
sù xīn huā
  • jasmine flower
  1. 单体化合物橄榄苦苷体内外抗HBV活性显著,在素馨花药材中含量丰富,具有进一步研究开发的潜力,可望成为抗HBV药物研究的新的天然先导化合物。

    Oleuropein , which has notable anti-HBV activity in vitro and in vivo , might become a new leading natural compound for the synthesis and development of new anti-HBV drugs .

  2. 我们王国曾经持有一种很像当代的素馨花的气味。

    Our kingdom once held a smell that is not unlike frangipani in present time .

  3. 腰间缠上沙滩巾,头上别一朵赤素馨花,把你女性的优雅完全展现出来。

    Wrap a sarong around your waist and pin a frangipani in your hair to embrace your full femininity .

  4. 在那关闭着的门边,有些素馨花在闪着黄色的光辉。但是阗寂无声。烟囱里不冒烟,也没有狗吠声。

    And there was a sparkle of yellow jasmine by the door ; the closed door . But no sound ; no smoke from the chimney ; no dog barking .