前冠之以“紫”:~衣。~书(a.道经;b.皇帝诏书)。~诰(帝王诏令)。~台(神仙、帝王所居)。~气(祥瑞之气,多附会为帝王、圣贤或宝物出现的先兆)。~绶。~垣(皇宫)。~阙。~光阁。~禁城。~袍金带。

  • 姓。


(红和蓝合成的颜色) purple; violet:

  • 冻得脸色发紫

    turn purple with cold;

  • 他气得脸色发紫。

    He became purple with rage.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 紫云

    Zi Yun

  1. 他的面颊上有一块大紫疤。

    A large purple scar marked his cheek .

  2. 贝克汉姆穿了一件抢眼的紫绿两色套装。

    Beckham wore a fetching outfit in purple and green .

  3. 她将自己身上青一块紫一块的伤痕露出来给大家看。

    She displayed her bruises for all to see .

  4. 只要她拒绝他,他就会把她打得青一块紫一块。

    Whenever she refused , he 'd beat her black and blue

  5. 水冰冷无比,我的手全冻紫了。

    The water was ice cold and my hands were completely blue .

  6. 直到1963年,甲壳虫乐队还只是半红不紫。

    The Beatles enjoyed only middling success until 1963 .

  7. 希腊人认为紫水晶可以防止人喝醉。

    Amethyst was believed by the Greeks to protect a person from drunkenness .

  8. 巴德的鼻子还是青一块紫一块的。

    Bud 's nose was still black and blue .

  9. 他穿着一件紫红色的涤纶夹克。

    He was wearing a burgundy polyester jacket .

  10. 她穿着紫绿相间的绸缎衣服。

    She wore purple and green silk .

  11. “把那个穿紫衬衫的家伙叫过来。”——“好的,老兄。”

    ' Get the guy in the purple shirt . ' — ' All right , my man . '

  12. 那可怜的孩子被打得青一块紫一块的。

    The poor child was beaten black and blue .

  13. 从窗口,我闻到紫丁香的香味搀和着青草的味道。

    Through the window I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the smell of grass .

  14. 对于紫外区通常用毫微米这一名词。

    For ultraviolet , nanometer is a preferred term .

  15. 他经常打得她青一块紫一块。

    He used to beat her black and blue .

  16. 她把这个男孩子打得青一块紫一块。

    She beat the boy black and blue .

  17. 她穿着一件紫红色的丝绒晚礼服。

    She wears a wine velvet evening dress .

  18. 远方山坡上的颜色由深紫变成了暗绿。

    The distant mountain sides changed from a dark purple to a dull green .

  19. 这是一个紫外光子的能量,在原子尺度上,它是一个“大”能量。

    This is the energy of an ultraviolet photon , a " large " energy on the atomic scale .

  20. 对波谱的另外一些部分,如紫外辐射,必须利用卫星才能知道是宇宙中什么天体产生的。

    For other parts of the spectrum , such as the ultraviolet , satellites are necessary to see what objects in space are doing .

  21. 他母亲曾送给他一枚上面刻着科拉多·A·G·皮科里的紫心徽章作为圣诞礼物,它来自一家古董商店,他开始努力让失去勋章的家庭团聚。

    His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his mother , a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A . G . Piccoli , found in an antique shop .

  22. 科拉多·皮科利的紫心勋章现在悬挂在水城的美籍意大利公民协会里。

    Corrado Piccoli 's Purple Heart medal now hangs at the Italian American Civic Association in Watertown .

  23. 扎克知道紫心勋章的含义,他当兵时在一次战争中赢得了紫心勋章。

    Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Heart — he earned one himself in a war as a soldier .

  24. 这种特殊的紫色染料被称为泰尔紫,它是皇帝最喜欢的特殊颜色。

    This special purple dye was called Tyrian purple , and it was the preferred special of emperors .

  25. 最后,当男孩的父亲看到他时,彼得浑身已经是青一块紫一块的。

    Finally , when the boy 's father saw him , Peter had been black and blue all over .

  26. 那些漂亮的花儿在紫水晶的映衬下显得格外夺目。

    The exquisite flowers come alive in shades of amethyst .

  27. 皮肤被打的青一块紫一块拳赛过后,约翰脸上青一块紫一块。

    John 's face was black and blue after the boxing match .

  28. 薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。

    Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth .

  29. 他们的紫舌头都吃红了。

    Their tongues turned from purple to red .

  30. 紫眼航班则指午夜出发或到达的航班。

    A purple-eye flight is a flight that is taken or arrives at midnight .