
  • 网络signature;Signature Algorithm;ECDSA;signing algorithm
  1. 最后用文档加密算法实现XML文档加密,按数字签名算法把要加密元素进行加密。

    It has implemented XML encryption with encryption , and got encryption with digital signature algorithm .

  2. 基于DSA型数字签名算法的批验证方案

    Batch Verification Scheme Based on DSA Type Digital Signature Algorithm

  3. 文章还给出了一个采用RSA公钥系统的数字签名算法。

    Later , a signature arithmetic using RSA system is proposed .

  4. DSA签名算法的用户认证系统

    DSA Signature Scheme and User Authentication System for Mobile Communication

  5. 用JAVA实现DSA数字签名算法的密钥对

    The Implement of A Pair of Secret Key of Digital Signature Algorithm by Using Java Programming Language

  6. 基于RSA的数字签名算法及其快速实现

    The Introduction and Fast Implementation of Digital Signature Algorithm Based on RSA

  7. 基于智能卡的RSA数字签名算法

    A RSA Digital Signature Algorithm based on Smart Cards

  8. 数字签名算法MD5的FPGA高速实现

    High speed FPGA implementation of MD5 digital signature algorithm

  9. 阐述椭圆曲线密码体制和椭圆曲线数字签名算法的原理,给出椭圆曲线数字签名软件系统的设计,并用C语言进行实现。

    The method can improve operation speed and reduce operation time effectively over traditional algorithm , and can be used in elliptic curve digital signature algorithm ( ECDSA ) .

  10. 基于DES和ECC混合型数字签名算法研究

    Research on ECC Digital Signature Algorithm Combined with DES

  11. ECC数字签名算法是目前的研究热点之一。

    ECDSA is the research hotspot at present .

  12. 适用于Ad-hoc网络的基于双线性配对的混合门限签名算法。

    An bilinear-pairing based hybrid threshold signature which is used in Ad-hoc net-work .

  13. 当候选Dragon签名算法的参数比较小时,该攻击方法可以恢复私钥。

    When the parameters of the candidate dragon signature algorithm are small enough , the attack can recover the private keys . 2 .

  14. 文章介绍了基于技术的数字签名算法的基本原理,以及CA如何用它达到抗抵赖与防伪的功能,以及为了保证这个算法正常运作所需要的数字证书认证树结构。

    This paper describes the principle of digital signature algorithm based on CA technology , and the certificate authority tree structure to ensure the execution of the digital signature .

  15. 数字签名算法MD5和SHA-1的比较及其AVR优化实现

    The Comparison of MD5 and SHA-1 digital signature algorithms and their Optimum Realization Using AVR

  16. 给出了RSA算法参数选择的方法。同时,研究了安全散列函数SHA的安全性,给出了DSA的签名算法的一个改进算式。

    Meanwhile the paper studied the security performance of security hash function about SHA algorithm , and gave an improved DSA signature algorithm .

  17. 然后,基于RSA签名算法,设计了一个双方不可否认的小公钥RSA加密协议。

    Then , based on the RSA digital signature algorithm , we design an undeniable RSA encryption protocol with small public key for both sides .

  18. 分析表明该数字签名算法TECDSA是有效的。

    Performance analysis shows that the digital signature algorithm T_ECDSA is efficient .

  19. 但GUI工具不能公开那些支持选择证书签名算法的控件,因此默认支持MD5签名。

    The GUI tools do not expose controls that enable selection of the certificate signing algorithm , and they default to MD5 signatures .

  20. 针对Web服务调用的认证需求,以及Web服务协作、服务组合中业务流程含有多个参与者的特点,将多重签名算法引入认证方案,提出基于多重签名的服务调用认证方案。

    Aiming at the needs of web service invocation and the characters of comprising multi-participators in web service collaboration and combination , the multi-signature algorithm is imported into authentication scheme , and a service invocation authentication scheme based on multi-signature is proposed .

  21. 首先探讨了基于杂凑函数(SHA)的数字签名算法DSA的实现,分析了图像DCT变换的频率特性。

    The paper first discusses the implementation of DSA signature algorithm which is based on SHA and analyses the frequency characteristic of image DCT transform and .

  22. 本文还着重在计算负载、安全性和存储量三个方面对RSA和椭圆曲线签名算法进行了比较。

    This article also focuses on the computation load , security , and storage capacity in three areas of the RSA and Elliptic Curve Signature Algorithm are compared .

  23. 它使用默认的签名算法(SHA1和DSA)创建一个带有自我签名的证书,有效期为180天。

    It uses a default signature algorithm , SHA1 with DSA , to create a self-signed certificate valid for180 days .

  24. 在对AES、ECC、椭圆曲线签名算法分析的基础上,引入了组合公钥的思想,提出了一种混合密钥系统。

    This paper introduces the concept of combined public key and put forward a mixed secret key system ( AES . ECC , EC Signature algorithm ) .

  25. XTR体制下基于身份特征的数字签名算法

    Identity Based Digital Signature Algorithm of XTR System

  26. 提出一种可以批验证的多方数字签名算法,此方案的安全性是基于有限域Fp上多项式形式的离散对数。

    This paper presents a batch verifying multi-signature scheme and the security of which is based on the hardness of polynomial discrete logarithm over finite field Fp .

  27. 我们将使用数字签名算法(DSA),该算法支持使用较新的SSH2协议。

    We 'll use the Digital Signature Algorithm ( DSA ), which will enable us to use the newer SSH2 protocol .

  28. 这种攻击并不意味着整个互联网或者SSL安全已经被突破,但的确意味着厂商应该不再用MD5作为签名算法。

    This attack doesn 't mean that all Internet or SSL security has been compromised , but it does mean vendors should move away from using the MD5 signing algorithm .

  29. 通过分析研究,最终实现了所提出的数字水印算法和椭圆曲线数字签名算法(ECDSA)。

    In the end , with the analysis of the arithmetic , implemented the arithmetic of digital watermarking and ECDSA .

  30. 本文对多变量公钥密码的设计与分析进行了研究,取得以下成果:1、用一种代数方法攻击了候选Dragon签名算法。

    This paper investigates the design and analysis of multivariate public key cryptosystem , and the author obtains the following main results : 1 . We present an algebraic method to attack the candidate dragon signature algorithm .