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  • aleurone layer
  1. 糊粉层可能通过调控亚糊粉层的Al含量而影响着胚乳中部的Al含量。

    The aleurone layer might show impact on the Al content in the central albumen through controlling that value in the sub-aleurone layer .

  2. 种子萌发过程中糊粉层降解的PCD被GA、Ca2+和活性氧促进,被ABA和抗氧化剂抑制。

    PCD of aleurone layer degradation during seed germination is enhanced by GA , Ca 2 + and ROS , and inhibited by ABA and antioxidants .

  3. 血红素加氧酶介导GA对小麦糊粉层中α-淀粉酶的诱导表达

    Involvement of Heme Oxygenase in Gibberellic Acid-induced α - Amylase Expression in Wheat Aleurone Layer

  4. 小麦种子糊粉层细胞内非GA3诱导性α-淀粉酶同功酶的分析

    Analysis on α - amylase and isozyme induced in the aleurone tissue of wheat grains in the absence of stimulus from GA_3

  5. 种子萌发时,胚合成的赤霉素(GA)刺激糊粉层合成并分泌各种水解酶类至胚乳贮藏器官,将其降解为小分子的营养物供胚生长,进而发育成整个植株。

    During the germination of the seed , the gibberellic acid ( GA ) synthesized by embryonic secreted to endosperm storage organ , and promoted endosperm develop into whole plants .

  6. 上述结果表明,HO可以延迟GA诱导的小麦糊粉层细胞PCD,并可能与HO的抗氧化有关。

    Overall , above results illustrated that HO delays GA-induced programmed cell death in wheat aleurone layer , which might be related to its antioxidative behavior .

  7. 本研究通过药理学、解剖学结合染色方法及显微技术,研究萌发水稻种子糊粉层细胞PCD的形态特点。

    By using pharmacology , anatomy combined with staining and microscopy , the cell morphologic feature of PCD was observed in aleurone layers under normal conditions .

  8. 开花后10d,胚具1叶,糊粉层1~2层;

    When the embryo produced its first leaf on day 10 after anthesis , the aleurone cells formed 1 to 2 layers .

  9. 开花后17d,在盾片及糊粉层细胞中检测到油脂。

    Lapid accumulation was detected in both scutellum cells and aleurone cells by day 17 after anthesis .

  10. 50μmABA可以阻止10~(-3)MGA3对小麦和大麦糊粉层ICL的诱导作用。

    The formation of ICL induced by GA_3 ( 10 ~ ( - 5 ) M ) in the aleurone cells of wheat and barley was prevented by ABA ( 50 μ M ) .

  11. 籼稻与粳稻相比,籼稻外层胚乳细胞在花后7d已转化成糊粉层细胞,而粳稻要到花后10d才转化成糊粉层细胞。

    Compared indica with japonica rice , the outer layer endosperm cells in the indica transformed aleurone layer cells 7 days after flowering ; But in the japonica these cells transformed aleurone layer cells 10 days after flowering ;

  12. 开花后17d,3叶胚形成,糊粉层多为3层并停止分裂,菱柱形及不规则胚乳细胞分化;

    The 3-leafed embryo was visible by day 17 after anthesis , at which time the aleurone cells were mostly 3-layered and mitotic divisions ceased and the prismatic and irregular cells of endosperm were differentiated .

  13. 蓝粒小麦籽粒糊粉层色素研究初报

    Preliminary study on pigments in seed aleurone layer of blue-grained wheat

  14. 小麦籽实糊粉层与面粉品质的关系

    The Relation Between Aleurone Layer of Wheat Kernel and Flour Quality

  15. 在糊粉层细胞中无淀粉体,不积累淀粉。

    In addition , there are not amyloplast in the aleurone layer cells .

  16. 茎中维管束环外有糊粉层。

    There is the aleurone layer outside the bundle ring of the stems .

  17. 利用糊粉层激素敏感性筛选小麦α-淀粉酶变异体

    Screening for wheat a-amylase variant with altered hormone sensitivity in their aleurone layers

  18. 糊粉层中花青素的形成涉及到许多基因。

    Many genes are involved in the formation of anthocyanin pigments in the aleurone .

  19. 小麦麸皮加工成食品的探讨&麸皮面粉、糊粉层面粉

    On Manufacture of Foods by Processing Wheat Bran & Bran Flour and Aleurone Layer Flour

  20. 胚细胞和糊粉层中的代谢活性立即活跃起来。

    Metabolic activity quickly develops in the cells of the embryo and the aleurone layer .

  21. 小麦麸皮一般指其籽粒的外皮层和糊粉层。

    Wheat bran usually refers to the exodermis and the aleurone layer of the kernel .

  22. 已经知道谷类糊粉层细胞可以作为一个独立的系统研究各种外加信号。

    Cereal aleurone cells can be used as a stand-alone system to study various applied signals .

  23. 在萌发前后小麦种子糊粉层细胞内酸性磷酸酶的细胞化学研究

    Cytochemical localization of acid phosphatase activity in the aleurone cells of dry and germinated wheat grains

  24. 水稻糊粉层的形成及其在萌发过程中的变化

    Formation of rice aleurone layer and its changes during germination the geocenter variation and it 's causation

  25. 赤霉酸对小麦和大麦糊粉层细胞中异柠檬酸裂解酶形成的作用

    The effect of gibberellic acid on the formation of isocitrate lyase in the aleurone cells of wheat and barley

  26. 在种子萌发过程中,胚产生赤霉素,赤霉素可以刺激糊粉层合成一些酶特别是淀粉酶。

    At germination , the embryo produces gibberellin , which stimulates the aleurone layer to synthesize enzymes , especially amylase .

  27. 从红麦麸皮提取糊粉层、微研磨和配制高蛋白面粉的方法。

    Methods for extracting protein aleurone layer from red wheat bran , micro milling and preparation of high protein flour .

  28. 结果表明,在糙米各部位中以胚内蛋白质含量最高;其次为糊粉层;

    The result indicated that the protein content of embryo was the highest among embryo and aleurone layer and starch layer .

  29. 胚乳占据绝大部分,外被糊粉层,内含大量的淀粉颗粒。

    Endosperm surrounded with aleurone layer , contained a great deal of starch granules , occupies vast majority of the fruit .

  30. 利用荧光显微术观察,发现同源四倍体水稻与其二倍体原种的糊粉层细胞壁纤维素物质都存在一个“充实”的过程。

    The formation of the aleuronic layer cell wall in autotetraploid and its original diploid rice was studied by using the technique of fluorescence microscopy .