
měi rónɡ shǒu shù
  • cosmetic surgery
  1. 悄然兴起的美容手术感觉象B级片,人们开始不寻常了。

    The silent rise of cosmetic surgery feels like a B-movie in which everyone starts out normal .

  2. CO2激光切割与气化在美容手术中的应用

    Application of CO2 laser excision and vaporization in cosmetic surgery

  3. 美容手术与CO2激光治疗睑黄瘤对比研究

    Comparative study on cosmetology and co_2 laser of therapeutic effects for xanthelasma

  4. ChannelV和MTV的很多主持人看上去好像是混血儿,这是因为他们通过外科美容手术改变了面容。

    Many of the VJs on Channel V and MTV look racially mixed only because they have had plastic surgery to change their features .

  5. 结果整形美容手术患者SAS均分值及阳性率均明显高于普通门诊手术患者(P<0.01);

    Results The average score and positive rate of SAS of patients with orthopedics was higher than those of patients with ordinary outpatient operation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 在很多城市,你可能会看到大量关于SPA和美容手术的业务,这就意味着高消费的女性顾客是团扣网当地最大的买方群体。

    In most cities , you 're likely to spot lots of deals for spas and cosmetic surgery , which hints at the upscale female customers who constitute Groupon 's biggest buyers .

  7. 英国科学家称那些前往印度和巴基斯坦进行治疗的病人,例如一些美容手术的病人在回国的时候携带了一些会产生NDM-1酶的细菌。

    Scientists say patients who went to India and Pakistan for treatments such as cosmetic surgery have come back with bacteria that make NDM-1 enzyme .

  8. 依据以往国内外相关文献,特别参考Sarwer(1998)提出的体像与整容模型编制预访谈提纲,据此对10名已经做过美容手术的受术者进行访谈。

    Based on relevant studies in foreign and domestic field , especially the model of body-image and cosmetic surgery proposed by Sarwer ( 1998 ), the researcher has made an outline to make an interview with ten persons who have gone surgeries .

  9. 显微外科技术在整形美容手术中的应用进展

    Advances in Microsurgery Techonology in the Cosmetology and Plastic Surgical Operation

  10. 并对行综合外鼻部美容手术的32例患者进行分析。

    And we reviewed the 32 patients accepted total nasal aesthetic operation .

  11. 美化鼻子的美容手术。

    Cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your nose .

  12. 鼻尖部整形美容手术探讨和相关解剖学研究

    Exploration of aesthetic surgery procedure to nose tip and related anatomic study

  13. 目的:探讨眉修复及美容手术的适应证及技巧。

    Objective To discuss the indications and surgical skills of eyebrow anaplasty .

  14. 你认识做过美容手术的人吗?

    Do you know anyone who has had cosmetic surgery ?

  15. 你知道美容手术的最新时尚是什么吗?

    Do you know what the latest fad in cosmetic surgery is ?

  16. 综合外鼻美容手术的美学设计与探讨

    Comprehensive design and explore of total nasal aesthetic operation

  17. 整形美容手术患者心理特征与护理干预

    Psychological traits and nursing intervention of patients with orthopedics

  18. 她的鼻子做了美容手术,使它变得挺一些。

    She had plastic surgery on her nose , to make it straighter .

  19. 肿胀局麻在头面部美容手术中的应用

    Applying local swelling anesthesia to craniofacial cosmetic operations

  20. 眉修改美容手术的临床观察

    Clinical observation on the results in eyebrow anaplasty

  21. 目的了解整形美容手术患者心理特征及其影响因素。

    Objective To explore the psychological traits and related factors of patients with orthopedics .

  22. 而美容手术的增长幅度也确实比其他医疗保健项目要大得多。

    The growth in cosmetic procedures outstrips virtually every other area of health care .

  23. 高频电刀在整形美容手术中安全使用的探讨

    Research about safe application of the high electric knife in the plastic and cosmetic surgical

  24. 眼睑及眶周整形美容手术导致视力下降或失明&10例典型病例分析

    Hypopsia and blindness due to plastic and aesthetic surgery in the eyelid and periorbital region

  25. 整形美容手术的麻醉体会

    Understanding of anesthesia in plastic beauty culture

  26. 当然总有些人会打破常规。她们也承认做过美容手术。

    Occasionally someone does break rank , and admits to having had treatments-in the past .

  27. 目的探讨对中老年人群美容手术过程中的心理护理。

    Objective To investigate the psychological nursing for the middle and old age received cosmetic operation .

  28. 这种倾向能导致一些人做极端而且频繁的美容手术,甚至导致一些人自杀。

    Such tendencies can lead some people to extreme and frequent plastic surgeries and even suicide .

  29. 失败美容手术的教训

    Lessons of failed aesthetic operation Defeat

  30. 筋膜皮瓣及筋膜瓣在整形美容手术中的应用

    The application of the fascia flap and fascia skin flap in the plastic and cosmetic operations