
  • 网络specialized cell
  1. 干细胞是机体内产生特化细胞的“主细胞”。

    Stem cells are the " master cells " that produce each of the specialized cells within the human body .

  2. 成年干细胞可以再生,而且可以转化成不同种类的特化细胞来帮助肌体修复自身。

    Adult stem cells can regenerate and turn into different types of specialized cells to help the body heal itself .

  3. 迄今为止,科学家一直认为再生医学必须要有干细胞即未充分分化或尚不成熟的细胞,能被定向发展成特化细胞。

    Until now scientists have assumed regenerative medicine would require stem cells primitive or immature cells that can be directed to develop into specialised cells .

  4. 他解释说,当科学家提取干细胞并将其转化为特化细胞时,所做的就是改变某些转录因子的水平。

    When scientists take stem cells and turn them into specialized cells , they do so by changing the levels of a few transcription factors , he explained .

  5. 木质部是由木薄壁细胞、木纤维和管状分子(trachearyelement,TE)组成的,管状分子TE是一种高度特化的细胞。

    Xylem is constructed by xylem parenchyma , xylon and tracheary element ( TE ) which is a kind of cell of specialization .

  6. 植物肌动蛋白(actin)骨架在高度特化的细胞如花粉管、根毛、纤维等的发育及形态建成中起重要作用。

    Actin cytoskeleton is critical for the development and morphogenesis in plant cells such as pollen tubes , root hairs and fiber cells .

  7. 结论SARSCOV不仅能够感染心肌细胞,而且可感染心脏传导系统中的特化心肌细胞,可引起心脏轻度病毒性心肌炎性改变。

    Conclusions The results showed that SARS-CoV could invade not only cardiomyocytes , but also the specialized cells of heart conduction system , thus resulting in mild viral myocarditis-like pathological changes .

  8. 构成雄蕊毛的细胞是一特化的细胞。

    Cells of the stamen hair are specialized cells .

  9. 保卫细胞是一种高度特化的细胞,在叶片表面形成气孔。

    Guard cells are highly specialized cells , forming tiny pores called stomata on leaf surface .

  10. 纤毛虫是一类低等的单细胞真核生物,它的许多功能由细胞内特化的细胞器来完成,各细胞器之间通过囊泡转运进行物质交换。

    Ciliate , a unicellular protozoa and low eukaryotes in evolution , has perfect vesicular trafficking system among organelles .

  11. 许多单细胞生物的防御机制,在多细胞生物的所有细胞中保留下来,而其他机制仅存在于特化的细胞。

    Many protective mechanisms of unicellular organisms were preserved in all cells of multi-cellular organisms , whereas others were preserved only in specialized cells .

  12. 这个过程受滋养层细胞的介导,滋养层细胞是一群特化的细胞,起源于滋养外胚层,它包围着囊胚腔以及内细胞团[1]。

    This process can be mediated through trophoblastic cell which originated in trophectoderm ; the blastocyst cavity surrounded it and the inner cell mass [ 1 ] .

  13. 植物组织细胞壁结构和成分的特化是细胞长期进化过程中与功能相适应的结果。

    The specilization of cell 's structure and ingredient in the mature tissue is the result of cells adaptability to their functions in a long period of evolution .

  14. 看起来视网膜中这些特化的细胞能够检测到光线,然后把光信息传送到大脑中调节睡眠和觉醒水平的区域。

    It seems that these specialised cells in the retina detect light and send brightness information to those regions of the brain that regulate sleep and levels of arousal .

  15. 在小鼠和人类在皮肤基底层的细胞层含有干细胞,可以发展成为在上面层的特化的细胞。

    In both mice and humans , a layer of cells at the base of the skin contains stem cells that can develop into the specialised cells in the layers above .

  16. 动物的精子和卵子是两类结构和功能均十分特化的细胞,其膜表面存在着多种凝集素受体,它们在精卵识别与融合中起着重要作用。

    The gamete is greatly specialized in the structure and function , and there are many kinds of agglutinin receptors in the plasma membrane , former studies indicated that the receptors may be associated with their roles in ovum recognition and fusion .

  17. 有些研究组织正在试图将干细胞——一种未特化的细胞,它可以特化出其它类型细胞——培育成为毛细胞。方法是将它们从身体的其它部位移植,或者促使内耳里自然生长的干细胞发生转变,特化为毛细胞。

    Some research groups are attempting to get stem cells -- undifferentiated cells that can develop into various specialized cells -- to turn into hair cells , either by transplanting them from other parts of the body , or by stimulating stem cells naturally occurring in the inner ear to transform themselves .

  18. 该研究定位黄鳝Hox基因将有助于挖掘黄鳝染色体的来源和进化特征,并为基因组复制进化理论提供黄鳝这一特化物种的细胞遗传学证据。

    The chromosomal localization of rice field eel Hox genes will help us to discover the origin and evolution of rice field eel chromosomes , and provide cellular genetic proves of this special species to support the evolution theory of genome duplication .

  19. 植物表皮毛是一种特化的单细胞表皮结构。

    Plant trichome is a specialized unicellular structure that develops on surface of organs .

  20. 特化的平滑肌细胞聚集于小动脉和小静脉间称为血管球。

    Specialized aggregates of smooth muscle cells found between arterioles and venules are called glomus bodies .

  21. 表皮毛是特化的植物表皮细胞,在拟南芥中表皮毛通常分布在叶、茎、花萼上,它是植物体抵御外界侵害的第一道屏障。

    Trichomes are specialized epidermal cells , which are normally present on the leaves , stems , and sepals of Arabidopsis .

  22. 在茎和叶柄上,粘液毛发生于某些特化的小型表皮细胞上,花柄表皮上有无特化的细胞,尚未确定。

    In stems and petioles , slime hairs were found on certain specialized smaller epidermal cells only , which are uncertain on pedicels .

  23. 结论:①人胚胎发育的第3周末,前肠腹侧的部分内胚层细胞特化为肝干细胞。

    CONCLUSION : ① It was at the end of 3rd week that part of endoderm cells in foregut ventral were specialized to hepatic stem cells .

  24. 结果表明,茄子的花柱类型为开放型花柱,花柱结构中具有较宽的花柱道,在花柱道的周围是一层特化的内表皮细胞,花粉管沿花柱道表面生长。

    The experimental results showed that : The style of eggplant was open and had a wide style Road , around that were layer of specialist within epidermal cells , and pollen tube grew along its surface .