
  • 网络Manage application;Management Application;Manage Your Applications
  1. 应用程序服务器:这是一个逻辑配置,告知HACMP如何管理应用程序,包括启动和停止应用程序,应用程序监控,以及应用程序调优项。

    Application server : This is a logical configuration to tell PowerHA how to manage applications , including starting and stopping applications , application monitoring , and application tunables .

  2. OptimPerformanceManager允许您管理应用程序,使其轻松有效地满足服务水平要求。

    Optim Performance Manager allows you to manage applications to meet service-level agreements more easily and effectively .

  3. 数据管理应用程序编程接口(API)功能。

    Data management application programming interface ( API ) functionality .

  4. 遗憾的是,即使服务器上没有管理应用程序,大多数应用服务器Web容器仍然要监听两个管理端口。

    Unfortunately , most application server Web containers are listening on two administrative ports even though there is no administrative application on those servers .

  5. JSF提供了管理应用程序模型bean的丰富功能。

    JSF provides comprehensive functionality to manage an application 's model beans .

  6. 服务器可用来从eclipseIDE中管理应用程序服务器。

    This server can be used to manage the application server from the Eclipse IDE .

  7. 在第一个场景中,企业的需求分析师会使用一个Rational需求管理应用程序,而测试团队会使用HPQualityCenter。

    In the first scenario , your organization 's requirements analysts use a Rational requirements management application , and your test team uses HP Quality Center .

  8. WebSphereApplicationServerV7引入了一个称为业务级应用程序的新概念,用于独立于打包或编程模型管理应用程序构件。

    WebSphere Application Server V7 introduces a new concept called business-level applications for managing application artifacts independent of packaging or programming models .

  9. LDAP实现提供了一种管理应用程序用户所需的健壮机制。

    An LDAP implementation provides a robust mechanism for managing the users of an application .

  10. 有关使用事件查看器、管理应用程序日志及了解其表示的信息的详细信息,请参阅windows文档。

    For more information about using event viewer , managing the application log , and understanding the information it presents , see the windows documentation .

  11. 以类似的方式,测试执行期间已识别的检测可以直接报告到集成的更改管理应用程序RationalTeamConcert。

    In a similar fashion , defects identified during test execution can be directly reported to the integrated change management application , Rational Team Concert .

  12. 总而言之,有状态会话ejb组件为管理应用程序状态提供了一种重量级机制。

    All in all , stateful session EJB components provide a heavyweight mechanism for managing application state .

  13. 基于上面我们已经完成的内容,我们可以改进示例联系人管理应用程序,它包含WebSphereApplicationServer一些关键特性的使用。

    Based on what we have done above , there is room for improvement in our simple contact management application , and it involves making use of some key features of WebSphere Application Server .

  14. 这些按钮启动关联的变更管理应用程序仪表板、需求管理应用程序仪表板和当前HP工件的适配器视图。

    The buttons launch the associated change management application dashboard , requirements management application dashboard , and adapter view of the current HP artifact .

  15. 一种是使用基于JSP的管理应用程序,这一程序使您能够通过用户界面来指定所有所需的值。

    One is to use a JSP-base administration application that lets you specify all of the required values through a user interface .

  16. 单击OK后,HP适配器就会创建该测试计划,并向需求管理应用程序返回新计划的URL。

    When you click OK , the HP adapter creates the test plan and returns the URL of the new plan to the requirements management application .

  17. 例如,可以异步通知购买管理应用程序:来自WebSphereMQ的“填写帐户”消息已经到达。

    For example , a purchase management application could be notified asynchronously of the arrival of a " place account " message from WebSphere MQ .

  18. Flickr:访问这个在线照片管理应用程序。

    Flickr : Visit this online photo management application .

  19. WS-Transaction基于Web服务这一事实意味着,我们可以在特定于供应商的事务管理应用程序之间将事务支持变为可互操作的。

    The fact that WS-Transaction is based on web services means that transaction support can be made interoperable across vendor-specific transaction management applications .

  20. 要简化最初的开发及部署,可能要提供简单的控制台,在公布的管理应用程序编程接口(API)中使用服务。

    To facilitate initial deployment and simple deployments , a simple console might be provided that uses the service through the published management application program interface ( API ) .

  21. 除了操作方面,某些设计期间的策略(如在J2EE描述符中捕获的)也有助于管理应用程序。

    In addition to the operational aspects , some of the design-time policy ( for example , captured in J2EE deployment descriptors ) can help manage the application .

  22. 利用Windows自身的特点,以及其管理应用程序的一般方法,设计了化工软件的集成环境。

    We also design an integrated environment of chemical engineering based on an idea , which is bought forward by means of character of windows and it 's basic method of managing application .

  23. Roo不能编写业务逻辑,但可以管理应用程序的基础结构或配置。

    Roo can 't write business logic , but it can manage infrastructure or the configuration of an application .

  24. AdminControl对象用于通过JMXBean管理应用程序服务器的运行实例。

    The AdminControl object is used to manage the running instance of an application server by a JMX bean .

  25. 使用ZK和CDI,您将扩展这个详细的实际客户管理应用程序。

    Using ZK and CDI , you 'll extend the detailed , real-life example application for customer management .

  26. 为了演示DataStudio和XFG如何协同工作的详细步骤,您需要根据下表的结构创建一个微型的患者信息管理应用程序。

    To illustrate the detailed steps of how Data Studio and XFG work together , you will create a mini-patient information management application based on the structure in the table below .

  27. 这样的说明确实有些过于简单,顾名思义,ADC(应用程序交付控制器)用于控制和管理应用程序流量的交付方式。

    It is a necessarily vague description , but as the name suggests an ADC is used to control and manage the way that application traffic is delivered .

  28. 这些需求通过设计和开发UI、管理应用程序功能的控制逻辑,以及利用和操作数据的代码来解决。

    These requirements are addressed through the design and development of UIs , control logic that manages how an application functions , and code that utilizes and manipulates business data .

  29. AlertConfig组件管理应用程序的配置,保留关于要检索的RSS/AtomFeed、要检查的POP电子邮件帐户等等的详细信息。

    The Alert Config component manages the configuration of the application , holding details about the RSS / Atom feeds to retrieve , POP e-mail accounts to check , and more .

  30. 在本例中,管理应用程序通过libvirt工作,以控制本地域。

    In this case , the management application works through libvirt to control the local domains .