
ɡuǎn zhì kōnɡ yù
  • controlled airspace
  1. 空域的扇区规划是指各个国家的空域规划部门将管制空域按照相关文件划分基本管制单位。

    The airspace sector planning is the process that the controlled airspace is divided into basic control units in accordance with the relevant state documents by airspace planning departments .

  2. 基于DSP和GPS定位航空管制空域辅助监测系统浅析

    Assisted airspace monitoring system for air traffic control analysis based on DSP and GPS location

  3. 但是据NPR新闻的大卫·沙佩尔报道,该管制空域并不是马航波音777飞机坠毁的区域。

    But as NPR 's David Schaper explains that restricted airspace is not with the Malaysia Airlines ' Boeing 777 went down .

  4. 不明身份的飞机,你现在位于美军管制空域。

    Unidentified aircraft , you are in restricted US military airspace .

  5. 雷达管制空域信号覆盖评估系统的研究与开发

    Study and Development of System That Anticipate Aviation-communication Overlay on Space of Radar-control

  6. 研究了在危险天气条件下,在雷达管制空域下,计算航空器预达时间的问题。

    Discussing problems of how to forecast ETA ( estimated time of arrival ) in given bad weather conditions of an air-space within the reach of monitoring radars .

  7. 高于地面的指定极限以上的受管制的空域。

    A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth .

  8. 管制员必须熟知其所要管制的空域的各种程序。

    Controllers must be familiar with the procedures of the airspace they want to control .

  9. 本文主要介绍在航空管制工作中飞行空域监测的意义,以及逼近空域的飞行目标到空域距离的计算方法。

    This paper describes the airspace surveillance means in the work of air traffic control and the calculation of the distance between the flight object approaching the airspace and the airspace .

  10. 空中交通管制(ATC)中心系统的效能变化,直接影响到管制员的工作负荷和管制中心所辖空域的交通容量,是ATC系统的关键运行指标。

    The system effectiveness of an air traffic control ( ATC ) center and its variation directly affect the workload of a controller and the capacity of the airspace controlled by the ATC center .