
  • 网络screening test;DDST
  1. 中小学生团体智力筛选测验的修订

    Revision of a Group Intelligence Screening Test for Elementary and Secondary School Pupils

  2. 然而大多数的筛选测验本身会出现一些错误。

    However , brief screening tests bring with them a certain amount of error .

  3. 荷兰塔尔语筛选测验仪在5岁早产儿中的应用

    Validation of a Dutch language screening instrument for 5 - year - old preterm infants

  4. 项目反应理论(itemresponsetheory,IRT)也称潜在特质理论,是一种现代心理测量理论,其意义在于可以指导项目筛选和测验编制。

    Item response theory ( IRT ), also known as latent trait theory , is a modern psychological measurement theory , which can guide the item selection and test preparation .

  5. 病人们被募集来参加非整数倍的筛选,FASTER测验的目的之一是预测当代妊娠中期羊膜穿刺术相关的流产率。

    One of the purposes of the FASTER trial was to calculate the contemporary procedure-related loss rate after midtrimester amniocentesis using patients who were recruited for aneuploidy screening .