
jīng cuì
  • Quintessence;pithy;succinct;terse
精粹 [jīng cuì]
  • [succinct] 精美纯粹

  • 聪明精粹,有生之最灵者也。--《汉书.刑法者》

精粹[jīng cuì]
  1. 此外,武侠类电影作品是中国电影的独特精粹。

    In addition , the knight-errant class movie work is the Chinese movie unique succinct .

  2. 他们时常拿经典作品当作试金石,持守精粹、纯正、普遍之类的标准。

    They constantly take the classical literature works as the touchstone , holding fast to such criteria as succinct , pure , universality .

  3. 成份:速溶水解珍珠精粹,AMC保湿精华,活性温水,洋甘菊提取液,人参精华。

    Content : Dissolved hydrolyze Peal distillate , AMC moisture distillate , Chamomile extraction , Panax distillate .

  4. FESCO的经验模式与发展战略研究报告精粹

    Excepts of a study of the experience and development strategy of FESCO

  5. 2005年ASCO精粹

    Best of ASCO Meetings in 2005

  6. 杨伟光倾情民族文化精粹

    Yang Weiguang Who Are Devoted to the Essence of National Culture

  7. 这篇文章是从她的著作中摘录出来的精粹。

    The article was a choice extract from her writings .

  8. 轻盈柔滑的膏体,蕴含薰衣草、玫瑰精粹。

    Light and smooth cream contains lavender and rose extracts .

  9. 流行歌曲精粹,音乐爱好者必备。

    The essence of pop songs is a must for music lovers .

  10. 先秦儒家伦理精粹与中华民族精神

    The Ethical Terseness of Pre-Qin Confucianism and the Spirit of the Chinese Nation

  11. 借鉴其他各种学科的不同领域的文化精粹;

    Learn from other disciplines cultures in different areas ;

  12. 流行歌曲精粹,欣赏、收藏两相宜。

    The essence of pop songs is good for Both appreciation and collection .

  13. 马一浮教育思想精粹及其意义

    Ma Yi-fu 's educational thought essence and its meaning

  14. 老银行建筑系列五新古典主义的精粹&中国工商银行沈阳市中山广场支行

    ICBC Shenyang Branch , Zhongshan Square sub - Branch

  15. 论文学史论文集的编纂&《二十世纪中国文学史论文精粹》个案评析

    On Compiling Collection of Papers on Literature History

  16. 《食品包装精粹图片库》设计

    Design of Principle Picture Base for Food Packaging

  17. 精粹与谁分享资讯?

    With whom does pristine share my information ?

  18. 价值营销的精粹是:让消费者获得令他满意的价值。

    The cream of value dealing is to let the consumer get his satisfactory value .

  19. 用流畅的英文介绍了中华文化的精粹,内容有趣,文笔轻松幽默。

    It introduces the essence of Chinese culture with interesting content and a humorous style .

  20. 是经过了过滤、提炼、升华等艺术处理的艺术精粹。

    Is passed through the filter , refining , sublimation such artistic processing art pithy .

  21. 语言精粹洗练,笔锋犀利明快。其二,强烈的现实主义精神和鲜明的战斗性。

    The other of the features is its intense realist spirit and its string militancy .

  22. 据介绍,意大利馆内各类短期展览将汇集意大利设计、技术创新、当代艺术和建筑的精粹。

    Various temporary exhibitions will focus on design , technological innovation , contemporary art and architecture .

  23. 书法作为我国传统文化的精粹,遭遇如此不幸值得教育者深深反思。

    Calligraphy , as the traditional culture , faces such tragedy , which is worth considering .

  24. 其山水审美的内在功能是排解世俗烦恼,修养自身精粹;

    The intrinsic function of his landscape beauty is to avoid mundane vexation and to self-cultivate ;

  25. 散文把絮语体、家常体和精粹融合在一起,追求一种自持之美。

    Prose to comprehend , homely and pristine together , the pursuit of the beauty of a self-assured .

  26. 对精粹信息的标引、加权、长度、删节等进行了讨论。

    In addition , it discussed essence information 's marking , token adding , length , abridgment , etc.

  27. 民歌是民族文化的精粹,是民俗旅游的重要资源。

    Folk Song is the essence of a national culture as well as an important resource of tourism .

  28. 湖南凤凰人在饮食方面十分讲究精粹,注重色香味全。

    The delicacies of Phoenix in Hunan are fastidious about color , flavor , and taste as a whole .

  29. 在我国的传统艺术精粹和世界范围的中国元素符号中,昆曲占有十分重要的地位。

    As Chinese traditional art pristine and symbolic element around the world Kun Opera plays an very important role .

  30. 正是由于译者辛勤的工作,外国文学的精粹才被引入国内,并且展现在读者面前。

    It is the translator who introduces the elites of foreign literature into his own culture and fellow citizens .