
  1. 我记得我在学校的第七年。

    I remember back to my 7th year in school .

  2. 今年是中国申请量大幅度增加的第七年,Stewart说中国毕业的大学生越来越多。

    This year is the seventh year of big increases in applications from China , where Ms. Stewart points out that more and more students are finishing college .

  3. 在瑞士开创品牌后的第七年,Nespresso在1993年默默地进人了市场。

    Nespresso went into that market quietly in 1993 , seven years after it started in Switzerland .

  4. 而到了第七年,满意度便不超过50%。

    By the seventh year , it 's under 50 percent .

  5. 这也是该公司连续第七年取得创纪录利润。

    This was the seventh consecutive year of record profits .

  6. 这是他们连续第七年获得该奖杯。

    This is the seventh year in succession that they 've won the cup .

  7. 第七年过后,也就是安息年,农民可以继续耕地。

    After the seventh year , i.e.the sabbatical year , farmers can plough field again .

  8. 2005年夏天,在莫里斯扮演新角色的第七年,事情到了紧要关头。

    Things came to a head seven years into her new role , in the summer of2005 .

  9. 厄斯德拉在王当国第七年五月,到了耶路撒冷。

    And they came to Jerusalem in the fifth month , in the seventh year of the king .

  10. 耶户第七年,约阿施登基,在耶路撒冷作王四十年。

    In the seventh year of Jehu Jehoash began to reign ; and forty years reigned he in Jerusalem .

  11. 以下是拿步高掳去的人数:在第七年掳去的犹大人,为数是三千零二十三人。

    This is the people whom Nabuchodonosor carried away captive : in the seventh year , three thousand and twenty-three Jews .

  12. 而此外唯一能做到这一点的现役选手是费德勒,他已经确定了可以连续第七年参加大师杯的比赛。

    The only other active player to achieve that feat is Roger Federer , who has already qualified for his seventh straight trip .

  13. 若你们追问说:到第七年,我们若不能播种,又不能收集我们的出产,我们吃什麽?

    But if you say : What shall we eat the seventh year , if we sow not , nor gather our fruits ?

  14. 这一数字既包括本科生也包括研究生,这已经是这一数字连续第七年增长,也是四年来最快的增长速度。

    The number , which includes undergraduate and graduate students , represents the seventh increase in a row and the steepest rise in four years .

  15. 王第七年五月,以斯拉到了耶路撒冷。1936年11月25日于耶路撒冷

    And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month , which was in the seventh year of the king . Jerusalem , 25 November 1936

  16. 艾斯德尔在薛西斯为王第七年十月即「太贝特」月,被召进王宫。

    So she was brought to the chamber of king Assuerus the tenth month , which is called Tebeth , in the seventh year of his reign .

  17. 2011年,英国音乐总体销量连续第七年下滑,伦敦的很多场馆实际上要求演出方付费演出。

    Music sales overall declined for the seventh successive year in 2011 in Britain , and in London many venues actually ask the acts to pay to perform .

  18. 圣加伦大学在总排名上仍居榜首,这是这家瑞士商学院的战略及国际管理硕士项目连续第七年夺冠。

    The University of St Gallen remains top overall , the seventh consecutive year that the Swiss school 's MA in Strategy and International Management has headed the ranking .

  19. 亚哈随鲁王第七年十月,就是提别月,以斯帖被引入宫见王。

    So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month , which is the month Tebeth , in the seventh year of his reign .

  20. 第七年,地要守圣安息,就是向耶和华守的安息,不可耕种田地,也不可修理葡萄园。

    But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land , a Sabbath for the lord : thou shalt neither sow thy field , nor prune thy vineyard .

  21. 在伊拉克进入战争第七年,他预计这个国家在2011年美军完全撤离时,也是美军进入伊拉克9年之后,将取得长足的进展。

    As Iraq enters its seventh year of war , he predicted the country will emerge much better off by the time U.S. troops finish their scheduled withdrawal at the end of 2011 , nearly nine years after they arrived .

  22. 亚达薛西王第七年,以色列人,祭司,利未人,歌唱的,守门的,尼提宁,有上耶路撒冷的。

    And there went up some of the children of Israel , and of the priests , and the Levites , and the singers , and the porters , and the Nethinims , unto Jerusalem , in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king .

  23. 这是中央连续第七年以三农为主体发布一号文件,体现了三农问题在中国社会主义现代化建设过程中重中之重的地位。

    It has been the " central first document " issued for seven consecutive years , which focused on the " Three rural issues ", and emphasized the most important status of " Three rural issues " in the period of socialist modernization in China .

  24. 中国人力资源管理教学与实践研究会第七届年会暨学术研讨会综述

    Reviews on the 7th Annual Conference of China ' Association of Human Resource Management Teaching and Practicing

  25. 当代小说在当代生活中的位置&中国小说学会第七届年会综述

    The Position of Modern Fiction in Modern Life & A Summary of the 7th Annual Conference of China Fiction Institute

  26. 中国音乐史学会第七届年会暨中国音乐史教学研讨会在福州举行

    Report of the 7th Annual Meeting of Chinese Music History Association and the Symposium on Chinese Music History Teaching and Learning

  27. 我刚刚进入我的第七个十年,不知道自己是怎么来到这里的。

    I just entered my seventh decade and don 't know how I got here .

  28. 作为一个成熟的机构,世卫组织在进入第七个10年时充分认识到面临的挑战,但却满怀乐观主义精神,这也是本组织自创建以来一直具有的特征。

    As a mature institution , WHO enters its seventh decade fully aware of the challenges , yet bolstered by the optimism that has characterized this Organization since its inception .

  29. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国航空公司81岁的空姐贝特·纳什,已经踏入了她飞行工作的第七个10年,于日前庆祝了自己在空中飞过了60年。

    American Airlines flight attendant Bette Nash , 81 , has entered her seventh decade in the clouds , celebrating a remarkable 60th year in the profession , The Washington Post reported .

  30. 目前的第七次大流行1961年始于南亚,1971年波及非洲,1991年殃及美洲。

    The current ( seventh ) pandemic started in South Asia in1961 , and reached Africa in1971 and the Americas in1991 .