
  • 网络The first line of Defense
  1. 类装载器是JAVA安全体系的第一道防线,它负责将类解密后装入Java虚拟机;

    Class loader is the first line of defense in Java secure architecture . It is responsible for deciphering class files and uploading into Java Virtual Machine ;

  2. NK细胞在肿瘤免疫中形成第一道防线,其在白血病免疫治疗中的作用备受关注。

    NK cells form the first line of defense in tumor immune , and is got the attention in leukemia immunotherapy .

  3. 抗御微生物进入体内的第一道防线是皮肤。

    The first protector against the entry of microorganisms is the integument .

  4. HCV经胎盘感染胎儿必须首先突破胎盘屏障的第一道防线&滋养层细胞。

    The trophoblast is the first line of defence of HCV transmitting to foetus .

  5. imf正确地指出,预防金融不稳定的第一道防线始终应当是更为传统的宏观经济工具。

    As the IMF rightly argues , the first line of defence against financial instability should always be more conventional macroeconomic tools .

  6. 人民调解是一项重要的ADR制度,该制度利用基层民间自治机制解决纠纷,成为化解矛盾、稳定社会的第一道防线。

    As an important ADR system , nongovernmental mediation system is the first defending line of making use of nongovernmental autonomous mechanism to settle disputes and stabilize society .

  7. 自然杀伤(NK)细胞是机体天然免疫的主要免疫细胞,是机体抗肿瘤的第一道防线。

    Natural killer ( NK ) cells is a subset of lymphocytes that mainly participate in innate immunity , and also play a key role in the antitumor immune responses .

  8. 因为DMZ是防范潜在入侵者的第一道防线,所以必须特别注意加强此服务器。

    Since a DMZ is the front line defense against potential intruders , special care must be taken to harden this server .

  9. 干扰素(Interferon,IFN)是动物机体感染病毒或接种疫苗后产生的一类具有抗病毒和免疫调节功能的蛋白质,是动物抵御病毒入侵的第一道防线。

    Interferon are cytokines that function as antiviral factors and immune regulators , which are naturally produced by the immune system of mammal immediately following viral infection or viral vaccination . The interferon system is the first frontier of defense against viral infection in mammals .

  10. 这是因为VP35蛋白干扰了宿主的固有免疫途径&这是抵抗病原的第一道防线,他还说。

    This is because the VP35 protein interferes with the host 's innate immune pathways that form the first line of defense against pathogens , he said .

  11. 此外,其他一些研究发现,人的粘膜系统(口腔、鼻腔和眼睛中的湿润部位)会产生一种叫做“分泌型免疫球蛋白A”(SIgA)的物质,这是躯体抵御感冒和流感等病原体的第一道防线。

    In addition , other research has found that mucosal systems - the moist bits in the mouth , nose and eyes - produce a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A ( SIgA ) , which is the body 's first line of defence against pathogens such as colds and the flu .

  12. 出错消息是作为开发人员的第一道防线。

    Error messages are your first line of defense as a developer .

  13. 但持有通货是他们的第一道防线。

    But money holdings are their first line of defence .

  14. 是防御疾病的第一道防线。

    It is the first line of defense against disease .

  15. 市场准入监管是对其监管的第一道防线。

    Market access control is the first defense line of the supervision .

  16. 韩国是首先对埃博拉病毒设置了第一道防线。

    South Korea 's first line of defense is prevention .

  17. 身份认证是网络信息安全的第一道防线。

    Identity authentication is the first defendant line of network information security .

  18. 传统上,网络用户一般采用防火墙作为安全的第一道防线。

    Traditionally , users usually adopt Firewall as their first line of defence .

  19. 第一道防线仍然是货币政策。

    The first line of defence remains monetary policy .

  20. 一般来说,货币政策是应对宏观经济冲击的第一道防线。

    Monetary policy is typically the first line of defence against macroeconomic shocks .

  21. 但作为安全领域的第一道防线,杀毒软件的作用仍然十分重要。

    But anti-virus protection remains important as a first line of defense against threats .

  22. 天然免疫是机体防御病原体感染的第一道防线。

    Innate immune response is the front line of host defence over pathogen infection .

  23. 利用边界路由器构筑校园网络安全第一道防线

    Utilizing the border router to construct the first defence for security of campus network

  24. 继电保护是保障电网安全运行的第一道防线。

    The relay protection is the first defense line of power grid safe operation .

  25. 第一道防线是防火墙。

    The first line is the firewall .

  26. 天然免疫系统是多细胞动物抵御微生物感染的第一道防线。

    The innate immune system is the first defense against the microorganisms in all metazoans .

  27. 细胞抗病毒天然免疫是机体抵御病毒入侵的第一道防线,具有反应快速、普遍性、多样性等特点。

    Cellular antiviral innate immunity is the first line of host defense against invading viruses .

  28. 防止市场滥用的第一道防线是知道市场里在发生什么。

    The first safeguard against market abuse is to know what goes on in the market .

  29. 这尤其涉及到你的消化系统,特别是是第一道防线。

    This is in particular your digestive system which is the first in line of sight .

  30. 加强调解能力建设筑牢维护和谐稳定的第一道防线

    Reinforcing the Construction of Medication Abilities to Strengthen the First Defense Work of Harmony and Stability