
  • 网络signum function;SGN;Sign;Sign function;Symbolic function
  1. 根据模糊推理估计集成不确定边界,利用双曲正切函数代替符号函数实现软切换连续控制。

    The integration uncertain border value is estimated by fuzzy inference and the soft switch control is accomplished by tanh ( x ) function replacing sgn ( x ) .

  2. 文中提出了一个基于N阶收敛的通用迭代格式来求取矩阵符号函数并给出证明。

    The universal iterative scheme based on order N convergency is advanced with a strict proof .

  3. 一种计算传递矩阵H∞范数的快速方法&矩阵广义符号函数法

    A Fast Algorithm of Computing H_ ∞ Norm of Transfer Function Matrix via Matrix Generalized Sign Function

  4. 关于不具符号函数条件的Liénard方程

    On the Li é nard Equation Without the Signum Condition

  5. 基于矩阵符号函数求解代数Riccati方程的ANN方法

    The ANN Method for Solving Algebraic Riccati Equations Based on the Matrix Sign Function

  6. 如前所述,并非所有JavaScript框架都使用单美元符号函数选取DOM元素。

    As mentioned earlier , not all JavaScript frameworks use the dollar function for DOM element selection .

  7. 解离散时间代数Riccati方程的符号函数法

    A Sign Function Method for Discrete Time Algebraic Riccati Equation

  8. 一种求解Riccati代数方程的新方法&矩阵符号函数法

    Solving Riccati 's Algebraic Equation by Matrix Sign Function Method

  9. 求解对偶Riccati方程的矩阵符号函数法

    Solving Dual Riccati Equations by Matrix Sign Function Iteration

  10. 第五章研究了一类脉冲时滞双曲方程组,利用符号函数,特征函数,Green公式等有力工具将其解振动与否转化到讨论一类脉冲微分不等式是否有最终正负解来研究。

    In the last chapter , oscillations of a system of hyperbolic equations are deduced from the corresponding properties of an ordinary differential inequalities by using eigen function and Green formula , etc.

  11. PARI是快速运行的符号函数C语言库,用于因素分解、代数数论、椭圆曲线、矩阵和超越函数。

    PARI is a fast-running C library of symbolic functions for factorization , algebraic number theory , elliptic curves , matrices , and transcendental functions .

  12. 为了有效抑制滑模控制的chattering,将控制律中的符号函数改为饱和函数。

    In order to reduce the chatting in sliding model control , sign function is replaced by saturation function in control law .

  13. 该方法与LBP相比,不但降低了特征向量的维数,而且将中心像素点的作用考虑在内,同时改写了符号函数提高了抗噪性。

    Compared with LBP , CBP , which considers the center pixel , reduces the feature dimensions and changes the sign function .

  14. 与jQuery中使用美元符号函数获取上下文变量不同的是,在Prototype中需要使用Event.element()函数。

    Unlike jQuery , where you simply use the dollar function to get the context variable , in Prototype you need to use the Event . element () function .

  15. 得到Toeplitz算子的有界性与符号函数相关数列有界性等价,紧性与这个数列收敛到0等价。并用这个数列表出了Toeplitz算子的点谱和谱。

    Equivalence conditions of boundedness , compactness of Toeplitz operators are obtained , and spectra of Toeplitz operators is computed .

  16. Z&零泛器(nullor)网络的信号流图及符号函数

    Signal flowgraph and symbolic function of z-nullor networks

  17. 同时,模糊控制代替滑模控制符号函数,使模糊滑模控制大大减轻了单独采取滑模控制方法所出现的抖振现象。最后,利用MATLAB工具对风力发电系统进行仿真。

    At the same time , the fuzzy sliding mode control method greatly reduce the buffeting phenomenon which appears to take the sliding mode control method alone . Finally , MATLAB toolbox has been used to do simulation in wind power generation system .

  18. 改进了LBP算法中的符号函数,提出了一种将图像由粗略到精细,局部结合整体的直方图提取方法,能有效包含表情的纹理信息。

    Improve the sign function in LBP algorithm , and propose a method that disposes the image from coarse to fine , and combines with the local and overall histogram .

  19. 在本例中,可以使用美元符号函数找到ID为row-002的元素,然后向下遍历DOM,直到找到下一个后代a(锚点)元素。

    In this instance , you are using the dollar function to find the element with ID row-002 , and traversing down the DOM to the second next descendent a ( anchor ) element .

  20. 这将返回一个包含文档中的所有图片的数组,其中每一个图片都使用单美元符号函数进行扩展,以包含MooTools实用函数。

    This returns an array of all images in the document , each extended by the dollar function to include MooTools utility functions .

  21. 为了降低算法的计算复杂性,将符号函数引进EASI算法中,产生了新的S-EASI算法。

    In order to reduce computation complexity , sign function was applied to EASI algorithm to form a new algorithm , namely S-EASI .

  22. 把这一曲线的曲率符号函数写为Bernstein多项式形式,并利用Bernstein多项式的非负性条件,得到形状参数的合适取值来保证样条曲线对插值点列的保凸性。

    By converting the curvature sign function of the interpolating curve into Bernstein polynomial , the nonnegativity conditions of Bernstein polynomial can be used to obtain the appropriate value of the shape parameter satisfying the convexity-preserving property of the constructed curve .

  23. 本文讨论了Riccati和Lyapunov矩阵代数方程解的矩阵符号函数算法,证明了牛顿迭代公式对矩阵符号函数的收敛性。

    In this paper , a discussion is devoted to an algorithm for solving the Riccati and Lyapunov matrix algebraic equations via matrix sign function , and a Proof is given to the Convergence of Newton iteration and accelerated Newton iteration to matrix sign function .

  24. 在此基础上,编写出求Z-nullor网络的符号函数程序NSNAP,并已上机运行通过。

    On this basis , a new computer program is compiled to find symbolic functions of networks with nullors and run on an IBM-PC.

  25. 本文给出用符号函数法求解高阶径向磁力轴承控制系统(16阶)的RICCATI代数矩阵方程的方法,分析影响解精度的因素,最后给出仿真结果。

    This paper puts forward a sign function method to solve the Riccati equations of active magnetic bearings control system with high - order ( 16 orders ) . It also analyzes the factors of affecting accuracy of solution and gives the results of simulation at last .

  26. 环境承载力评价的符号函数极值法研究

    Study on Environmental Carrying Capacity by Symbolic Function Extreme Value Method

  27. 带有绝对值符号函数的不定积分

    Indefinite Integral of Function with the Symbol of Absolute Value

  28. 基于符号函数的自适应遗传算法的研究与应用

    Research and application adaptive genetic algorithm based on sign function

  29. 符号函数与不等式的证明

    The Sign Function and Its Application in Proving Inequalities

  30. 提出了一种运用符号函数对电力网络进行快速计算的全新方法。

    New method of power network topology analysis based on ComGIS and spatial database ;