- 名constitutional movement

The Meaning and Significance of the Massachusetts Constitutional Movement during the Revolutionary Period
The Chinese Students in Japan and the Constitutional Movement in the End of Qing Dynasty
Explanation of Jilin Constitutional Movement
The movement of petition to congress in the late Qing Dynasty was the constitutional movement led by them most intense and influential .
In late 19 th and early 20 th century , Shandong Consultation Bureau came into being when the Qing Government prepared the constitution movement .
It mainly introduces the Eastern Miscellanies ' foundation early stage manager and chief editor early stage political tendency and the analysis of the rise of constitutional moverment .
Constitutional annals is a constitutional journal which was established by the preparatory Council for constitutionalism during the peak of the constitutional movements in the last years of Qing dynasty .
At the end of Qing Dynasty , the prison career which had been neglected for a long time was been put in the planning program of New Deal and Constitutionalism , so the prison reformation began .
From December 1909 to March 1913 , he published a lot of political essays in Empire daily , Mili daily and Independent Weeks , introduced western political theory and guided the domestic Constitution Movement and Republic Revolution .
The Provincial Assembly , as the important foundation of the local parliamentary system in the modern China , was the product of the constitutional movement in the late Qing Dynasty , and played a significant role on the political stage of that age .
Since Qing Government declared to prepare constitutionalism in 1906 , the movement of judicial independence and the revision of civil procedure law began to accelerate .