
  • 网络the third pole
  1. 就是从那个时候开始,我开始寻找第三极。

    It was from then that I began searching for the Third Pole .

  2. 它远离人烟,被称为“世界第三极”

    It 's so remote that it 's been called the Third Pole .

  3. 上周四,太阳党表示,该党可能与减税日本党(TaxCutJapan,另一个争夺成为第三极势力机会的党派)合并。

    On Thursday , the Sunrise party said it would merge with Tax Cut Japan , another would-be third force contender .

  4. 经济第三极&中国构建全球自贸网络

    The Third Economic Pole , China 's Global FTA Network

  5. 目前维新党正面临来自其他希望成为第三极势力的党派的激烈竞争。

    The restoration party faces fierce competition from other wannabe third forces .

  6. 在第三极点,两千米高的冰川在迅速融化,速度比北极融化的还要快。

    At the Third Pole , 2000 glaciers are melting fast , faster than the Arctic .

  7. 天津滨海新区开发已被列入国家“十一五”重点发展规划,将成为中国经济增长的“第三极”。

    Chinas Speeding up the Development and Opening of Tianjin Binhai New District Influencing Hebei s Economy ;

  8. 由此逻辑推演强调中国艺术文化是人类文化重要的一极:第三极中国艺术文化。

    This logical deduction stresses that Chinese art and culture is an important pole of human culture .

  9. 这对古怪的搭档正在努力成为日本动荡的政坛文化中不可忽视的“第三极”。

    They are the odd couple of Japanese politics trying to create a serious third force in the country 's volatile political culture .

  10. 鸠山把东亚共同体定位为在亚洲与美国和欧盟并驾齐驱的世界第三极。

    Hatoyama locates the East Asian community for the world which keeps pace with in Asia and the US and European Union third extremely .

  11. 天津能否抓住机会,将滨海新区打造成中国经济增长第三极,在很大程度上依赖于金融支持与创新。

    If Tianjin want to make Binhai New Area play the third pole of economic growth in China which is largely dependent on financial support and innovation .

  12. 研究发现硫化氢和苯乙烯通过反应器后能够有效的降解,而在反应器中加入一定质量的粉末活性炭作为第三极的三维电极处理废气的能力比起用二维电极明显增高了很多。

    It was found that H2S and styrene were effectively degraded in the reactor . The removal was much higher using three-dimensional electrode reactor with active carbon than using two-dimensional one .

  13. 该地区海洋总产值和增加值在全国占有举足轻重的地位,环渤海经济圈被誉为引领中国经济发展的第三极。

    The total production of marine industry and increasing value of this area hold the balance in China , the economic circle around Bohai Sea is named the third pole which leads the economic development of China .

  14. 近年来,随着国家发展战略重心北移和新的经济增长点不断涌现,京津冀地区逐渐成为拉动国民经济增长的第三极。

    In recent years , with national strategy moving to the northern area and the new economic points springing up continuously , the Jing-Jin-Ji region has been the third polar that contributes to the development of the national economy .

  15. 特别是自滨海新区被定位为区域经济的第三极、北方经济龙头以来,天津市享受着国家的各项优惠政策,其开发和发展呈现出了积极、乐观的形势。

    Specially , Since the Binhai New Area had been positioned as the " Third pole " in the regional economy , Tianjin enjoys various preferential policies from the government . Its ' development has shown a positive , optimistic situation .

  16. 做实工学结合跟紧滨海新区发展步伐&兼论面对中国第三极战略定位中滨海职业学院高职教育发展对策

    Getting Done with " Combining Work with Study " and Keeping Pace with the Development of Binhai New Area & Also on Countermeasure of the Development of Higher Vocational Education at Binhai Vocational Institute in the strategic orientation of " the third Chinese Economic Grade "

  17. 滨海第三增长极的马达环渤海地区是我国经济增长的第三极。

    The Around Bohai Region is the third pole of economic jack-up in China .