
  • 网络public emergency;emergent public events;outburst of public eventuality
  1. GIS在突发公共事件中的应用

    Application of GIS in Public Emergency Reaction

  2. 突发公共事件紧急医疗救援体系运行模式探讨

    Operating pattern of exigent medical succor system in dealing with public emergency

  3. GIS在城市突发公共事件应急指挥系统的应用研究

    The Applications of GIS Technique in Urban Public Emergency Command System

  4. 从9.11到甲型H1N1病毒流感,世界的紧密联系除了表现在经济上,在突发公共事件领域也逐步凸显出来。

    From 9.11 to Influenza A H1N1 influenza virus , the world close ties apart from showing that the economy , in the field of public emergencies also gradually becoming prominent .

  5. 应对突发公共事件的刑法适用与完善新型光突发自适应控制协议INIA

    Criminal Law s Application and Perfection of Dealing with the Paroxysmal Public Events ; A New Adaptive Optical Burst Signaling Scheme INIA

  6. 第四部分,国外城市突发公共事件应急管理经验借鉴。

    The fourth part , foreign cities Public Emergency Management Experience .

  7. 突发公共事件应急机制:美国的经验及其启示

    Emergency Management : American 's Experience and Its Inspiration to China

  8. 略论突发公共事件应急管理的法制化

    Discussion on the Legalization of Crisis Management of Emergency Public Affairs

  9. 城市突发公共事件大规模人员撤离方案研究

    Research on Scheme of Large-scale Evacuation in the City Public Emergencies

  10. 突发公共事件临战处置机制研究

    On the mechanism of dealing with the public sudden occurrences

  11. 小城镇突发公共事件应急决策系统的研究

    Study on Decision-making System of Unexpected Public Emergency Events in Small Towns

  12. 突发公共事件管理离不开广泛的社会沟通。

    Public administration can not exist without widespread social communication .

  13. 突发公共事件中公益募捐的法律问题研究

    The Problem of Law on Charitable Donation during Public Emergency

  14. 突发公共事件预警机制的体系构建

    Systematic Construction of Forewarning Mechanism for Sudden Social Incidents

  15. 因此着重介绍了美国和日本的突发公共事件信息公开制度。

    Therefore the systems of the United States and Japan are introduced specially .

  16. 电力突发公共事件应急联合演练项目的策划与实施

    The Planning and Implementation for the Project of Power Public Emergency Full-scale Exercise

  17. 高速公路突发公共事件危急处理系统构建

    A Discussion on Constructing the System of Handling Public Emergency Crisis on Highways

  18. 国家在突发公共事件应对法律体系的建立与完善正处于不断深入的过程中。

    The Country is setting up and perfecting the legal system of handing emergencies .

  19. 对提高我国应对突发公共事件能力的思考

    Reflections on Improvement Our Response Capacity of Emergency

  20. 自2003年非典爆发以来,突发公共事件频繁发生,突发事件的有效管理至关重要。

    Since the 2003 SARS outbreak , it is critical to manage public emergencies effectively .

  21. 转型期北京城市突发公共事件的基本形态解析

    Analysis on the Basic Category of Beijing 's Public Emergency in the Process of Transformation

  22. 建立突发公共事件预警应急与对策分析系统;

    The establishment arises suddenly the public event to forewarn emergency and the countermeasure analysis system ;

  23. 突发公共事件分析

    Analysis on abrupt and public affairs

  24. 安徽省突发公共事件后公众心理卫生状况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Mental Health State of Public after Emergent Public Events in Anhui Province

  25. 基于信息熵评价决策模型的突发公共事件应急处置指挥方案优选

    Optimization of Public Emergency Disposal Schemes Based on the Evaluation and Decision Model of Information Entropy

  26. 第一,健全协调机制,完善突发公共事件处置的基本原则。

    Firstly , make the coordinate mechanism complete , perfect the disciplines of public emergency management .

  27. 城市突发公共事件风险评估模型分一般数学模型和风险评估常见模型两类。

    It includes two kinds of models named general model and common risk assessment mathematical model .

  28. 突发公共事件干部问责与纠错机制的构建与运行

    The Establishment and Function in Cadre 's Responsibility Asking And Mistakes Correction in the Emergency Public Events

  29. 突发公共事件分类、分级与分期:应急体制的管理基础

    Classification of types , levels and stages for emergencies : managerial foundation of government emergency response system

  30. 因此,在突发公共事件的应急管理中,有必要按照相互增权的方式调整中央和地方府际关系。

    Therefore , it is necessary to adjust the governments relation through mutual empowerment in crisis management .