
  1. 基于小波多尺度特征匹配的类星体红移测量方法

    A Method for Obtaining Redshifts of Quasars Based on Wavelet Multi-Scaling Feature Matching

  2. 但是与类星体红移不等的星系成协事例,仍有待深入观测和进一步研究。

    But associations of QSOs with galaxies having different redshift from that of the QSO still remain to be observed and investigated .

  3. 若宇宙空间是拓扑紧化流形,例如三维环面,则类星体红移分布中的周期性即可加以解释。

    The periodicity in the distribution of quasar redshifts is interpreted assuming that the cosmological space is a topologically compactified manifold like three dimensional torus .

  4. 一种基于交叉相关的类星体的红移测量方法

    A Method for Redshift Determination of Quasars Based on CrossCorrelation

  5. 关于类星体宇宙学红移的新证据和新认识

    New Evidences and Recognition on Cosmological Redshift of QSOs

  6. 这个计画的目标是量取100万个星系与类星体的红移,现在已将达成目标的一半。

    The project is now approaching the halfway point in its goal of measuring one million galaxy and quasar redshifts .

  7. 本文对有射电子源结构类星体的红移、视星等关系进行了统计研究。

    In this paper a statistical investigation has been made on the redshift-magnitude relation of quasars with radio components structure .

  8. 类星体吸收线红移的分布和它的起源

    The distribution of absorption line redshifts of quasars and its origin

  9. 类星体吸收线红移系统的证认方法

    The Method of Identifying the Redshift Systems of Absorption Lines in QSOs Spectra

  10. 观测的类星体光谱由于红移现象,光谱向长波方向偏移,因此识别类星体观测光谱中的发射线和确定类星体的红移是类星体识别的主要目标。

    The main purposes of quasar recognition are to identify the emission peaks in an observable quasar spectrum and to determine the observable quasar 's redshift value .

  11. 本文简介近年来在类星体的形态、红移、连续谱、X射线、巡天和面密度以及演化等方面的研究所取得的进展。

    This paper reviews some progresses in the field of quasar research made in recent years in morphology , redshift controversy , continuous spectrum , x-ray emission , optical survey , surface density and evolution of luminosity function , etc.

  12. 弱光变类星体视星等&红移关系的进一步研讨

    Further discussion on relation of visual MAGNITUDE-REDSHIFT for weak variation QSOs

  13. 研究结果表明在较高的统计置信度水平上,类星体至少在低红移(Z<2)和小尺度(<10Mpc)上是成团分布的。

    The statistical results show that the quasar clustering at low redshift ( Z < 2 ) and on small scale ( < 10Mpc ) has been confirmed at high statistically significant level .

  14. 近年来发现了一批Z>4的类星体,这些高红移类星体使人们对早期宇宙中的大尺度结构演化和星系形成的理论模型提出了新的观点。

    A number of quasars with redshift Z > 4 have been discovered in recent years , which provide important constraints to theoretical models for the large scale structure evolution of the universe and the formation of galaxies at early time .

  15. 为了研究磁光阱冷原子团所在区域的磁场大小,从而得出磁场零点附近磁场的微弱变化及其分布。弱光变类星体视星等&红移关系的进一步研讨

    In order to make sure the magnetic field distribution around the magneto optical trap cold atoms , the weak variation and distribution around the zero point magnet field can be analyzed . FURTHER DISCUSSION ON RELATION OF VISUAL MAGNITUDE-REDSHIFT FOR WEAK VARIATION QSOS

  16. 本文综述类星体的观测和理论研究现状,详细介绍本人在攻读博士学位期间在类星体多谱勒红移方面的研究工作。

    We summarize the observational and theoretical studies of quasars , and present the results of our studies on the Doppler redshifts of quasars .

  17. 红移意味着类星体是非常非常遥远的天体,比我们观测到的最遥远的星体还要远。这个计画的目标是量取100万个星系与类星体的红移,现在已将达成目标的一半。

    The redshift means that the quasars are very far away , more distant than the most distant galaxies we can see . The project is now approaching the halfway point in its goal of measuring one million galaxy and quasar redshifts .