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liáng cǎo
  • army provisions;rations and forage;provisions and fodder;rations and fodder
粮草 [liáng cǎo]
  • [army provisions;rations and fodder;provisions and fodder] 粮秣、草料等军需物资

  • 兵马未动,粮草先行

粮草[liáng cǎo]
  1. 第二,粮草问题与抗倭战局。

    Second , the army provisions issue and the war situation of fighting against Japan .

  2. 兵马未动,粮草先行。

    Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses .

  3. 转Bt基因抗虫棉品种(系)生育特点与种植效益比较研究六种不同粮草复种方式的生产力和效益比较研究

    Comparative Study on Development and Planting Return among Various Genotypes of Bt Transgenic Cotton Study on the Productivity and Efficiency of Six Different Forage and Grain Multiple Cropping Patterns

  4. 通过粮草轮作使苜蓿草地土壤湿度恢复到当地土壤稳定湿度分别需要6、11a和18a以上。

    Years required for soil moisture restoration of desiccated soil layers to local soil stable moisture with alfalfa-grain crop rotations on the 3 different rainfall areas were over 6 years , 11 years and 18 years separately .

  5. 武器装备由国内供应,从敌人那里设法夺取粮食,这样军队的粮草就可以充足了。

    Thus the army will have food enough for its needs .

  6. 他唯一的罪名就是供给我们粮草罢了。

    His only crime consisted in furnishing us with provisions .

  7. 松嫩平原粮草轮作定位试验研究

    Site Experimental Study on Grain-Grass Rotation in Song-Nen River Plain

  8. 后勤保障的内容结构由先秦时以武器、粮草为主向深广发展;

    The content and structure of logistics in that time becomes deepened and widened ;

  9. 东北平原引草入田、粮草轮作的初步研究

    A preliminary report on the cereal-forage rotation system in the plain of Northeast China

  10. 成为了这些濒危鸟儿们的救命粮草

    a life saver for these endangered birds .

  11. 胜利者缴获了大量粮草、装备之类的战利品。

    The victors captured enormous stores of provisions .

  12. 四川推广粮草轮作的作用与前景

    The role and Prospect of grain & grass rotation in agriculture of Sichuan Province

  13. 在敌国丰饶地区掠取粮草,部队给养就有了保障。

    Make forays in fertile country in order to supply your army with food .

  14. 我们的粮草准备的如何?

    What situation about our grain preparation ?

  15. 亚兰人的军队包围了那个城市并切断了他们的粮草供应。

    The Syrian army camped around the city and cut off their food and water supply .

  16. 粮草豆隔带种植保护性耕作对坡耕地水土流失的影响

    Effects of Conservation Tillage of Strip Intercropping of Grain-Grass-Legume on Soil and Water Loss in Sloping Fields

  17. 在乡间大量搜寻粮草

    Forage liberally on the country

  18. 不过幸运站在了汉尼拔这一边,他的秣粮队将粮草运回了营地,米努西乌斯不得不撤退。

    Luck was on Hannibal 's side and when the Foragers returned Minucius was forced to retreat .

  19. 运用粮草混播改良草场技术加快牧区草地生态建设步伐

    Use Provision Mix-sowing Skill for Grassland Improvement to Speed Up The Step of Grass Ecosystem Construction in Pastures

  20. 结果表明,冬灌免耕、粮草间作和早春覆膜措施都不同程度地遏制了就地起沙,减少了土壤风蚀。

    The results showed that all these modes could reduce soil wind erosion and halt sand entrainment to different degrees .

  21. 拿破仑很快意识到,他无法在冬天向远在莫斯科的军队供应粮草、提供御寒衣物和宿营之地。

    Napoleon soon realized he could not feed , clothe , and quarter his army in Moscow during the winter .

  22. 没有丛林可玩,生活和搜寻粮草混在一起,你的鸟将需要一个精彩之子来代替!

    Without the jungle to play , work , and forage in , your bird will need son awesome substitutions !

  23. 安妮:这叫“兵马未动,粮草先行”。对吗,王平?

    Annie : is this called the " military forces have not moved and the forage has started already ", Wang ping ?

  24. 又说,我们家里足有粮草,也有住宿的地方。

    And she said , we have a great store of dry grass and cattle-food , and there is room for you .

  25. 黄土高原半干旱区苜蓿草地土壤干燥化特征与粮草轮作土壤水分恢复效应

    Soil desiccation characteristics of alfalfa grasslands and soil water restoration effects in alfalfa-grain crop rotations on the semi-arid areas of the Loess Plateau

  26. 水肥条件较好或具有灌溉条件,宜进行短期粮草轮作的区域,可以选择休眠级5、6的半休眠品种;

    The fifth fall dormancy level or the sixth fall dormancy level may be planted in areas where have better water and irrigation condition .

  27. 兵马未动,粮草先行,军事后勤在中外战争中历来都占有十分重要的地位。

    " Military forces was not moved , feed first ", military logistics in Chinese and foreign war has always played an important role .

  28. 军需自国内取用,粮食和草料在敌国就地征集,这样军队的粮草供给就可以满足了。

    Bring war material with you from home , but forage on the enemy . Thus the army will have food enough for its needs .

  29. 在古代,以粮草为主的军需品供应状况通常是影响战争胜负的决定性因素。

    In ancient times of China , the provision of munitions especially rations and forage was the decisive factor in wining or failure during the war .

  30. 在寻获诸葛亮之前,他几乎屡战屡败,以至于吕布占徐州期间,粮草全无,靠吃人度日;

    In Zhuge Liang found Before that , he almost surely fail , so that accounts for Xuzhou Riboud period , forage nothing , eating people to survive ;