
  • 网络The Michelin Guide;Guide Michelin
  1. 《米其林指南》开始进入许多欧洲和北非国家,

    The Michelin Guide began to cover all sorts of European and North African countries ,

  2. 尽管《2013年米其林指南》(2013MichelinGuide)对德国青睐有加,将那里的10家餐厅评为三星,但一出了德国,那些店铺和它们的主厨就谈不上家喻户晓了。

    Although the 2013 Michelin Guide paid lavish attention to Germany , awarding 3 stars to 10 restaurants there , neither those restaurants nor their chefs are household names in any country but their own .

  3. 时间快转到现在--目前有二十三个国家有《米其林指南》。

    Now , fast-forward to now — there are now Michelin Guides for 23 countries .

  4. 《米其林指南》中最著名的主厨是乔尔·侯布匈,他总共有二十五颗星星。

    The most celebrated12 chef in the guide , with 25 stars total , is Joel Robuchon .

  5. 1900年,轮胎制造商安德烈·米其林和爱德华·米其林制作了一本《米其林指南》。

    See , in the year 1900 , the tire manufacturers Andre and Edouard Michelin ? created something called a " Michelin Guide . "

  6. 《米其林指南》没有回应记者的采访请求。

    The Michelin guide did not respond to a request for comment .

  7. 最著名的也最受敬重的两家是《米其林指南》与《果米耀指南》。

    The best known and most respected are the GuideMichelin and GuideGaultMillau .

  8. 因此,投资者应该急着跟进下一本米其林指南吗?

    So should investors be rushing out to follow the next Michelin Guide ?

  9. 《米其林指南》被视为商务旅游者和观光客的权威声音。

    Michelin guides are seen as an authoritative voice for business travellers and tourists .

  10. 最近,《米其林指南香港澳门2015》将该餐厅评为一星。

    The Michelin Hong Kong and Macau 2015 guide recently gave it a one-star rating .

  11. 米其林指南让游客按图索骥,轻松找到最好餐厅进餐。

    The Michelin Guide , like Ariadne 's thread , enables tourists to locate the best restaurants easily .

  12. 例如,迪拜似乎就是如此,该城市不太可能得到米其林指南。

    That seems to be the case for Dubai , for example , which is unlikely to get a Michelin Guide .

  13. 与《米其林指南》推荐的那些考究的餐厅相比,我选的那些地方都不太豪华,也不太昂贵。

    None of them were especially luxurious or expensive compared with the rarefied dining rooms that are catnip to the Michelin Guide .

  14. 米其林指南在过去就被认为是一个问题,它迫使西餐大厨们不得不走高端法系大菜模式,不过现在问题主要来自食客方面。

    The Michelin guide was considered a problem in the past , forcing chefs into the French high-end mold , but now the issue is the diners .

  15. 米其林餐厅指南也在不断更新,适应新的格式,例如iphone、诺基亚(nokia)手机、车载gps系统等等。

    The guidebooks are also being updated and adapted to new formats such as the iPhone , Nokia mobile telephones , GPS systems in cars and so on .

  16. 第一版米其林餐厅指南于1900年推出,旨在帮助法国的驾车者在该国旅行途中找到一家上等的酒店和餐厅以及修车或换轮胎的修车厂。

    The first edition of the Michelin Guide was launched in 1900 to help motorists in France to find a decent hotel and a good restaurant as well as a garage to repair their cars or change a tyre while touring the country .

  17. 不过在战后,米其林兄弟重编指南并开始收费。

    After the war , though , the Michelin brothers revamped the guide and began charging for it .

  18. 这被证明是一项明智的举措,它让米其林在旅行指南和行车路线图出版领域占据了领先位置。

    It proved a brilliant initiative that gave Michelin a head start in the guidebook and road map publishing business .

  19. 对于米其林而言,餐厅指南业务并非一个很大的利润中心,也不是一种多元化工具,而本质上是一种优秀且独创的营销工具。

    For Michelin , the guidebooks business is not so much a profit centre or a vehicle for diversification as essentially a prime , original marketing tool .

  20. 2007年发行的《米其林》东京美食指南让日本媒体兴奋不已,纷纷进行报导,但对许多本地人来说,这只是确认了东京依然是一个国际美食之都,而他们早就知道这一点。

    The launch of the Michelin guide in 2007 caused a flurry of excitement in the Japanese media . But for many residents , it merely confirmed what they already knew : that the city has the best food in the world .

  21. 尽管米其林餐厅已经接受了法国菜近年来的激烈转型(比如你可以看看最近刚获得米其林三星的DiverXo餐厅的朋克风官网),但是很多看《米其林指南》的消费者还是期待享受一顿传统大餐。

    While Michelin has accepted the radical makeover haute cuisine has undergone in recent years ( just visit the punk rock website for recently minted 3-star DiverXo ), many consumers who use the guide expect it to prize a traditional style .

  22. 尽管米其林餐厅已经接受了法国菜近年来的激烈转型(比如你可以看看最近刚获得米其林三星的DiverXo餐厅的“朋克风”官网),但是很多看《米其林指南》的消费者还是期待享受一顿传统大餐。

    While Michelin has accepted the radical makeover haute cuisine has undergone in recent years ( just visit the punk rock website for recently minted 3-star DiverXo ) , many consumers who use the guide expect it to prize a traditional style .