
  1. 波杰特不得不裁汰雇员,并且和那些逃离构筑规模、转投水管疏浚行业的新竞争对手夺取买卖。

    He has been forced to reduce staff and is battling new competition from other plumbers fleeing the construction industry .

  2. 以竞争残酷的汽车买卖标准衡量,这钱来得毫不费力。

    This is easy money by the standards of the brutally competitive car business .

  3. 那些已经参与竞争这笔合算的买卖的私人公司,也可以在这个基础之上提供贷款并收数贷款。

    The loans would then be serviced and collected by private companies that are already competing for this lucrative business .