
nuò mǐ
  • polished glutinous rice
糯米 [nuò mǐ]
  • [polished glutinous rice] 富于粘性的、从糯稻碾出的米,可用来做酒或做糕点

糯米[nuò mǐ]
  1. 微波膨化糯米粉的机理研究

    Study on the mechanism of puffing polished glutinous rice with microwave oven

  2. 铸造用改性糯米粉砂芯粘合剂的研究

    Study on Foundry Core Binder of Expansion Intertexture of Polished Glutinous Rice Powder

  3. 包裹软糖的江米纸是由糯米做成的。

    The coat covering the soft candies is made from glutinous rice .

  4. 台湾粽子在台湾岛,粽子是用炒糯米和炒猪肉来制作的,还包有竹笋、香菇和豆腐干。

    Over on the island of Taiwan , zongzi are made with fried glutinous rice and fried pork , as well as bamboo shoots , dried mushroom and dried bean curd9 .

  5. 叶面喷施Ca(NO3)2和GA对‘糯米糍’荔枝裂果的影响

    The Effect of Ca ( NO_3 ) _2 and GA Sprayed on Leaves on the Fruit Cracking of ' Nuomici ' Litchi

  6. Rose是由人人网、糯米网提供的、基于Servlet规范、Spring“规范”的开放源代码WEB开发框架。

    Rose is the all network , network to provide rice-based Servlet specification , Spring " norms " of the open source development framework for WEB .

  7. 糯米、米粉对NIDDM病人和健康人餐后血糖的影响

    Postprandial response after ingestion of glutinous rice and ground rice by healthy and NIDDM subjects

  8. 经过桐油、糯米汁改性粘土的土工特性FCC油浆糠醛抽出油改善胶粉改性沥青性能的研究

    PERFORMANCE OF CLAY IMPROVED WITH TUNG OIL AND STICKY RICE JUICE Performance improvement of crumb rubber modified asphalt with FCC slurry furfural extract

  9. 测定了荆香糯等5种糯米粉在不同浓度,不同pH和蔗糖存在时糊的粘度曲线,以及其抗剪切性。

    The viscosity curves of five varieties of glutinous rice flour paste were determined under different concentration of flour , acid , alkali and sugar , as well as stability against shearing .

  10. 研究了pH、糊浓度、蔗糖和盐等因素对糯米粉和淀粉糊粘度的影响规律,测定两者的冻融性和透光率等性质。

    The paste properties of the glutinous rice flour and its starch , including viscosity , freeze thaw stability and translucency were studied in consideration of pH , concentration sugar and salt .

  11. marinatedmeat腌肉stickyrice糯米bambooleaves竹叶fillings填充料,馅料咸蛋黄,腌制数小时的肉,糯米,或其他馅料都包裹进竹叶里。

    Salted egg yolk , meat that has been marinated for several hours and sticky rice , or other fillings all get wrapped in bamboo leaves .

  12. 以玉米、早籼稻糙米、糯米和抗性淀粉(ResistantStarch,RS)-Hi-Maize1043作为淀粉来源,配制4种等能、等氮、等淀粉试验日粮,进行为期3周的饲养试验。

    Four iso-nitrogen , iso-energy and iso-starch diets were formulated use corn , brown rice , stick rice and resistant starch ( RS , Hi-maize 1043 ) as starch sources .

  13. 利用ESR波谱技术能够鉴别出含淀粉类辐照食品(玉米粉、小麦粉和糯米粉)是否经过辐照。

    It is concluded that ESR technique could be used to detect whether the starch food ( maize powder , wheat powder and glutinous rice powder ) was irradiated or not .

  14. 郑州大学以糯米粉为基料研制出ND高档啤酒标签胶,该产品无毒、无味、不燃、不爆,符合环保要求;

    ND-Top grade beer label adhesive was developed with sticky rice powder as material by Zhengzhou University , which is non-toxicity , no smell , no burning , no blast and according with environmental protection rules .

  15. 为此,gamrodang用糯米粉和马铃薯淀粉代替面粉,并且尽量避免用油。

    For that reason , GAM ro Dang uses glutinous rice powder and potato starch instead of flour and tries to avoid oil .

  16. 以糯米糍荔枝为试材,研究了PBO、EP等果树复合生长调节剂及光合菌肥对荔枝果实成熟期及其产量、品质、果色等的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of 3 chemical treatments ( EP , PBO and photosynthetic bacterium ) on fruit maturation period and yield and quality of litchi were studied .

  17. 合并后的新公司将对其他既有同行构成更大威胁,特别是搜索引擎百度(Baidu)旗下的消费者服务平台糯米网(Nuomi)。

    The combined group will pose a greater threat to other established players , notably search engine Baidu 's consumer services platform Nuomi .

  18. 这种叫做“mochi”的年糕是一种很可爱的圆形糕点,是用软软的糯米制作而成的。

    The cakes , known as mochi , are cute round buns made of soft and chewy rice .

  19. 百度董事长李彦宏(RobinLi)6月份宣布,未来三年将向百度糯米(BaiduNuomi)投资200亿元人民币(约合32亿美元),以提升百度在移动端的业绩。百度糯米是百度旗下类似Groupon的团购网站。

    Robin Li , Baidu 's chairman , announced in June a Rmb20bn ( $ 3.2bn ) investment over three years in Baidu Nuomi , its Groupon-like marketplace , to lift its performance in mobile .

  20. TH-AADY和生香ADY在小曲米酒生产中的应用糯米酒最佳糖化工艺条件的研究

    The application of TH-ADY and Perfume ADY in Xiaoqu Rice Wine Production Study on the Best Saccharifying Conditions in Producing Glutinous Rice Wine

  21. 我们去了佳宁娜潮州菜(carriannachiuchow),先要了一些潮州风味点心,如清蒸咸肉萝卜糕,油炸辣肉糯米团和蒸虾蛟。

    At carrianna Chiu Chow restaurant we started with a few Chiu chow-style dim sum such as steamed turnip cake with preserved meat , deep-fried glutinous dumpling with spicy meat and steamed shrimp dumpling .

  22. 阿里巴巴及旗下支付公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)宣布将各自投入30亿元人民币,发展送餐服务“口碑”(Koubei)。搜索引擎百度(Baidu)则表示将向旗下团购和送餐应用“糯米”(Nuomi)投入200亿元人民币。

    Alibaba and its payment affiliate , Ant Financial , announced they will each invest Rmb3bn to develop a food delivery service called Koubei , while search engine Baidu has said it would invest Rmb20bn in Nuomi , a group discount and food delivery app .

  23. 在西方,人们相信大蒜或用利器插入心脏可以杀死德库拉(Dracula)那样的吸血鬼。而在东方,人们相信用黑色猎犬的血、糯米或者护身符可以抵御僵尸的威胁。

    Just as garlic or a stake in the heart can ward off or kill Dracula and other Western vampires , the living can defend themselves from hopping vampires with blood from a black hound , glutinous rice or an amulet .

  24. 我们6点钟起床,喝了些Arlyne带来的很不错的速溶咖啡,吃了些昨天晚上剩下的鸡肉糯米饭,然后就开始出发了。

    Up at6 am , pack , enjoy some nice instant coffee Arlyne brought , some sticky rice with chicken left over from last night , and ready to go !

  25. 通过正交实验,得到最佳工艺条件为:糯米粉50g,盐2.4g,玉米蛋白添加量为5g,水分含量50%,500W下加热2min,坯料外表面涂棕榈油量占坯料重量的1.5%。

    The optimal technology conditions are glutinous rice flour 50g , salt 2.4g , corn protein 5g , water content 50 % , palm oil 1.5 % ( accounting for base weinght ), power 500W , heating time 2 minutes .

  26. 以柿果、白糯米为原料,采用安琪葡萄酒酵母和Q303为菌种生产柿果糯米黄酒。

    Persimmon and glutinous rice were used as raw materials and Angel wine yeast and Q303were used as starter to produce persimmon & glutinous rice yellow rice wine .

  27. 研究了不同黄酒高活性干酵母(YWBY)接种量、发酵温度、发酵时间对糯米甜酒发酵的影响。

    The effects of different inoculation quantity of yellow rice wine brewing yeast ( YWBY ), different fermentation temperature and fermentation time on the fermentation of sweet rice wine were studied .

  28. 百度糯米的设想是成为电影票销售以及打车等服务的中心,将实体和虚拟商务结合成所谓的“O2O”业务,引导用户使用在线支付系统。

    Nuomi is envisioned as a focal point for services such as movie ticket sales and taxi hailing where physical and virtual commerce are combined in what is known as " online-to-offline " business funnelling users to online payments systems .

  29. 香菇糯米黄酒的开发研制

    The development of yellow rice wine with mushroom and sticky rice

  30. 特制糯米粉在冷饮食品中的应用

    The Application of Specially Processed Glutinous Rice Flour in Ice-Cream Food