
As far as villagers ' autonomy , extensive villagers express their will through the election , to elect their satisfied village cadres to manage village affairs .
The village community is the administrative organization and social organizations of the rural grass-roots . Members can manage village affairs use self-management organization , and that owns a strong unofficial color .
Voice 2 : Watoto manages children 's villages near Kampala , Uganda .
This paper describes the communal rattan protected forest " Sangpabawa ", a traditional rattan resources management system created by Hani people , and the practice of rattan cultivation in Hani swidden system .
Village leaders , the main previous role as managers and assignors during the period of people ' community .
In the different historical periods , the village cadre has the different mission and different corresponding acting role .
Rural land management laws passed in1998 and2002 also required villages to provide farmers with written contracts certifying their land use rights .
Strictly regulate the use and management of financial funds in village-level organizations : Establish the open system of village financial funds and increase linkage supervision .
Found " village finance Xiang Guan " to implement the financial management mode in the five-star village on the village finance play a certain effect .
According to the features and development state of present village team economy , the series of management mode , namely , separating team accounting , intensifying accounting publicity , regular auditing , and punishment is feasible and conducive to rural economic development .